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Show PITIFUL CASE OF I MAN AND WIFE! FRISONER PASSES OUT FOOD TO STARVING WIFE l.awivncebiiig. Ind, Aug. HO. I.ouls A. Weiss, 2S years old, a prisoner In the county jail on a charge of petty liiiccny, was cnught yesterday passing a bundle (ontainlng food to his wife Weisj has been In jail seveial weeks and his wife has been a daily visitor. The jailer noticed they seemed de-olul de-olul and began to take notice of tho visits. When ho caught Weiss passing her the bundle ho examined it and found It contained the food allowed Weiss bj tho county. Wolss acknowledged with ifductauce that he had been giving giv-ing his allowaure to his wife every day to keep her from starving. Uelns was chaiged with stealing n pair of loaded dice from a saloon keep-or. keep-or. He was being hold as a witness against tho saloon keeper. Prosecutor nusRO when he heard of tho jail incident in-cident ordered Weiss released and pro cured work. for hint. |