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Show OUTRAGED NEGRO KILLS HIS PASTOR iJenver, Ang.. 29. Itev. A. S. Ed-wjurds, Ed-wjurds, pastor of tho Central Baptist church, rolored, was shot and killed tonight by .1. J. Manuel, colored, and "a member of his church, after Edwards Ed-wards had gono to Manuel's home and confessed to relations with Manuel's Man-uel's wife. Edwards' confession was forced up. on him by Ills own wife after ho had admitted to her Indiscretions with women In his own church. Mrs. Edwards Ed-wards compelled tho preacher to go with her to Manuel's home, 4235 Decatur De-catur street, where tho woman told Manuel the story. Manuel asked Edwards Ed-wards to ropeat It. EdwardB did so, thenManuel oxclnlmed, "Walt till I got my gun." Hut Edwards did not wait. Ho returned re-turned to his own home, whoro Manuel Man-uel followed him and shot him six times, four tlmerf In the head and one near tho heart. Edwards came to Denver from I,oul-iMillo. I,oul-iMillo. Ky |