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Show JShc (Dfltlcn PublwliPtl h.V C gmtftbttr every tl'KDNESDAY and SATURDAY, ' the U'.DKS PtTOMfHlISO COMPASr. 'baric Penrose, Kditor. iuul ISnsiiioM Manager. it.ui. JUNE oiJDEX, WEDNESDAY, To 4, for Our dispatches not we have none, but yesterday's, an nounce the arrival of Ili.i Excellen cy the President of the United States, in Washington. He has been so journing among his mends AorthEast and West, and was preparing to go to Long Branch at his cottage, when he is abruptly summoned to the Capital. Where are his Minis 's, IV. 1873. lie or Xot to He." The laborers throughout the country are assembling to devise means to overthrow the power by which they art; oppressed. They are, as hi alleged by them, assailed by a common danger, and threaten to assume the defense against the aggressions of the stern capitalists who are enriching themselves at the expense of the hard-fistemen in their service. The laborers claim that they have been deceived. But a few days ago some compromise was effected in New York, but it seems that they became discontented and tho societies with their various branches have cither struck or given notice of opposing They, too, have been rusti cating, and are absent from their bu- reaux. liat ao trie winus Dieainc i Is Mexico menacing the peace of the nation 'i Is there on foot another plot for the annexation of tho rich gardens South of tho Gulf? ters t V Eeon A Nkws From, the Absr.nt. Under date of the 20th inst., Bishop L. J. Herrick last Ball Last Night's Bail. -Twrites from Wheeling, Va., to Mr. Thos. y he was A select Doxey, of this city, stating night was a grand affair. from order missionaries prevailed, on hi way, to join the assembled, good a lively Utah and expected to meet them in New the music was unexceptionable, 30. FRIDAY, Astounding Xcws. in Trench. The idiosyncraeies of a French man are proverbial. The Parisian has literary inclinations. From Bor deaux or Marseilles tho son of beautiful France has a fjunt for the wines that are a part of his esisteuce. In t'he assumption of their employers, tho Provinces, however, amid the of on account of the vine-clahills of that nation, now the contract by which they were to bowed down in sorrow, there is an obtain a rebate of their working day unconquerable prejudice against the to eight hours at regular rates of pay. Asiatic. A Provincial arrived a few Now, however, the employers redays since in New York. Two Chiquire ten hours' work upon the old namen,' employed in a laundry, wearbasis of pay. and clud in the picTho carpenters and painters, aud ing long pigtajls costume of their native other classes of laboring men, have turesque were proceeding land, quietly become alarmed, and the question is obscure street when the through an "to fctrikc, or not to strike." singularity of their appearance excited the curiosity of a frolicsome An Enigma to lie Solved. Frenchman,' named Edmund, who had just arrived from the land of his Tho warfare in progress against Edmond sacrilegiously Chinese emigration gives rise to an nativity. seized the pigtails of the Chinese that mast sooner or later be aEd amused himself by H'ttled." The fourteenth Amend- gentlemen their owners about for a few ment to the Constitution contains a pulling moments. An officer, however, arclause prohibiting any distinction of the scene and relieved classes on account of previous condi-- t rived, upon their embarrassing situaion. Under that provision the ques- themjrom tion by taking their assailant into tion arises whether they are not entitled to the same immunities and custody. None of the parties understood a privileges as tho lately manumitted word of English, and when presentslaves, llupidly the Chinese are be ed to the Conrt to answer to the coming a power on the Pacing Coast. charge of assault it was necessary to They are as a rule industrious and send for a translator, and a scene oc " thrifty, but have depreciated tho Tho Chinamen declared curred. labor to such an extent that that they had suffered a gross indigworkiugmen to the "manor , born" while tho Frenchman said that cannot come ..in competition .with nity, he was frightened at thol appearance " s" them. of the noudescripts. As tho Court The Modocs and Apaches, too,will did not entertain the same views as likely demand their rights under the the Frenchman, he was giveu to, unAmendment-whicguarantees uniderstand that the law of equality in versal liberty and recognizes all classthis country was in force, and cones as "men and brothers." sequently he Was committed in 300 bail to answer the assault, f d ; ist-u- e ? ; ' val-uoi- of he tjit com-pan- went spirit prerailed, and the dance amid general good feeling. was an entire success. off The Ball A notice has apQi'estion. the Junction, by order of the peared in City Council, to the effect that owners of dogs are required forthwith to register their animals and pay the tax required by law. We have not heard that any have visited the of said Tub D Recorder for the purpose of complying with the provisions of the ordinance.but we Lave noticed a large number of dogs around his office door, who have doubtless endeavored to show an example to their owners, and exhibit their willingness to be collared and enrolled, whether their masters were willing to pay the tax or not. Our suggestions about the sausage business in connection with the purp question, has been partly carried out. Messrs. Greenwell and Wright have started a huge sausage machine, which is kept in active operation, and turns out but the splendid meat number of canines is riot in the least degree diminished. Now, either W. and 0. use no dog in their sausage or else there has been a large canine immigration. We can assure the owners of unlicensed and uncollared curs that what the sausage mill has failed to effect, the city dog killer will certainly accomplish, unless their owners come up to the requirements of the law immediately. We advise them, if they want to keep their dogs, to register at once. half-masticate- LivYork, aud sail on the 2Mi inst. for Bishop erpool per steamer "Idaho." Herrick gives the following description of the view from his place of writing : As I write I can look out of my room oh t he beautiful Ohio river, with steamers and crafts of all kinds gliding up aud downVhere and here, everywhere, which gives'it the appearance of life and business. This is one of the finest rivers in America, flowing for hundreds of miles through a rich, fertile valley, its bauks lined with villages, towns and cities, with all kinds of machinery, factories, etc. The States of Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania are on the west, while Kentucky, Virginia and Pennsylvania are on the east, extending to the 1 was Alleghanies or the Blue ltidgc. e in this place twenty-fivyears ago, then a nice village, now a large city, with thousand inhabitants. The twenty-livriver is spanned here with a wagon, iron bridge, and a short distance below here it is spanned by the Ohio and Baltimore Railroad bridge, constructed of iron, and so high above the valley and river that it is on a level with the roofs of their three-storbrick houses, and in order to reach terra firma yoigo in at the roof and descend three flights of stairs. Bishop Herrick sends kindly greeting to all old friends in Ogden, and especialand teachers. ly to the Sunday-school- s i. Yincsrur Kitten are i!.,t.u Drink, made of poor l'.um, Wi.ix' r Spirit iuj.1 Refuse LkrnojvluUrei! Vimi' unl Hwcetencrt to pleao task' caiii "Tonics," 'AiMN'liziiiV' K.'stcmM-that Icail tlic lipplerou to thmiUi'iuw w ' ruin, lint arc a trim Jieilk-inn- , jnu.le ft. the native roots nml herbs or C;;lifoniin free from till Alcoholic fciiiunhutts. TIht the (iroat Uioo'l Purillcr ami u mvVi iiDViitoraitd liivijforl Principle, a ator of the system, wrrrinirotruil maner, mt restorlnj; ihu.liiooil t tt enriching it, riM'ivshhij; an l in'.' virorattii(r both mind mul boih , n,r7 81. etisy of administration, pDmni l:i t Icir tion, ceiitiiii in their results,' au; yud r'v. able in till forms of iliscuse. u' lu';nnr-comlitio- e at-- No I'erfcon ters y t!re take DyMpepMia. EmlioNtifni, Heml. ache, puiii in the iilioiddcrs, omsrlis, Tigla-ncs- s of the Chest, Itelness, Sour i:nir!:i-tioior the Mtomticlt, Hail Taste it) the Moltttk, IHIious Attacks, Palpitation el' the Heart, liiUatiimatioii of the laitij;s, Paitt u the reprioii of the Kidnpjs, and i .iiiiiari',1 other painful Hvmptnms, are t lit oifsprUufs of Dyspepsia, lit IIimo eoinpU'.uils it kas no etpiiil, ui. one lioiilo will prove a oi ii iiierits than a Uingtlij w ... Mr. A. Landt complains that grown up men too often play boyish The cn siceoMinsr to lUrocl'ioi:.-;- , ;m, icinai i lotur unw.ell, provided their boms mv ,'. poi.son oroilu r iiictins, destroyed ly laim-ra- l and the1 vital oiims wasted Lcvoaa tlij point of re)nir. V. . Fr FciHtiltf C'iJ5!aitif. in yiiiti)r or oh I, married or single, ut tue U;v a of Avoltiiilihoid. or the turuof life, these Tni, Hitlers display mdeeidvd an liulncin'e lit;,: u iiiai-ktt- ) improveinent is xonii petveptiuio,, pranks during evenings. They amused themselves last night by tearing the posters in front of his house, having nothing better to do, they would have bean better in bed. Kr liilliii3im:t loi-- and t rouie I&UeiiiiiiiliMiu and Coin, Dyspepsia m lniktitesttun, unions, lieiHlttetit' and Intermittent Kevers, Diseases of t he liloud, lA'.cr, Kklnev and- Madder, these lijiters have Hw Diseases iir; been inost sneeessl'itl. cunsed by Vitiated l!li)d. wltieh is ceitentlly jtrodnceij by deraiieineiit of Hie lMisd'nj Orjrans. - Bailed Out. Mr. Thomas Taylor, of Salt Lake, whose case we commented on yesterday, was up before His Imperial Highness McKean, yesterday. Mr. F. M. Smith argued that a Justice of the Peace was the proper party to investigate the case, and moved to dismiss the complaint. The Judge overruled the motion, but released Mr. Taylor under $3,000 Donds, until the case should be heard. June 5.th was set for the time of The LastSce.nk This morning the investigation. last scene iu the farcical drama of "the Is Jail. Those suspected garotters cheque for twenty four hundred dollars" at Salt Lake, Mitchell and Mellen, are was played in the office of Alderman b mnd over in the sum of $2,500 each to Thomson. That four hundred dollars answer the charge of robbing Snell, bedeposited for the girl whom McCoy fore the Probate Court at its next regubrought here was handed over to her as lar session. They are in jail in default its legal owner, after a private and of securities. friendly investigation, in which Judge ami Disgraceful ConMorgan of Salt Lake acted for the girl of a Son. and elicited testimony, even from McCoy who wanted the money back, that it was George Durham, of Bulliouville, a really deposited in her favor. It is to man 28 years of age, has fairly be hoped that she will reach her home young secured for himself the infamy of beand friends in safety, and that Hinton, whom she has married and to whom she ing one of the most depraved wretchhas entrusted herself, and what little es of earth. His offense was the means is left to her, will act a manly unnatural crime of knocking down part and not desert, her as McCoy has and his d terribly beating done. Drop the curtain, and let the dint labor of hard mother, who, whole affair pass out of memory. by Fr Sliin Dropped Is. Juifgo Morgan Is in He came up on business town and succeeded. He generally does succeed. We are always glad to see the Judge, he talks sensible and U a sociable gentleman, which is more than we can say of all the members of the bar. Kniptlon-i- . Te- Kiiie-worin- to-da- y. Brutal Di.M"es, tter, Halt Kheniil, Itlolehes, hpuis, I'iinpics. I'ustttles, Hobs, t'ai'biineli s. Seald-lleaSore lv.es, Krvsipel.is. Ik!:. Sevtrfs. Hlseoloratlons of the Skin. Himmis Diseases of lie Skin, of whatever 'ihiih or nature, are liieruU.v ibitr up tnul carriuV out of tiie syslem in a short time by the nso al I Of ttie Hitters. One bultle tit Mcti cases will convince the iniint iiicredttltts t tlicir curativts eil'eets. 4 Iouum- - t lie VKhileil l!Jooi lind HsiiHpiiniies intrsiiit llirmi't the skin hi Pimples, Krtipi ions, or Sores; cleanse U wheu joit tind H ubstrucbMl ami ulttSgisli iu the vein; cleanse it heu it . i foul ; your feelings will tell you Keep the bloo I pine, and tins health of t.w iv'u:;-cvery- wln-a- nyxiem will follow. l'iii, 'J'ai)e uuil ot!:er 1Vrii', lni kiiiir in Hie system of so matiy tltousamK .are cileetiuilly destrnyrd and rcmnviil. Says a distinguished physiohwisi : 'i'lierui Kcureely ait imlividii;:! on the face of tut earth whose body ts eventpt from tho of worms. It Is not . upon the lietiltliy eleliiftit of ihc body that worm vxlt, hut it pou tliediseased lunuors and slimy ilcpusiu of disease. thatbrwl these llvluj? r.nmsiers n Ko system of medicine, no verinifu-iesautlielininilics, v.111 free the ystcui liuiu Worms like these Pit Ids. duct Mechanical Iiesies.-Persm- is in J'Kinis and Alinenils, hhIi u ati'l s liumlH'rs, Tjpesetters, miners, as they advattcu Ju ii'e, ste imlijert to paralysis of the Rowels. To jrtmrd uiralti't this, take a dose of Walkku' ViNKiait twice tv w"ek. tiold-Uealer- lin-Tk- it IliliotiK, lieiiiitlont aremul so prevalet.: Fever, whliii liiler-mittei- In the valleys of uttr great rivers ilnviiirii-ou- t the United Stati-s- , especially t!us ol Mississippi, Ohio. Missouri, Illinois, Teimes-HcCumberland. Arkansas, l'ed, Coionalo, HrazoN, Kio tiratule. Pearl, AlalwnuuMuliile. gray-haire- e, was, and for mouths had been supSavannah, Roauoke, James, and many Stormy. The Atlantic and Pacific porting him. She is a wklow woman, others, with their vast tributaries, tkroiittli-oiour entire couniry during Hie Stiniiiier lines are down at some point between named Lamison, having lost her secuml Autumn, and reriiarkiililysrt tluriiiixsea-son- s of unusual heat uml dryness, uni ii Cheyenne and North Platte. A heavy ond husband. The outrage was com, variably uccompanictl by extensive storm occurred in that section yesterday mitted day before yesterday evening, ranjfements of the stomach and liver, ami other abdominal viseersi. Hi their evening, and was at last accounts sweep- about 5 o'clock, in J5ullionvillc,where a Hrgi!tivicerUnjf u jinwerful i huso various organs, Is essening towards the West. We got a flight, his mother lives. Constable Albert There Is m cathartic fur necessary. tially tho unnatStoples promptly arrested touch of the this to it Uk..I. V.t.Ki:itr4Visi in very purpose slight, equal morning Emigration, G.Ui Rittkiw, will speedily lemons son. lie was tried before Jusural Ihey ' the Ogden, rain, snow, sleet and hail. vLsi id mutter with wlik'.i tice Goodrich, who sentenced him to the bowels nns loaded, at the uaiuo time "What thou doest, do quickly 1s(Jokation Bat. This day has been ol'i':o lirev, ut n e a so A i. r an' imprisonment of 80 days. He Btlmulatinjr thofseeretums , Union Hok t the Depot This injunction though given to an observed in Salt Lake as a general holipeuerally restoring the healthy liinetiouioi tel were registered J. Yooias, Secretary was incarcerated in the county juil the diffesiive organs. ancient apostate, is an appropriate day. The principal stores are closed, l'ioche-lleconlScrofula, or Kinc's l.vil, Wliilo of the Japan Legation, who arrivod yes- yesterday. the evening papers will not be issued, Swellluc. Pli ers, Ihy sipelas. Swelled neck. exhortation to the modern saiuts in Goitre, Scrofulous Iniluuiiiiaiious. lniluleiit and there will be no morning papers to- terday morning from the West, on his Mercurial .Ueclions, Ola lullaiiiiiiatiimH, to Washington. He is accompanied of th Skin, Sure Kyos regard to. assisting the poor to enn morrow, Ogden has made no Sores, way liruptions orgnniied "Mary, why did you kiss your hand etc., etc. In these, as in all other coiifiiiu-tionHlseases, U'ai.kku's Yikkhai; pate "What the people of Weber demonstration, but her chief citizens by a Secretary. Also Messrs. J. 11.: Be to the gentleman opposite, this morhave shown their jrreatruraiive po'-cr- s M. J. DenBallassyse, do England, in this direction join in spirit with their friends at Salt Bailey, In the most obstinate and intractable County intend to ning," said a careful mother to her M Alger, Deer Lodge, cases. " Why, the genMontana, blooming daughter, bo done now. Those who Lake in honoring the heroes over whose ver, J. Dv. Walker'M California VI- n' and K. 0. San Francisco. Parsons, tleman had act oif all Ihrse eases iu the Rar Ititten impudence to throw a Hlmilar have any money for this purpose graves flowers are strewed, and in manner. Hv purilylnir the RhKid Mr. J. J. of kiss clear Ridgwayi across the street to me, aud they remove thes cause, and iy reiolvhC , whose memory the services of ; ..1 Philadelphia, i l '. ore if snuuiu pay it in ai once, norueu and a party of ten ladies and gentlemen, of course, I threw it back to him inaway the ctl'ects of thu milammaUoii (' Honor to the brave! tubercular deposits) the atteeieii parts f ' tock can bo recoiled where cash is performed. Irom the arrived West yesterday morn- dignantly. Youwould'nt have me ceivc health, and a peruiaiieut euro The following proclamation was ist eireeted. not available, and wheat can be and him after a ing, encouraging spending day Jn(iSaU by keeping it,wouId sued yesterday from the Mayor's office The Aperient. nml m41l LaxftilV'' Lake City, returned this moriiiBg going you?" with Mr. I. II, Peery of the and published iu the Salt Luke prspertii's of. Ha. Vai.kkks Vinkhs oi tit casi are the best papers Eastward. liuilitxiiant fevers. Tin ir bttlsaini''. Among the' party was C Weber mills, the receipts therefor this ; morning: ' healiitsr. and soothintj nroyevtlies pvolect tluyDegarnier, who is' attached to the French Mayor's Onicr, lunnowof tho Itutees. Their Sedative prop.' counting ninety cents per bushel on ; f i A NOTICE. Embassy. crtiea allay pain lit the lienous py stein.May 2!th, lS7o. Btoinacn iind bowels, either from laflauiuinwho Those have wheat emigration. ' At. Low. Albert Low' is May 80th, being the day tion, wind, colic, crtUHpe. etc duly in- Pure Short-horn consecrated the throughout Thoroughbred to pay should deliver it immediately, country for stalled at the depot stand, where he Itirectioiiti. Take f tho Bitters the Decoration of the graves of soldiers Durham Hulls polng to bed at nlpiht. front, a half lo one ami & Heifers! obtain a receipt aud pay it over to who have fallen la defence of their coun- keeps on hand the latest papers, fruit kM fro'l nouriwiin. atution clwp. food, such as SHALL is it AllRIVE and deemed IX desirable EX T to afford to The all ABOUT 001) sound of his TIIK the person appointed, who will ac- try, fancy goods. roast beef, and vejrutahies, and ttik f IflthofJmm with fine cattlo I of ubove brwjdx citizens who wish to take part in observ- voice as he exercise, T?,e,y are composed ' proclaim the waves he ' lias All enteral lu tlia ingreilieuts, and contaiu cept it as cash, on tho terms above ing the same an opportunity of uniting vegetabla purely ij, uu spirit. for is as as 'AMERICAN natural the HERD sale, ,'. of BOOK. chirping It is named, It will be of no use to wait in honoring the gallant dead. ' U. If. ?lcDOXAI-- D fc CO., Strldly (Mtr Mood n4 n.l., m?"- a : "V ? ' therefore proclaimed as a General Holi- ft cricket. ; nFrauciscu.Cal.. irtiua desiring tiny iwrtitmlnr T)ni!igi3ts A Ren. At su, , until afkr harvest to make this turn, & eor. Vatililii;rtun and Pharltou Ms., day, in this city, and, all eithenc are , .... Help Her Alo.nt,. Mrs. McGregor is AE, SEX OR COLOR now is the accepted time, tiO'w fts the requested to t close their places of SOLD BY ALL BRUGOISTO & PCALERS. KWITHIN ?!v1!te?JriU,,,,"tCyn,hiaua' '"""8' r on business the in books ;": !,' carrying "".'. peri. lirprir! de"V,!r. th SttU1Q ttt day of emigration. ' All Liquor dealers in this city are re- odicals,v&e., in which lie? late Jmsband Beavtifi l. It sbouU be iiotci as an quired to close ihoir $aloonst and to, re- was a Satisfaction Guaranteed.,,. partner, on Fifth 8treet,taking his LiWai rain ' frain front disposing of ' Hqor daring cralitim gent lerarlty. '. extrabrcliflary fact tbat it dM in the firm, and doing well. She Great power and natural gifts tlo the place n day, SITWCT fMiHSio!f:ririn F.Vr, this afternoon, and that a gleam of not bring privilege to the possessor so is showing enterprise and spirit tad AriT'0" a Ik: Hon. V. M Dasiei. II. Wku.s, ? Br w, OnmhN IVainil Jitifmt ruith as tliey bring duties, , streamed ncrosa the watery Main itank, Troy.N.Y, t :' : Mayor.: i should ba well jnUronited. if ;i;fvo ;S)f Street. JUw glorious. tt treat-mea- dark-eolore- t, d al ' to-d- ay ! ed ln-tkk- j? entr-tlonsa- nafe-tfua- " i .' t , , one-ha- wtue-jflassi'u- lf l. vott'.-so- bcef-Btea- " i out-ilo- ! , ? busi-ntti.""- f 2 ' i - "- ' .. S4-3- ra V , 'l , izr sun-shi- |