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Show By TELEGRAPH. Atlantic hj , thP JimcTt" "To T. E. SickeU, Gen. Supt. U. the l R.R. tlo which has affected his eyes. Dnring the ate campaign he made over 300 speeches na traveled nearly L'0,000 miles. His hysicians now order a cessation of all work, and rest and relaxation darinsr 00the summer. HAVE OPENED IN LOGAN & OGDEN, BRANCHES OF OUR WAGON Trovidence, It. I., 31. A glove fight between a man named WE and MACHINE DEPARTMENT, so that the people of the Northern Calkins and another named Kenna, both Counties can purchase without coming to Salt Lake City. of New York, took plase at Cranstons, esterday. The tight resulted victorious & for the former. fupplif il to tliMi Milnt ax Mng tlia best, after much utility anl experience, and kuuw that I'urchit'.'M Emporia, Ks., 31. Freshets in this vicinity are increas can tvy ou thin Tecuitimendatiou. ing and becoming more damaging. The Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railroad ave not run any trains on the Northern Division since Sunday. The Atchuon, opeka and feanta i e 11. R. is blocked for five miles west of this place. Reports from Junction, Cottonwood and Neosho Rivers statu the country is submerged. Railroad travelling is impossible. Much oss is sustained by the railroads and Z. O. M. I. Dear Sir: Proceed without completeflie plans for the depot at Omaha in accordance with our contract with the city of Omaha, and with the suggestions we have made to you as to the capacity and extent of accommodations. The question as to the location of our Release principal offices at Omaha, and as to the construction of the depot there, have oeen determined, and the location will not b changed. Signed, ! "Horace F. Clark, "Prest. U. P. R. R. Co " Troy, 31. 5300,000 worth of bonds stol en from the Waterford Bank have been returned y toe thieves, who have received thir per cent, for their trouble. Walnut Ridge, Ark., 81. During a difficulty Ben. Porter drew his pistol on Mr. Curry, who snatched it The t and pointed it at Porter, when the pis- settlers. MACHINES SULKY H.iKIlS. tol went off and killed him. Curry was Washington, 31. arrested and acquitted. Patrick Marshall, an English joui-ualThe (VM.mM TIf OMAN KMOOTIIIMJ IIAltROW. warrant.-.- to make the Boston, 30. st, committed suicide last night by tak mill to th Itcfl cultivator for grann, irrain. com or nutatou). yet A great fire commenced this morning Our bent Kai'ii.t-Me was connected with the IVil have ing poison. u Marrow on trial. about 8 o'clock ia the furniture factory U. S. Legation at Paris when Mr. Bige- - can Tlnr lr.nrtiiitit will bIko plw information ml rwf.ivfor.lor for TCHRINK WHEELS. SMUT of Haley, Morse & Boyden, a y ow was Minister. Ic. MACU1KKS, lilUST ami .SAW M1LI.S, or otlmr artldu uot usually k lt iu AMERICAN. back 1:00 feet. On A private letter received here building extending 30. Washington, account of the combustible character of from Ft. Davis, Texas, written by a solMONKS THATCH Kit, AUKXT, LOGAN. The ceremonies of decorating the the contents, the flames spread with who participated in McKenzie's cemeteries diers graves iu he different IIAKXAltl) WHITi:, AO EXT, CKiPEX. lightning likerapidity, and in ten min- excursion into Mexico, gives full partic around this city was conducted was utes a the flames. mass of ot building the march and ulars the attack of upon 30tf H. B. CLAWSON, Superintendent. on a grand scale under the auspices The fire soon worked into the blocks on ndians. these details do not differ ma Busithe of Republic. Grand Army the either side, andj the rear, occupied by terially from those already published ness wasgenerully suspended throughout wholesale clothiers and piano manufac from official reports. The writer gives the city. The department of the generturers, including Emerson & Co. These some points which have not yet been cloned. al Government was buildings soon succumbed to the fire. touched upon. lie says raids of com Providence, R. I. 30. The flames then crossed the street, and bined forces of bandits composed of Memorial day was obHerved here by on account f the intense heat the fire- both Mexicans and Indians have become and a prominent imposing ceremonies men were unable to work to niucbAd- - so intolerable, and the losses sustained feature of ths procession was the paradiThe Globe theatre building is by both American and Mexican ranch vantage. ng iu carriages of JJOO soldiers' orphans. The adjoining buildings of men from these raids, are so great that destroyed. 30. New York, & to., Henry T. Miller & the inhabitants on both sides of the Rie Lhickering noncommissionand commissioned The other and Co., piano manufacturers, Grande rrjoiced at the summary punish ed officers of the Ninth Regiment visited are The firemen are at work ment inflicted upon them, lhey ex burning. decorated the West Woodlawn and to confine the fire to (ha present limits. press the hope that Col. McKenzie will and of Sergt.Wyatt private Page, A graves wind is now blow not only be promptly sustained but that strong north-eas- t Killed during the riot of the 12th of JulThe fire entire Brattle-bordepartment, and he may be instructed to repeat the ac ing. o to y. The officers then went from outside assistance tows are present tion as often as it may in his judgment Col of the decorate to J.Fisk, grave with flames. the Great ex become necessary in order lo punish contending Jr. TOOLS, IMPLEMENTS STOVES; the citement of the the Indians and Mexican bandits, and exists iu vicinity The parade in New ork city started fire. Dealers are in their border their citizens, removing goods protect rights of the The o'clock 10 at appearance and merchandize. S veral accidents are A few persons are disposed to charge procession was very fine. The members FANCY NOTIONS, The immense front wall of the the Mexican Government with assistance DRY GOODS, reported of the Grand Army of the Republic were where fire first and to the raiders, but the encouragement originated clad in black with military caps, each building fell with a crash. majority believe the Government would Tost bearing U. 8. colors and banners. Later the fire is still raging with un be glad to break up the various bands of The procession was viewed by a large GOODS, In the middle of abated fury. The fire depaitinent find raiders if they could, but they have not crowd ot spectators. or means at present to do this, the procession was a large wagon drawn themselves unable to stop the progress the force of the names. About fifty buildings have consequently it is believed they will, in by tea horses adorned with gay trappaires number of a dy been consumed and more must stead of attempting to make trouble on lurge ings, containing account of Col. McKenzie s raid into tropical (lowers and planus; immediately follow unless it is suddenly checked. One their coutry, rather be inclined lo ap offices of Tel the branch of the Franklin following this came a catafalque drawn prove it. One thing is certain, had not has been another with and black the covered studs Co., ait egraph destroyed, by Col. McKenzie acted as promptly as he is on fire. Engines are still coming in national dags. There were about twendid the inhabitants along the border 11 from m. the towns. a. surrounding ty more wagons with flowers decorated with American flags. As soon as Phil fire is 8 till going on and now looks as if would have organized, and assisted by it would go down to the old burned Dis friends from the interior, would have in Kearney Post arrived at Trinity churchvaded Mexican territory in a manner yard they proceeded lo the vault of Gen. trict. Among the buildings already which would most likely have produced are burned the Globe thicker Theatre, l'uillip Kearney, where, after appropria rupture between Mexico and the unit ate prayers, the . grave was decorated ing's Piano, ware room, the International ed States. Our border citizens seem to westside with flowers. The grave of Capt. Lawrthe the seems On fire Hotel. assurance that they shall not hold feel to both from be was of the ence, working Washing ways frigate "Chesapeake," lives and property at the mercy of their also decorated with flowers. Nearly all ton to Chauncey streets, including the the U. S., State and Municipal courts blocks bordering on the Eoylston and the lawless scoundrels who have hereto Essex streets. Three millions have al fore found shelter on Mexican soil. were closed at noon FOREIGN. Geo. Francis Train was released from ready been lost. the Toombs at 11 o'clock' this morning, Messrs. Weeks & Torter, who were London, 31. fce.; in accordance with the verdict of the among the sufferers at the last to A the special dispatch Daily Xetri great Sheriff of the county yesterday. tire, have lost all their goods and prop from its correspondent with the Russian The exercises in commemoration of erty. The Masonic Temple, corner of expedition against Khiva, says two col SCHLTTLER WAGOXS, BOB SLEDS; Decoration Day were held at the Acade. Treniont and Boylston, is not yet touah umns of Gen. Kaufman's command are my of Music, which was filled to over ed, and will be saved on account of its proceeding from the East and are about MACHINERY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, &C, &C. Honing. Many ladies were on the plat noncombustible character. The build to, meet in the lionkan Hills. TheOren form. Gen. Hancock was appointed ings between that corner and Washing burg and Mongishlak columns have ap chairman. He was received with great ton, on Baylston, have been already proached near enough each other to es applause. The chaplain offered an ear burned, including the Boylston bank, on tabush communication. nest prayer for the departed and honor the corner or Washington. It is impos Liverpool, 31. ed dead. Childreu wheat of the past three The condition the an to sible exact of and receipts a give plaintive sang fire in this particular locality or get the days amount to 44,500 quartera,of which queuing anthem, after which the Idle-wiTO Quartette sang the well known song, names of the occupants and losses. The 41,000 are American. Xj-AZ"Swordof Banker Hill." Rev. Geo. U. Piano manufactory of Henry T. Miller, T Hepworth delivered an address, at the on the opposite corner from Chickermg, Will find the Largest Assortment of Merchandise in the eevernl Departments of conclusion of which the "Grand Army is still safe, and may escape. Buildings March" was rendered Z. C M. I., as above, that can be seen in the eat, and all at fair prices. are in the rear Union the mostly private dwellings, by Home School band, after which an oratexcept on Essex street down to Chaun- 1 Ogdex Citt Hall, ion was delivered by Maj. Gen. Joseph cy. During the progress of the fire the f H. B. CLAWSON, Superintendent. 1873. May 26th, tall steeple of the Presbyterian church navuey; alter him followed other selec lions and recitations. THE TO GIVEN TOTICE IS HERESY on the corner of Harrison avenue and New York. 31. Owners of Dogs in Ogden Oitjr that Beach ssreet.took fire from the wind and It is believed the fire in Boston, will was consumed. The balance of the they are required to Register their Dogs not be in accordance wiiu an uruinance euu gravely felt by the Insurance church, which was built of stone, r Companies of this city. The Examinat- mains. tied, "An Ordinance in Relation lo Dogs," ion shows very fe risks of New York distance are from a arriving nassed May 30th, 1870. Engines Companies in the District of the The Recorder can be found at his of scene to conthe The streets leading reported sumed. Toe news of the fire riDidlv conflagration are filled with teams con fice any day (except Sunday) between spread through this city, and was every- - "lining valuable merchandise. Among ihe hours ot ten and tour o clock, wnere GROESIJECK'S BLOCK, SECOND SOUTH STREET, v.v innicuniiu re certificates may be obtained on payment are and wholesale stores e t burned oi leeiings synipauiy for the twice stricken .ail clothing and dry goods, boots and of the fee required by law. city. G. F Train is about to sue the city shoe?, theatrical houses and dining sa By 'order of the Cuy Council. fr false imprisonment, and damages loons. TIIOS. 0. ODELL, U be laid 211-ob with the at $100,000. City Recorder The fire has interfered AVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE AND VAftlED STOCK OF caused and Decoration 31. of servnnce Day, Brooklyn, . . inis morning two poets of the Grand a partial suspension of business. Army of the Republic assembled at the Later, ivy yard, and with about six hundred The fire is now under control. The guests started one boat for Harlem buildings on the east side of herecars were taken to Woodlawn following Washington etreet are totally aestoyea : AND cemetery. The procession formed at the Arlington Hall building. On the first Addresses were made at the tomb floor was a restaurant, in the upper Admiral Farragut. A magnificent story was a billiard hall. The Globe Main Street, raonumcut, representing a mast snapped theatre bunding is wholly aesiroyea OGDEX in twain.had been placed over the grave, The Auber Piano rooms, second story - mhs was covered Di Boston inwith flowers, - Edwin L. Slocum, painter, line a bnniiAt. ii.no i Which they are offering at lower prices than any other house in the city. vivogui ruses uy imm. rectory office, Mrs. Boio, teacher of Guns were fired, three u. CUT TO AX Jf DESICIX. r r erica, liryanr, oirauon Jjrragut. .over the grave, and the A Stock College, A. Day, artist, J. Earle participants en returned to the city. & Co., tailors, who were burned out ia CUTROCKFORBUILDINGS,&C JAMES FOWLER. the former fire. Omaha, 31. Ari the sufferers were removing Omaha of Ween ?,0J?trove"y Many tndp Bluffs is finally settled by their stock to new quarters, now in proOP ALL KINDS, AT rder amisi the b PW1Df Clark "ce Y. cess of construction. The inside ofsome mWO FIRST CLASS SAWYERS. NONE Checkering factory was burned in fell. walls the front company wi.h time before, P y'.';hnehere Freight added. UuftV Director Aug. Boston. 81. c2ll Lum BARNARD WHITE, to GmaEuent Apply Wilson is in this city MiSd tor, Joseph II. s83-lu Orders from the country Promptly Filled. He is suffering from overwork, ber Yard, Fourtn street, uguen. jc,,ecil s iflc Telegraph. in the PecoratioDay East -- of Geo. F. Train! WE GUARANTEE WAGONS Settlement of tho Omaha and Council Bluffs Dispute Floods in Kansas! K.IIX 1V1IITEWATEK, MACHINERY TUKKAIi:i: and WAGONS, Thieves Returning Stolen Bonds! CIIAJIPIOX, WOODS, EXCFXSIOII ami WOllLU MOWERS, Dropper? or Sell Rakers. e Raid into Mexico! TIIKESIIIXO Conflagration in Boston Great Loss of Property! and - ! I iii'i-nt.'l- tM-- 1 . six-stor- to-d- geu-tlem- to-d- ay 25. I. C. EI. GROCERIES, HARDWARE & UKUUKEKY; k STAPLE and CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, UPHOLSTERY CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS and SHOES; Wall Paper, Bordering, Bccorations; Drugs, Chemicals, Patent leilieiues; WIXES, LIQUORS, ALE and PORTER; Singers' Sewing: Machines, in Variety; Bespoke Boot and Shoe Departnent; Leather, Findings, Beltings, &c; PRODUCE, GRAIN, BUTTER, EGGS, to-da- y. ld Wholesale Purchasers and Visitors CIT1T S-AXi- E CAUTION! el-t- li Gr. F. CULMER & CO., SALT LAKE CITY, 6 H MONUMENTS 11 CRAVE STONES, Louvltt's Corner 7; Fountains, Vases, Etc. Groceries Window Glass, , Large or English Varnislies 44-3- WANTED, MC27,,OTTT3EL3Slrl.S, PHICES, Vice-Preside- nt o-- Uday. y |