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Show llotfon Disaster. of those who were buried there as Union soldiers, and honored yesterAthens has a?;ain been Modern ne day by the Grand Army fellows, are the dire calamity of deceased affected with Confederate soldiers, whose when our At the latest hour bodies the contractors picked up and diLtchcs were received, the fire buried uuder their contract at so hud succeeded in subduing much per head. Jlic flaUies, which at one uiomcut Second de-Junc- Epigram on Utah. The following effusion is from the pen of George Francis Train, written while in the Tombs, in response to a letter from S. F. "AVilson, of Nebraska, who calls himself the "Young Tom Taiue of the Occident." We have omitted some verses which are extraneous to the sub ject and a little too coarse for our col umns. nt equal to SATURDAY, 31. winter laid in ashes tlnt which last A Tkrbuji.k of .the city. The Countenance. This tll0 fairest part fireCharles new Williamson the have of rooming reached one might fire had been seen "wending his way" along ruins the on erected proof buildings Main Street, with an awful looking before destroyed, but of a warehouse lie bad received a terrible to the structure proved impervious beating, and, according to general reThe newly built part of port, "brought it all on himself." lie th,. flames. intact. had attempted to take a ride in William the city remains Clark's Job Wagon, without the consent listened a conflagration coun-leuauc- AN Fob e. reporter in onemof the pews busily cuaared with pencil and paper. Stop- a midst of a flowery sen lni (t in the tence, he addressed the industrious peuciller and asked, "Are you taking TitinuTE, Yesterday was erav-haire- be-- reporter budged not an inch, going to leave the church a?ked the animated gospeller. There was no reply. But when several persons approached the wicked paper man, as if to eject him, he quietly took his plug hat and de- "Are you or not?" parted in peace. It appears that the obnoxious reporter did not write the objectionable article, and that the holy Sullivan had not read it. But it does not appear why the KevercHil gentleman should object to the publication of bis sermon in the Times or any other paper. If it was not fit for publication, it was unfit' for delivery. If the gen- The Union Pacific Whitehead's y Advertisement. EST Sec G. 2-- . CI train was late last three hours evening, having been detained by floods. We learn from passengers that the bridges across the 1'latte at Schuyler and over the Loup at Columbus have been almost entirely destroyed. The numerous creeks emptying into those streams have overflowed their banks, and the prairies for miles are deluged. Travel. 1 lt I Fiance. For Utah! The time ha gone for word too tender. Forward! Ai'X A km km! cry, No turreiuier! Ex avast! 1u youronu defender Foa L'taii! s and seem well defined: but a great deal larger than the are they same class of bones belouging to the Another Picture.) human species of this day uud genera tion. Are they the remains of post-te- r LIFE MONO TIIE StOKMOSS. No jail mid iivlum, no hanKer, no w s tiary men that's the question. And No aiuldinj: hell, no rum shop, no Xtaiu bore. were there giants in those days, if they So loater. Iiaeklnter, paupers orthleve, do belong to predecessors of the present No murderer or fctutusmeu () w hich no man be races of mankind? The considerate lieve, friend who sends us these curious relics No Credit Mohilier! no sinur';iliii; of tiu,J No fu'ticiili'! or roneeivinj; lor titn, himself something of a scientist ac No Ueecher, Tiltou, CoMhX nnil C o., them with the following face companies No Jtoselizweif; ill Sll'UHKIlKK ltott, tiuus note : No Trtwnseiid to nllure. tiuuut Famine to mllle and wl.ive the xior; Bnllionville, May 2C Ill'T HKI.1) OP 0UA1N AKl) .MOI'NTAIJI II0WK1I., ' IIkcoud: F,i. While' excavating TllUOtUtt WIliB HIKKKTS Of KKflTS AM FLOWUIS, Dans in tue rear ot tue tounury tno ac And plenty of work on lirihiiui a plan, . foiiiau ran love In companying bones were found, eight feet Say, working niun! uliall tin liilr laud below the Burface. Aa impromptu Ge lie ravished by thi bloody liuudf Uliall lmiid, hypocrisy and raut, ological, Society was immediately form Though militury riutf ol lieuernl tirant,, ed, to comment on and determine the I tout my truth, manhood, public trust, probable period, gender and class of the To pleusu the church' mu red lust? mammalia or mollusk.or whether they be No! House your people! The iuvaikr expel, Ihiiuu their tliieviii souls to hi ll! longeu to the Darwinian, mlurian or Pliocene Kra. Professor McElroy with nXTOVICTOIlT! UnKRTYOE TiFATII. ' a profound archaeological opinion, suid Where the mountain river flow, M here the siinllouor ever Narrow-gaug- e F.ra the bones of some of grow, The desert blossom liktt tbe rou on the road. Prof. the laborers early Is I'TAIl! filled with Sinclair says, "gopUer-holecalcerous deposit, or carboniferous de Why don't you, in voice of thunder, Tell those knave to nland from under? glutinization," and with this profound Will you let them rob and plunder Ltau! opinion all happy theories and hopes of future notoriety as successors of liarwin must die fietieral Morale, Jtennntt y, or Aggasiz vanished in smoke, awaiting Hiould ho dare to shoot O'Kelly, the spv. While the "lleiuld" hounds in thi (jeutilccry your solvent of this alkaline problem." knee-joint- A . iiiuii-tni- p s "NlT Clll'KCUMAN." Itemeiulier I mived you once before, Though torturixl inside thi iron door, Agaiu I'll miiko the fouiuiune Foe Uiaii! A Touching Allusion. nir Church dares We owe a hand on , , K el - : kid-glov- ss bed-roo- , ' Jny. . a , ,CK m grand-daitght- o nil flrt knovrn In merit are well XVnn lt out EIT, knoun America. through-- , , Pain subduing liniment ' ' IT HAS NO EQUAL, It 1 r f common ?o,d with unbounded tfirar. ance in all ch- of Cute.lln linos.DuruB, fiprain. Khenmatiira, Hard HwelUngH, liio-s- . chUv bUum.StiffUf Miotthe Joints. I'rojen I'eet, Kara, :c, fcc, among all persona, and for Sprains. Koiindpra. Uluglxne,lolM:vil, ttcratchrs.Wlnd. Oallfl. Hoof-sla- . Sprinhlt. Saddle.CoL lur and llarncuu 8rviu, Uulla; iluo dneanv of the Kra aud Eur In - Horses, Mules or Cuttle. lelluw-uinu- er hl m 1 , , ; . H wmm sT V TOi also Cure Ueuraljjla, EheumatiKn, r.ont, Lam Dock, bait lilumm,. l'oisonous TAtm, Kxtemal llouemd Muscle Affections, Horn Nipples, &e.t and may bejubtlytennudtao panacea or all EXTERNAL WOUNDS. JBjT" Ilerarmber, this Liniment did not spring up in a daj'or n ytur, pr. duelnitTHE MorrADirBDASDrxNAtt'iuLcuan CLAIMKD ET N JiEW-lJOB- N MCtlHUOOU LlMI cava the experience of over wit U the wont thirty years ofbytrial, a mulfctudo of witut-Mca-. If the Luiltutnt Is not as recommended, tho Mkwts. Hut WO Money will bo Ecfundcd J The late John Stuart Mill bears eloDo otb impowd oponby rsslw any othcif quent testimony to the value of a loving and deveted wife. .Such nn one it was Liniment cutiuuig the suuie proprrtios or rc suits. They are a chuat sad a fraud. Lv sura his grief to loose, at a time when her was his chief support, and her andgotaoudngbat intelligent advice and assistance in writing his works, of inestimable value. It was his custom, since her decease, to 8ou x au Ducaoiers ako Ccrsn-make a visit in the Spring of each year, Pi trf outs kf to her grave at Avignon. Pairing one 50c. and $1 per Bottle. of these visits his life was cut short; and Size or Bottu:, Style, &c Koxks judging from the tenderness of the tribute he has paid to her memory, it may LYON MTG. CO.' be supposed lie would have desired to . confront the King of Terrors, when his presence was no longer avoidable, at just such a spot. The touching nature of his affection for the former partner'of his losom, is illustrated in the dedication of his work on "Liberty." The reader will thank us for it, ns a choice contribution to the annals of marital relations : "To the beloved and deplored memory of her who was the inspirer, and in part the author of all that is best in my writings the friend and wife whose exalted sense of truth and right was my strongest incitement, and whoso approbation was my chief rewail I dedicate this volume. Like all I have written for many years, it belongs as much to her ?s to me; but the work as it stands, has had, in a very insufficient degree, the inestimable advantage of her revision; some of the most important portions having been reserved for a more careful exa n:w ArruQAHCX3 siATE a : amination, 'which they are never destined to receive. Were I but capable of Pure Bicoming Complexion, interpreting to the world one half the snd operation Is It Is Pnrl7 VegetaUc, great thoughts and noble feelings which t.1 ouce. It dot sway with tbo .cn and are buried in her grave, I should be the App' srance tauaod by U'.nt. Katigna medium 'of greater benefit to it than is aud f.xcittuifant. llejlsaud removes all Llotchca dlpelliiig dark tnd nnslghOy ever likely to arise from anything that 1 an'. I'iaiplfS, l'rivcs away lar, Freckles sod Sun. can write, unprompted and unassisted burn, sad by Its trontlo bnt powtxful lidiuunc xatcties tbe laded cheek witk by her ftU but unrivalled wisdom.' If you, lay the Tim boy will how what they cau do, Jty burning down u city or two clerk of the weather a button for the For Utah! GEO. FRANCIS TUAIX, glorious change that has taken place. Coming Dictator, Chef ib la Communis Ei We have a cloudless sky of the most (The riiUMJIKNT Ii LA hUHS DU MlOl) Tue Towns, May, 18J3. .' lovely blue, the air is fresh and balmy Times is a sinful readon and sunshine and its clear the every gleams paper, out of doors with a sparkling ers wicked men and thing how The London papers are much exercispublicaus, beauty that makes all hearts glad. We ed over a robbery which occurred at much more need for its sanctification are thankful. Twickenham, on the banks of the and their conversion by a scrap of Personal. At the Union Depot Ho-t- Thames, on the 2'Jth of April. The holiness from the of the villa was on the river, pulpit of Trinity are A. Elmore, Ft. Howard, Wis., frotitage looked upon as asafeguard. was this and Church ! It looks very much as if John Mather, East Troy, Geo. Brown, Policemen watch the land side, and the 1'arson Sullivan reversed the motto Cincinnati, J. A. Olmsted aud wife, U. dwe lers in these villas never apprehendS.A., J. Wirtn and lady, Cincinnati. ed from the direction of the waof the Xazarene, and proclaimed "I Col.- S. B. Arden, and U. T. Bailey, New ter.danger The thieves landed from a boat in come to call the the Thames, and crowing the lawn in righteous, not sinners York. front of the house, entered it by cutting to e The repentencc." piety It was very early iu through Grant's Xcv Haven Oration. the a shutter. and sanctity of these modmorning, between 3 and 4 o'clock. ern "Comrades It aifords me very great Miss Young, who was in her burlesques on the ancient evan pleasure to meet you here, but I will no,t up stairs, was aroused by a noise. gelists is sickeniug, to' all people of detain you by any address, which would Thinking it was her maid servant, she common sense and must be offensive only mar the pleasure you would have said in a low tone, "Is that you, Ellen?" in reflecting on those addresses which you but received no reply. After thai she to a God who despises cant and hates have heard, which have been so able, and thought she saw a man, and said, "Is hypocrites. which only do justice to your army and that you, Sydney ?" meaning her broth, to the commanders whicft you have had er, Capt. Webb, who slept in the ad with you." joining room, "he thief presented a Decoration Gen. from "Which" is the best thing pistol at her, eaying, "u you are, not seen. ever we have Grant "which", quiet I'llblow your brains out." He The Jay was observed with then asked her where her jewels were. an unHis married. She was too frightened to givethe alarm, Mr. Chase was thrice gual demonstration of patriotic fer-V- o Kate Mis3 was Gamss wife first by and pointed to her dressing table. The notwithstanding the splenetic whom there was no issue--daughter thief still threatened her with his pistol, exhibition of well known and took about fifteen hundred dollars' malignants who are as or niece of a Mrs. Garniss,' wife was worth of jewelry, with which he walked second His years ago. unforgiving as they arc ungenerous. forty Miss Lizzie Smith. She was the mother olT, leaving Miss Young in a fainting Piatt gets off a good Miss Kate Chase, now the wife of Sen- condition. The thievus went lack to thing in of ator Sprague, of Ithode Island. His the Boat at the foot of fhe lawn, rowed w the bigo whofor- - third wife was Miss Sarah Bell Lud- across the river, and left the boatashore De and floral tributes to the Smith low, of Israel Ludlow, on the Surrey side. Capt. Webb slept the first one of dead buried at colony Btttler on the peacefully during the robbery, as no Arlington, by in- - Symmes purchase. She was the mother noise was made. The bmt belonged to of Miss Nettie, now Mrs. Hoyt, of New the Thatiies conservators or police, and What U been wlfen from ts anchoraga by that fully tventy-firYork, at wlioja bojjse the Clue? Justice A hint, .. pcr cent the Meres, ... , silk-dre- IUSTAI the liMbltuble world. It has the old r it and brat rrcord of any witrld. From the isetore us are several bones, now Llntmmtliitho million upon millions .of uotttra seem which be have to no old crumbling lime, complaint lias evrr reach-- , longed to the human leg. The tibias cd uk, und as u licallug and Ajax the lightning ilM ilelv. Let your Muruiou tight or die h Utah! Union Pacifio Express carried East last week five and a half tons of refined bullion. 15rjLi.iox.-- The Extremely Pleasant. M all diut-k- netes for the Chicago Times T' The erally observed as a holiday in Salt Lake City, in obedience to the proclamation newspaper man bowed affirmatively. of the Mayor, in commemoration of those The holy responded as follows : who sacrificed their lives at the altar of "Then I request you not to stay. their country. The morning was inausI understand that the Triuity Church picious, as snow and rain fell, causing congregation oecupied a very promisome interruption of the proceedings. nent place in the columns of the the bad weather the Time this morning, and, although 1 Notwithstanding of decorating the graves of have not read the article, I presume Lceremony it partook of the scurrilous nature of the soldiers sleeping in their graves at was imposing. The troops the articles which have preceded it. Camp Douglas, in the camp turned out in full uniform. I must, therefore, request the repres- The graves were strewn with flowers by entative of that paper to cease tak- gentle hands. Salt Lake City has paid ing notes or withdraw from the its tribute to the soldiers who are resting under the sod of Utah. church." The e, ii lowed Clark and took hold of him by the throat, when he got another knock-dowand called "enough." But Clark, now thoroughly roused, determined to be the judge of what was "enough," aud finding a bottle in Williamson's pocket, gave him a few "licks" with it over the head, whicn caused the ternwle appearance above referred to. The case was brought before Alderman Thomson this after noon. Clark wus fined five dollars aud costs, Williamson seven dollars and a half and costs. Williamson was intoxi cated when the fracas occurred. Utah's An Ohio editor was rendered in ane while sv'nv homo one night , by A numViev of teams came in yesterday from tvilt Creek, Utah, bringing grain. waring tue iollowuiy; words eoniu It was delivered ou contract to JJooue & tow a dark porch on a fdiady street: Dolman. Ohi iJolui, I wonder u that mous- Some good men and a large number of ache feels as good on your lips as it loafers continue to leave on the returnloes on mino '!" insts: isfaction. U'e were in error in saying the fellow convicted of whipping his d We pray for preurliing not for piety, :ihioii lratl cliiMili ami rule surietY; mother at liiillionville was sentenced to 1'iilpit anil pivxN meuiiK Jollai mul cents, 80 dnys in the county jail. The term of lioYi'i'iimi iit mean (iiuiit uml t lie ieut. his imprisonment is lhli days; and we Ths MotiiLiKii popomtapi'l lias stirred tlix hutted tire of hell. shall be gratified if we hear this is an Heme these, lyiiijf muiiU with wither wrung, error, and that still another huudred Tried to esrapv liy killing lli i'imii Yimug. should be added. When l'uiijiiuli villa";!' to rm k, San Klalu isito frit the News comes from Highland that a Let Mi't'ullom, Cm Kin ami rant large body of very rich ore has just been White Hon lu Cmigre ami rant. in the Arizona, the most arrest, outrage, uml wrong developed Thin Mormon Hwimlle prolong. promising of the Mendha Company's l'ilo up the rot, moment Ui fteul, ledges. We hope the report may prove Jlrilm the CoHjfteisi, huy the l.riirli; All men of common miw must feel, true. "lis time to alop his tieutile stench. We hear that congratulatory dispatch es were yesterday sent to Fans from anil the fuse, lining, light I'p Shoulder rifles, mart the new, riocue on the elevation to tho I'resideu- lAiuu with (inutile nnil the Jew &ome ei our ' cy oi iMarsuai iuc.uaiion. In L'iah! French citizens probably see in the event the hope of restoring French mill The Mormon uu liu not yet cet, ItriliHin ha never heeu bribed, tary supremacy ou the continent. The At least with impunity yet. Prussians have always considered Mc- Mahon the ablest military man of hurl luuk thefieiitile lie, llrighnui! Is Utah! n i "After many days'' we are again the presence of the l'ioehe hail its new advent with pleasure, aud wonder wherl; it has been this long time. The following are clipped from the Record of the 27th and 28th favored with L'ecord We Take your rlinioe. or nliivery! lh-utl- i i the preacher was endeavoring to edify his congregation he observed "Hont is it, Miss, tbat you gavo our age in the register as uiilv ? I fas boru tlie same tweuty-fiv- e as ear your.eli, uud bouij; thirty- . uiue, must DC iuung lady "Ah, you see, Mr. Assessor, you have n ed much luster thau 1. ; The truly great and good in nflliction bear a countenance more princely than they are wont; for it is the temper of the highest hearts, like the palm-treto most when is most it strive bur considerable of which have been land, upward rousted. The furnace cives nerfect sat dened. T.iliprty! Justire will rejoin-- ; They fulnity the pei'li' wire, Sullivau, of the Williamson struck Clark with a willow, Church of Chica--0 and received in return a blow in the face Trinity Episcopal that sent him to the ground. Not satisi.s a singular specimen of an fied with this, he followed Clark and It is generally supposed abused hiui with foul evangelist. language, the lathis class him to that Christian ministers of ter telling go away as he wanted ''nrfi-ir-lthfi no more to lrIi. ilntv say to him. Hut he still fol- while ; Our ing Mormon produce wagons. Mormon mends have the hater "spot ted," uud generally try to dodge them. One hundred and fifty tons of ore has been delivered at the Mendha mill, High- I'tahI Krljjlmm to arms! cull out your ntn, I.'muI your cniuioii! l'limt your sums I'ii n i Home Hint Fuitli uii Mormon rutin. In Utah! The Kev. Ed. creature. iut the an H. makes exception in fa Rev. E. different persons vor, or disfavor, as of the Chicago may view the matter, Last Sunday Timet and its readers: CAM. TO ARMS TO UIUUIIAM VOt'NO. Newmim uud lii oliuirli who found it necessary to him of out the wagon. Whereupon pull irospel to every EriUUAM That hliKul hheiil.l Mow from Mormon bund, full your l'Hiul ami tukv your xtuml, of the owner, Xurned Out of Church. Pioclie Ai'ws. on M:r!:n H::1.:;,: L::::.::!, 25c, n HAGAK'S ems r -- flan liaim f.-- l r U you gan take without fcanijs? - TOUrilFUL BLOOI AM) BEAUTT, M liy ad PniR?liits and Fancy Stores, |