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Show Ithc (Dflttw function, TublWicil every WEDNESDAY tt' the and SATt'BDAY OtiDKX A Family COMMAS. I Wholesale 'Department.5" Fracas. CACHE COUNTY. LOGAN, For Some weeks past a feud has existed among the members of the family of Lemuel Widomau, of Big lUver township. The family seems to have been about evenly divided & against itself, the old man and his on one fade, and the old lady and her sous on the other. What first disturbed the pleasant relations that existed so long between the old folks, we do not know, and in fact CEOTIIIXfJ, do not cure to know. At any rate Crockery, Koots asid Shoes, ami Caps, her and old the lady they eeperated, Xot ions, the of hoiks "retaining possession Stoves ami Tinware, farm. 3Ir. Widenmn rented or awe Althe farm to his two Medicines, Etc., Etc. Drugs fred Williams and Dick lloyal, and then a strife betran for the pusse'ion of tho farm. The first regular engagement occurred about two weeks ago, but, the only vreapons used at aud that time were body was very seriously hurt. The party that got worsted iu this eu- gagcrncnt made come violent threats, and the other party, in order to his own life, had his belligerent brother-in-laarrested on a peace warrant. The trial was had at week, and resulted in the acquittal by the jury of the prisoner. A LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OF NEW Theiext regular engagement oc TOYS. curred last Saturday at the office of Squire Tound, ou Big river, whither one side had taken the other to have matters .settled by law. While the constable was off on the huut for a jury the belligerents kept up a war of words, until finally one of- them got worked up to the lighting point, Wheat, Barley, Oats. Pearl Barley, Flour, Bran, Shorts, Eggs and when, drawing pistol, ho proceeded Butter, S1IIITED TO ANY POINT ON SHORT NOTICE. to empty its contents at the' opposition, fin the crowd were three pistols, which were all empALL KINDS OF MACHINERY PURCHASED TO tied in a bhort space of time ORDER. The casualties, as far as we have Orders addressed to M. THATCHER, Logan, been able to learu, were : Old Mrs. attentioa. will receive prompt Wideman, 'shot iu the arm, a pretty bad wound ; Jas. Wideman in the 70tf H. B. CLAWSON, Superintendent. leg, flesh wound, not serious ; Alfred Williams in the side, a severe wound, but not such as to disable hiifl; Frank r. r : r. it Wideman struck on the head with a club, not known how badly he is hurt yet; Iick Royal, supposed to have received a ball in his hip, but the offiCLOUGH ORGAN SIMMONS cers have not been able to get him; ' aud Isham Williams, a IMPROVED , nhot in the hendl. The ball entered the temple, passed round and made AND its fxit at the back of the car. ' JIUUboro (3l.) Democrat, i IE:FBI1TS! Cloths, Merinos, Alpaeas, Arm,,,. cs 11ETAJL DEALERS IN Empress Wool Uelaiues, ingJianis, "'Jf iekinjj WHOLESALE sons-in-la- 2.0 w DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, IIAIUWARE, lints Dcniins, Iloinesties, etc. Cassimeres Cottonadcs, Jeans, Etc., Eie.' EE AD Y-MA- 'J, cels CLOTHING DE - and sons-in-la- The Best Brands of Imported WIXES and LIQUORS. s, hoop-pole- Carpets and Trimmings, Window Curtains and Blinds. bc-cu- ro w Hills-'bo'rola- Hate and Caps' SHOES! BpOTSvAND Of Every Variety, OF EASTEItX and CAEIFOISSTIA UF ACT 11 J K A General Assortment of ju m, ia Fulfil? m w st &3 mm B IXCLL'DINQ Cutlery, Locks, Carpenters' and other Tools. A LARGE STOCK OF . CMcago Schuttler Wagons, lows, Hoes, Rakes, Scythes, Forks KTC, ETC. SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES. - HARNESS AND HAENESS TRIMMINGS, A Ml J.i.i,. of. GHOIC13 GROCEHIES ! t Of All Descriptions. All orders addressed to D. IT. PEEHY, Orden City, V. I., wdl veclve prompt attention. . & g8"tf H. B. CLAWSOX, Superintendent . ' & ; . CO.'S CABINET ORGANS In l!ast Tennessee lladieal ongresiin;ui as a School Teacher. (Knowillo Con LuuUvilW Courier-Journa- l. nr,L. tf to-w- nr. ie j tie difference between a pendtbrift ari'dt a ftatber bea? One is iiard up aud the olher is soil down. IN CHARGE OF ' ! H. W. NAISBITT. in Engines, Haw JIHIs, ft Circular Saws, Bolting Cloth, Eeilel Water Wheels, Cheese Factory or Woods, lairy Threshing Machines, Madi in e Extras, Force or other rumps, 15eltin,: -- '.; Sorghum Mills, ? Evaporators, ai o 'ilia w; r Or any artich from any State, that or may be needed in Mechanical population. Send in your orders and we will do the best to fill them at Manufactur' ers prices with freight added, or on a , slight percentage. iw.,H.n , o Grand r We are expecting an immediate shipment of the Combination Organs, :SaiII$NEll justly-celebrate- LATENT QUALIFYING TUBES, K11TAI. TO THAT OF . , ,.. THE lUvST PIPE OKGAXS'Or THE SA5IE CA1MCITY. All the Lato Improvement Cair bo Obtained Only in tliese 3?-.ii-' nui-rOrgans.,.;, : biftnrnt Styles, Pdrty-fiv- e i i t For thti Pnrtor and tha Church, "i The llcut Material uud Workmanship, t ' Quality and Volume of tone Unequalled. ; 8sem t . , ' PRICES, noto ;4lOO JOB iSollnrs. FACTORY AND WAREROOMS. CORCtr & CONGRESS STS., DETROIT, MICHIGAN. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY COUNT Vl 5VKat Address, Simmons k Ctotau Oroax Co., Dm&T, Micniolxf : 1PTJE1331 YOUR " , , II. B. CLA WSONy Super hitmdcivt- - ' ! , OREAT CHICAGO ; Our celebrated "Vox Celeste." "Louis Patent," "Vox Humana." "AYHcox Tatent," "Ms "Octave Ooupler.'Hhe charming "I Vllo" or "rhuionet" Stops, and . : and well-know- n The Factory having just got fairly running since the An invention having ft mof(. important bearing on the future reputation of ficfd Instrument, by means of which the- quantity vr Volume of tone is very largely in- creased, and quality of tune rendered d SCHUTTLER "WAGON," ' FITTKD WITH, THK NEWLY INVENTED - - A very Pauiel of a .Knlge dwells in Merphis He came to judgment the" other day in a case about a goose. This graceful fowl fell into the river, and it was rescued by a man aud brother who claimed salvage from its owner, ; an : Italian, y. The latttt wouldn't pay it, and produced a per? Nxaave pistol, whereupou the colored person marched off with thegtose aud got a warrant for assault. Then did the goose's owner swear out an answering warrant for the goose. The 'Judge, perplexed, finedboth of them, and kept the goose himself. DEPARTMENT Will purehaso any kind of Merchandise not usually kept stock, inflnilfin" ay..,BH ill-fa- - COMMISSION " There is auother point in which our city bids fair to rival with her t the "ehrouhjuc larger nsters, it ficnndaleuse" of which which we had our good share lately ; prominent among them is the one in which one of the most influential members of the party of morality is concerned. It is rumored that this great light of the Republican party induced two young girls from the country, respectively twelve and fourteen years old, to come iu his care to the city under the pretense of procuring work and ftchooling for them. To what kind of work he introduced them, and what School ho, placed , them in, may be iuferred from the fact that shortly afterward their mother, with the aid of the police, had to get them out of a house of and bring them home. agajn, to the country not yet polluted with similar infamous institution.''' 0. M. I. I I'oxi: "Ogden at tiu: function G '.""t, ! . Office, '. |