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Show INTERURBAN LINE THROUGH CACHE VALLEY NORTH A CERTAINTY At n meeting of the Hoard of Com-ty Com-ty Commissioners held yesterday afternoon af-ternoon the Electric railway franchise fran-chise granted to Leo Nellson one J ear ago. was revoked, on account ot failure on the pait of tho grantee to IIm- up to the terms of the contract. .Messrs A. YV. Shaw of Chicago, with W. I'. Funk nnd M. J. Gollghtly, both of Salt Lake City, appeared before the board and made application for a franchise to construct an lntcrurbnn railroad In the county and operate cm s thereon, propelled liy electricity or gasoline engines. The specllfcd rr.ads and highways to bo tiaversed Mc- ins same as tliimo set forth In tho Nellson franchise. Tlio finiii-hisc was granted under the stilvk conditions that actual run vMructlim work be commenced within slxt'y dus from date, and that at least ton miles of track be constructed construct-ed and iiprinteil every year until the work Is completed. .In an interview Mr. Shaw said, "The gunning of this franchise ushuips a-road through the entire valley nnd will undoubtedly be the means of electrically tonurctlng Cucho Valley points with Ogden and Salt Lake City In tho very near future." ,n According to other statements of the applicants Oneida county, Idaho, will be asked for n franchise' in the m?ar future, so that the road can hi intended on noith to Preston, Ida. v. i. |