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Show For tli JcpCTiox. O, Xot! Pespair Coalville, May 30th, 1873. Dkaii Jcxctiox: Kain for the last three weeks at this place with a fair prospect to contiuue for the next three weeks. L. L. Kandell & Co's. saw mill caught fire on the 1'Sth, loss about eight hundred dollars, it will be repaireJ immediately. It is, or was situated about twenty miles from this place on the south fork of Chalk Creek. The tender of our locomotive narrow guage, was run off the track yesterday, which caused some delay in shipping coal, doing considerable damage to the tender. liy working till early this morning, they were able to resume their regular trips by 10 a.m. Simon. ! .!" co"""on' of our r v.rSuf bitter tnfe i,Ml'ir lung, Ion, rrowful ending. .n, Je lito, AnJkwuf rtfo, j.;ver iu memory wcM-- t land no r thewke of our Kl'"-'"1- " sunny, Uuu k,e. tin' Ti.. !lir uill- - and rule, .0 llowry, l IP . ill tUe et but d of tiu ''? ,oved ,h( Fr the thee loved Anrl who war U"J lmtlon' Thi' pi '"'I" "f ,u.v nu'e wwt tube, Aui what thou laoliiur.'lsyetf.r ths; good-bye- to-da- thy fond ambition llour v erlwiiif Kortuiw trown berelt thoe Of'lioino Hiid friiid and power: dowrt-r- ; CUildlioHlB lavish For (lie l(e of b..vlioW'Kvu i Providk for tiik Beks. Mr. Seth II. l'utnani, of Salt Lake, communicates the following on the beo question, which is worthy the attention of all owners of For the sike of tliy aaiiited mother, uud gladsome Oay, The tiiijjrant and thorulew Strewn in that happy way As only a mother may; Ynutli'K loiiR to, J),.pair not! Live fur thy dutieg Tatipht hy our 1'lirint above, of blessings The ifroatnit, Tn win, to wear and prove; Humility, truth and love. (wett, honey-make- . HillarJ, in lua able and interest-i- n address before the College of l'bar-calluded, among other physical onuses ef death, to the alarming preface of adulteration. "Every where," lie well said, "there is death iu pot; our our milk, bread, our butter, our flour, and it is one our pickles, are poisoued, of the chief tusks of the pharmacist to counteract the deleterious effects of the alulteratiou of food and drink. But ibe pharmacist is not the only agent of relief; it is yet more necessary that there Mr. y, measures of prevention than measures of cure; and the stern action of Government must be a principal medium for attaining this end. The "spirit murder working in the very means of life" is to be met henceforth in England of more stringent laws than heretofore. Adulteration of food and drink is surely one of the gigantic materi tl evils of our time, and it must have paternal legislation; there is nothing to which it, and its police auxiliary can be more usefully directed. Developments are constantly being made in regard tp the substances that daily make their appearance upon our tables, which should startle every man and woman in the community into by vigorous against attack?, all the more dangerous as tbey are insidious, against the health, and in not a few eases, the very life of our househ- old. t, iue spirit oi gain nas oecome so the competition is so cheap, and especially among retail dealers, and ikkeration is getting to be so much a natter of course iu certain materials, that even tolerably honest men are accustomed to regard t either as cumetliing they must do to keep puce with their neighbors, or as a proceeding which does not turn out to be so dangerous after all. . No sanitary legislation or supervision is anything like complete unless the prompt exposure and stern punishment of adulteration form a foremost object. Nor is the evil confined to soU4 substances, to sugar and coffee, flour and meal, the cvery-dn- y commodities of the kitch. n. The wine and spirits, the malt liquors and even our cider, are, to use the poet's short and sharp expression, "forged;" and as a result, he well vitriol madness rushes up in t n ruffian's head." The evils of drunk-eaueare rendered d more deplorable by the admixtures poisonous Wended to an illicit profit, while bring the use of wines for sickness becomes dangerous and is quite as likely to intensify as to assuage the malady. It is Mingukr fact that very few articles, of uher food or drink, can be successfully waltemed without (he aid of actual ram-pin- ss ten-fol- poisons. We crime so w serious in its effects. The new law a first offense with a fine of M), and a second with an impriaon-awtwit- h hard labor for six months; hile the seller, though not adulterator tampered goods, is fined 20 for a offense, and if it is repeated is published in the newspapers at his own expense. Quite as important are the penalties imposed in the system to be ptM of detecting adulterations. The grown to such proportions that 7 n,00led whether a special of experts might not be advantage to the cheated and Poisoned community. The J ack8on(Teunesse) Wh ig and punishes on ''7HtHsofa womao who sent jw husband to buy a jug of molasses. e got drunk and fetched home the US filled vrith whisky. She took it P, smelt it, set it back, and then lf, yarin-hersearms akimbo and r8Bs?hluS, she exclaimed, lT-T?Vold man railed l hUlftnvd,P,easant,y'and saving ShardrPitiatingly- L " Innocence of Mr. Colfax. In an old Pennsylvania town,where they voted strictly in accordance with the dictatgsof the party leaders (so the story goes), the experiment was made of putting a new ticket in ths field. A Mr. Green was the candidate selected, but by reason of sickness he was unable to go to polls on election day. When the returns were published, Mr. Green had just one vote. Chagrined at this, and annoyed by the accusation that he had voted for himself, he announced that if the person who had voted for him would come forward and make affidavit to the facts, he would reward him with a suit of clothes. A few mornings afterward, a burly Dutchman called upon Mr. Green, and abruptly remarked ; "I vauts dat suit of clothes." "Then you are the man who voted for me?" honey, and will have to be fed. Slake a "Yah, I'm dat man." 9 syrup of white sugar, by adding water "Are you willing to make an affand boiling; place inside the top of the hive in a shallow dish; place floating idavit ou it?" slicks on the top of the dish, to keep the "Yah, I swear to 'em." bees from being drowned. Do this as Mr. Green, accompanied by the in long os they will eat it up, as many bees telligent voter, went to the office of are dying of starvation. Estray Notice, We copy the following from the IN MY POSSESSION THE FOLLOW-iSouth Bend Tribune, relative to the dmacribittlaniuiftl. which, if n.t claimed l death of Oakes Ames, and his admisml Ukeu a way within ten duyi from m1! Iu the hight repmib! dat, will ixtDUtrk sion of Mr. Colfax's innocenee : t Stray 1'uuud, t OgUu City, at thn "Oakes Ames was stricken with TuiMdar. June loth, 1873: ONE SPOTTED KEl'AND WHITE HEIFEK, Eos-to3 year old, iwallow fork iu right oar, illegiMa paralysis at his home in North on Monday night, and lingered Uruud on left boulJtr, baa a Young. is.can. ftr . District 1'dUudWr, along, entirely unconscious, until Ogden City, May 31.1ST3-4- 1 3 Thursday night, wheu death took It is to be rc- place at 9 o'clock. n iire-4.n- lud-l- ?;they!" He - exclaim- now con- - r, n, rrottiA tltnf In V! lnef limira Tift wn not conscious, for he might then have coufessed to those about him what he did to an intimate friend since the adjourmcnt of Congre- ssMr. Colfax s entire innocence of re ceiving any money on the 'S. C. 1,200 check,' or of his having any thing to do with it. That prince of convicted rascals, Schuyler Colfax himself, "put that in, and it is entirely worthy ot him. It there ever lived a man whose reputation for truth and veracity stood unblemished, that man was Oakes Ames. In Boston, iu North Easton, where he was born, and where his whole life was spent, the name of Oakes Ames was the synonym of personal honor, and "his word was as good as his bond." It is fortunate for the memory of Mr. Ames that his oath to the effect that he paid Colfax 1,200 was confirmed by by the cashier of tho bank who received the deposit and by that of of the House of the sergeant-at-arm- s cashed the who Representatives The attempt of Colfax to check. blacken his name alter he is in his coffin convicts him of being both a Omaha scoundrel and an ingrate. THE MONITOR. HAS UAINKP A VAR-KNo higher encomium can iihu a Cooking Stoto tluiu to aay tlmt who iimd it KMnk in iU ruiw very houw-wifi- ! and nuiuiuiU it to nlililxr and friend for evottoiny, chtuilme ami reliability in all it lMrHtUnn. Ktowed hr the justice of the peace, and the reaffidavit was made upon which 31,314 MONITORS now in USE, The ft and Ingratitude. Two Slave quired and clothes the were given purchased nianouiners, rooming on Meadow ValAWo, THK CfcW.nMTW At parting, Mr. ley Street, took pity on an impecunious to the deponent. SASTA CLALS COOKlXli STOVE, Greek, who goes by the name of George Green said: Kean, and took him to their room and For 4'onl mid Wood, "Now, my friend, jnst answer me furnished him with sleeping accommo- one How came to ho nurh a IVmand through th Territory, Whlih you question. dations. The day of the Catholic Sunfor Bmuty and Exrelleucp, cannot Le for vote me ?' day School festival the Greek said he BurjueJ.i "You vants to know dat ?" believed he would go out to the picnic, All our Move arr kept mid for Snlv n. I. mid all It llraiu-t- i as he had no work to do, and the Slavo"Yes." by Ntorm. nians, as usual, left the room in bis "Aud you von't go back on the AIho by all tha Stores iu tl.e charge, and went to their daily labor. does ?" 3tMjin Territory. Iustead of going to the pic nic, the Herald. "No." Greek broke open and went through the trunk of the friends to whom he had for "Yell," said he, slowly, and with lie no! some days been indebted for a home, a sly twinkle of the eye, "den I tole and abstracted $35 in coin every cent made a mistake in de tick' Russell J. Cadgrigan is a merchant of money they had. He then procured you FACTORY et!" from North Carolina, who came to WOOLEN AND a cuyuse, and was Inst seen on the road to Salt Lake. "George Kean" is a middlethis city to purchase his Summer Cni'dlnjtr -aged An Awkward Mistake. u ru iu iuccwaful fpuratiou. man, with heavy whiskers and stock of goods. Early yesterday mornof and beard, swurtliy complexion, while walking through GreenThe Sacramento Bee, is responsi ing WOOL WANTED IN EXCHANGE FOK speaks in broken Englis'i. Being a wich he was met by a gentlestreet, Greek by birth, he can easily be identi- ble lor the CLOTH. : a .Last weet tollowinj; fellow who professed fied when he reaches Salt Lake, and we looking manly to a fashionable dry rolln In a aiiporiox'mannor y advise the police of that city to keep a young lady went to know him. After "smiling" the thflWool curded Into . and rximrtoncrd Cardm-- K. side of north house the on J sharp eye on him. A man who would goods two repaired to the gambling den at steal from his benefactors, as he did, is street, not more than a mile from llring on your wool the corner of Cortlandt and Washe 1'ioche in ready-mada to Fourth dangerous any community. street, buy where the North CarRecord, May 30. suit. One very handsome one struck ington Btrcets, won $200. Picking the mondinal her fancy, and she had it rolled up he was about to leave when hat she might take it home and test ey up, Emphasis. one of the gamblers, named Ed. Kus-sel- l, SEWING the fit. Ihe trial proved that it was drew a knife and threatened to Some years ago there was a stu- too large, and she again rolled it up stab him. Cadgrigan saw the situaBEST IN TIIK WORLP: I'ERKKCTEW dent at the Theological Seminary at and laid it on the table ready to re- - tion at a glance, and Braking for the THE thn Inventor of the Sewing Miuhinr, Andover wrxv lniLrcilei2bfidELIAS HOWE, Jim. window jumped out,rolled across the ion of his own talents. On one oc- down town, she took up the bundle casion he asked the professor who from the table and left it at the store. awning, and sjid down the telegraph An IIOXKST MAC'IIIMlnml not Hiibject to FITS. for the police. A taught elooutiou at that time, "What The salesman regretted that the suit pole, shouting do 1 especially need to learn in thi didn't fit, and Liberty street policeman answered; being at the time wait and all three were taken before POINTS OF SUPERIORITY: department?" "You ought first to ing on another customer, he just laid Hogan. learn to read," said the professor. it back on the shelf without Simplicity and 1'erfrrtiou untying Judge The men gave their names as Samof Jlarhtinimn "Oh! I can read now," replied the it. During the afternoon another student. The professor handed the lady came into examine a suit. She uel Harris and Edward llussell, and Durabilitywill last a were committed by order of the Lift time, 3'oung man a Testameut, and pointed was shown a great many, but having Court on Workivitlwut complaint o?Cadgrign,for Jlauge of verse of the twenty-fo- found none that rleased her the to the twenty-fift- h a l, a gambling house. The keeping of Luke's urth , Gospel salesman suddenly remembered the chapter Y. winner. X. the and Stitch to reverts 1'erfection of he asle 1 him to read that. The stu- handsome, returned suit. Says he, money Tension Star. said read: unto ''Then he dent them, "Mrs. I have here a suit that and Ease of Operation 0 fools, and slow of heart to believe I believe you will find exactly adapt-p- d Here is a frightful warning for Management all that the prophets have spoken." to your style." He suavely and young ladies who tciU sit on the Self A d in g Take-u- p just "Ah!" said the professor, "they were Adjustable Head expertly took hold of the returned kitchen stairs at parties; A new fools for believing the prophets, were scissors he "in his With a belle York snipdesperate ut parcel. engaged Call and Kxamine our Stylw buJ I'ru they?" Of course that was not right, ped the twine. He opened one end flirtation was lately deluged by the T. W. JONES', Tailor, and so the young man tried again. of the Third door from 7..C. M. I., 0;i'. ii of a whole tureen of scald-inpaper. He inserte J one hand "0 fools, and slow of heart, to be- and with the other caHght the envel- upsetting SAMUEL MILLER, JUN., hot stewed oysters in the hands of lieve all that the prophets have spokend. Then other in the the stumbled over who waiter a Igtut. by oping paper en." "The prophets, then, were with a smile of admiration he drew dark, and her neck was scalded so Also, at th Sues Room, a frwr sometimes liars?" asked the professor. the of Z. C. M. L, iult Luk paper off and unfolded a pair of badly that she is probably disfigured Joorg west No. "0 fools, and slow of heart to trousers belonging to the brother of for life. City. believe all that the prophets have the first tried had who young lady spoken." "According to this read- the suit, and which trousers the ing," the professor suggested, "the brother had wrapped up contemporaprophets were notorious liars?" This neously with the wrapping up by was not a satisfactory conclusion, and her of the dress, and which bundle Main St., Ogdeii, anil Main St., Logan, Cache Co. so another trial was made. "0,fools, she had inadvertently returned for and slow of heart to believe ail that that one. AGENT FOK THE Such explanations as the prophets have tpoken." "I see could be made were made, but to now," said the professor, "the proph- show a lady a pair of breeches with ! ets wrote the truth, but they spoke the assurance that they were exactly lies." This last criticism discourag- suitable for her to wear is an act hard ed the studeut, and he acknowledged to fully explain. HIS JUSTLY CELEBRATED WAGON IS MADE Ot THE BEjJT MATERIAL that he did not know how to read. T throughout and it warranted. the fact that The difficulty lies in the father who was This is told of a words "slow of heart to believe" apA ITIX SUPPLY ALWAYS QX IIAXtt, his little boy to one teaching evening of latter the whole of to the Also DeaJer in part ply lesson. It the sentence, and emphasis on any recite his Sunday-schoo- l was from the fourteenth chapter of Light Spring YYagoiiN, ftwecpstakes' Thresh fit j particular word entirely destroys the the related U wherein anil parMatthew, Machine?., JLSuckeyo meaning. who individual malicious Feed Cutters able of a Sulky IlakcK, Corn StnbUIe A but wild-eye- d gentle- went about sowing tares : "What is 31111s, f.riiitlcrx, Emery Fanning man called at the office of the Mayor of a tare? Tell me, my son, what, a .Plows Shovel Pious, Cultivators, said he tare asked the anxious parent. I4ianapolis, recently, and his" is," FA KM MACIUXEUY, OF wife. AND AM KINPS wanted something done with what do eml" had "You "Johnny, Honhi3 "What's the matter!" inquired his father, openor. "he keeps giving me pills," was you mean ?" asked Why the reply, "1 wouldn't take "em," said ing his eyes rather wide. A Cooiplete Awortmcnt of his Honor. "I can't help it," said the in- last week, when you didn't come jured husband; "she gives 'em to-- me home for three days,"" said Johnny, when I'm asleep." T4 wear a inutile," AXD STEEl, Ett tell Aunt Susan that WAfiOX HATEMIL, HARDWOOD, husband "I heard mother BltlGIIAM CITY rnltino , well-know- n 3-- J , llucV-ly- HOWE JACHINE. a . if- rmll . s: s'-'8-ly take a leaf from legislation in dealing with a readily committed, aud so sure might profitably sglish s: On account of the extreme wet and co d weather, bees are getting short of Death in the Pot. should be An Election Story. Correspondence. EL D. HAMMOND, Schuttler Wagon doners Sheller, well-dresse- d . aid his Honor. The Injured started. He hada't thought of that. - you. were OU tr" IM Kepr, |