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Show President Young" III H Inlay Last Ssnday President Brigham Young reached the mature age of seventy-thre- e years. We join with all his friends in sincere Congratulations, and in the hope that he may live many years more to guide tmd counsel the people of Utah. The effects of his past advice and supervision are to be seen in the prosperity of the Territory and its inhabitants; in the order aud peace that prevails; in the fruits and flowers aud grain, in the stock that swurin on the hill fides and ranges, iu the homes and improvements, the towns and cities, that stretch for five hundred miles over a onco solitary and desert wilderness; and in, the wealth, enterprise and general progress of a thriving and happy community. God bless the leader of the people, the PresiSaints, 'and dent of the Latter-da- y SPECIAL ft Young the one who shall wear the tiara in Man. the event f his death, is of some Dolitieal importance. The King of Centenarians are so numerous that has given evidence that he is it Is impossible to keep up with the Italy not disinclined to the restoration of daily record of the old people, whose , j is re tne Napoleonic uvuasiy, appearance on the stage of lift election of the next Ppe will be subpeatedly announced. The public has . to his royal wishes. 1.n 1' o ject, partially, hearu ot a multitude oi w asaiiigwu in the ear of the aged servant who have passsed the hun- A whisper of become sur- - Pontiff who has been dispossessed A Centenarian an ... auiit,. AiToistmexts. The following named Elders are requested to fill the appoint 3 after reading this advertise!,,, menti as Herein indicated, on ounu, "n3rw SUFFER WITH PAlv t, June s8th.' RADWAY'g READY RELIEF LS L CrP Po EVERY PAIN. Waller Thomson, .F S. Richards, l'lam It was the flrst and In Ci,y. . , Richard Uallantyne, hdwin Nratioru, That instantly stops the most Uemos-- V excni, iatin gI'a"l,1 Austin C. Drown, Eden. allays IullaiuU!ittion and run ( '" F. A. Hammond, Edmund Ellsworth, whether of the Lungs, Stomach, glands or organs, by one appliration, j,,' f0'1'" Moroni Brown, Huntsville. to twenty imimtM, n matter how Violent J. J. M. Butler, Thos. allace, Slater- - cruciatiiiK the pain, the Rheumatic, lM.rln' ville. dreds, until we have of Italy, ). M. Stuart, Joseph Stanford, Taber 'eited with 'reports some "poor his estates by the sovereign RADWAY'S READY RELIEF nacle. 'U aflurd i. latum etwe aud been have breathed, softly old slave" who passed through the may Window Farr. Charles C. Erown, Inflatnmatiou of the KMncyt. Intlammation of tlw RlaJder, IullHiiiniation of the Uuweu it is not unlikely that the accession Mftrri0itvillc. r liim gention of the Limns. Sore carnage, at Mommouth, or slept by W. W. ' jj A. Burton, Lynne Brown, will be lieait nnrmev BreHtiiinK. n 'if 1'alpitatiou of the f a T?,,nnr.nrt, ih the side of the "Father, of his counIn Croup, Diptherin. -. - ...... 1 The Only lstiu - i lf 1 ikuM 1 try." But there is an old simultaneous witn tne runuuimauuu 1. f'.,ti,;iir In Fr.nnmv a u.l' vuC T.,..,:..l ; iu.jn.na. 7 A llil,i Duenna. Catarrh, Toothache. Neumlgia, Rheunmti.m. UIJ eiiillH, Ague Chills. The application of the READY KKLIFF part or jwrts where tlje pain or difficulty eii..! will aftbrd ease and comfort. Twenty drop iu half a tumbler or water will a few moments cure Crani, Spuis, gur Hl , a h, Heartburn. Sick Headache, Diarrhea liv... . ... Notice. Seventiesthe 75th roneral uit'tiiitr of Quorum of Seven gentleman Mwwill beheldiitBun.toy, Juue Mh, In V 111(11- Second Ward Schoelhouse. at 10 a. m. Puuctuul 1 J Count at . that, not superannuated by . attendance of all the members is requested. a m c f a l a n d, prkst. such a result, is most prob- that catc one of the at age any means, who, ... Pj.Ii.. ...... .u II. ... o uvncu, IUU W lutenuil hundred and seven years, has been able if not inevitable, but the change Dcseret Agricultural and ...... Pains. commocrreat cause must Travelers should necessarily Society. Manufacturing always carry a bottle of installed Director of a magnificent WAY S READY RKUEF with them. A tew 'wi tion water on will Second Paris. or tutu huia prevent throughot Europe. The adjourned meeting of the theatre, now being built at ihange of water. It i better than i rouch Braudv of the branch an Weber District cr a Ititters stimulant. been ' who has County Count de Waldeck, ap FKVElt A'1 AUl'E cored Tor fifty cenK at the beheld will Society, MONDAY. 2. There is not a remedial agent in this world that pointed to the position of directing a will cure Fever and Ague, and all other Mularioiw school Ward Second oh house, Thursday,. one time the at was theatrical lliliotis, Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow and other fnxrrl troupe, on Weber West At MrsiCAL. Sunday June oth, at 6 p. m. A full attendance (aided ly Radway'o give him continued strength of body Pills) so iuivk as RADW'AY'st ilEADY KKLIEF. infty cent, of Saxony. He last we were much pleased with the pro the throne heir to beperbottl,. &! of and the intellect is and of all interested invited. privilege by Druggists. served under Bluchcr, at the battle ems of the sinzinir class umkr the Mark II all, President. holding the establishment of that soof Mr. John Boyle. They one afterwards was leadership and of Waterloo, cial and heavenly order among men Strunif mid Pure Rich Blood Increase ol FIeh Retch ed. -- M. Thatcher, Esq., Secre Prince sing a number and variety of glees and ami Weight Clear Skiu and Beautiful Cum. for which he lives and labors with of the body guard attending C. and Nibley, Esq., Agt plt'Sion secured to all. other pieces with great effect, keeping tary U.N.R.R., on tho occasiou of the Queen unfaltering determination and un- Albert, excellent time and nmkinjr perfect or tne same roaa, arriveu in town 10 of Eventually These and feeling well. marriage. England's wearying solicitude. harmony. We are always glad to see day looking Resolvent Sarsapariliian as a naturalized subject the cultivation of the musical talents of gentlemen In company with Mrs. lhatuu- - IIiih mailt) ic became tlio iiHwt astoninhing cur, no quick, no ure the clinngoa the body onler;;M, under and citizen of France, and iu his old the young people; music tones down their er have lately paid a visit to 'Frisco, J rajiid tliu in miotic oi iiiih iruiy wonticrtu! Mnlicint Out Afflicted. Twice rugged natures and is a wonderful civil- an(i enjoyed the beauties and beheld the EVE1U DAY AN INCRKASK IN XKH1I AN1) age was a defender of tho Empire, IIC1 Ul 1..UKIUUSI9 ai.U L'VUII.IUIUWV'S, WKIUHT IS 8KKN AND FELT. ...usns . 01 me . . HL L. cuusi. auuy met iuc THE JKKAT Itl.OOll Pl'ItlFIER. The Dominion of Canada its doubly having shouldered Iris musket to pro hvery tlrip ui tne cAtiSArAKILLlAN HKSUU V Military Post Here. Lieutenant genial Saxe in the OolJcu City, and VKNT cunimimicatps tlinmKli the lllowl, Swial, Irrcuvcd. A few days ago wc an tect his adopted country from invaaud juicm of tlip ytm Geo. M. AVherler. II. S. A., is in this tound lum lively as a lark. the Lol. lthei iiie andof ntluir lortluiil it repair the wastt-- of the lite, vipr nounced the death of Carticr, one of sion, and when the communists de body with new and sound material. Scrofula, city for the purpose of making prepara- - will be in Ogden in a couple of weeks. Consumption, Glandular diiwase, t'livnin tho leading spirits in the work of stroyed the column Vciidome, he tiong to establish a the Throut, Mouth, TuiiKim, Nodea in the (ilarnU military observatory TcLEORArmc Uxio5. We have re and other part" ol the nyidem, Sore Eye, uniting the scattered British North exerted himself to prevent the out in Ogden. The Lieutenant arrived last ceived a communication from the Ilifk'hargea from the Ears, and the wont furuu regions f Skill niwn?, Eroptiona, Kerer Sore, StaM American Possessions into a vast, rage. De Waldeck is n6w as vigor nightfrom Washington with instructions of the South that the son of a lliiid, King orm, rait Kheum, Erysiiela, Aia intimating to that effect, and is now stopping at the ltlui k SixitK, woriin In the Flesh, Tumor, Co- nourishing Kropire. "We ure now ous as a youth. During his chequer Salt Lake Justice and the daughter of a cers in the Wonili, and all weakening and painful Union Depot Hotel. ot epenn, aud all iuformed of the death of another ed career he has been a traveller, a San Pete Judge have united their hands, uiM'hargc, liTiit sweaM, wastes of the lite principle, are within the curatitti Chances. Mr. P. Whelan has moved fortunes and affections. Both were "op- - range of this wonder of Modern Cliemistry, ami a great statesman of Canada, one of the chemist, a painter, aud until lately tew day' iims will prove to any ermiu luiug It tat most brilliant men of the age, who, an artist. Now he has become the from the Resort," on Fifth Street, to erators," and were in telegraphic coin- - either of thewt forms f disease its potent power to cure theiu. had his fortunes beeri cast in the director of a Theatre, which it is said Mr. Minter's old stand, on Main Street, munication, which accounts for the If the patient, dally becoming redursd by tin Si." is about to build a fine establish- - "sparking," the wires being kid while, wafteti and decomposition that is continually mother coiyitry, would have left up will be the most splendid in Europe. tliese wastes, and succeeds in The nexs repairs the same witharresting mcnt near the depot, where he expects lhe parties were in Ogden new material made frwm on the pages of England's history the and this the S A IIS AP A RILLU.X not 'positive" as to the time and houlthy tilcMxl secure. to lead the Van in the saloon business. will and does Not out y does the Sarsapariliian Resotrrnt rx- impress of a great intellect. place where the union was performed, ccl all known remedial agents in the cure of Chro Omaha the and is a rush for Buildiso There ItlutTCity. Spot. of to Governor the as Hon. Joseph Howe, fact there is not a single nic, Scrofulous. CoHstitutional and Skin iinmnt, but . . .1. - i: j i .i it is the only pnsitive cure for K1DM.I and r 'ncirative. lbe vountr lauv was a J'ea- - Imt ' N'ova Scotia, died last night at his Trill conflict between the When MADDER COMPLAINTS, trinarv and Wunih foot ot Fourth Street. The C. P. emi- - eockf but h Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, Stoppage uf admirer thought ghe Wft, residence in Halifax, at the age of the rival cities of Omaha and Council W ater, of I rine, Ilnght l Dim, grant trains stop in that vicinity, and as bird of parttdi8e and was determined to Albuminuria, and in all cases where therears ScotHo left Direc? determined be The Bluffs nearly seventy years. brickdust or the water is thick, cloudy, travel is aeavjr over tne roaas, supplying find her a cage. We congratulate Mr, mixed withdeposits, substances like the white of aa fH, land, his native land, when a youth, tors of the Union Pacific Railroad, this class of passengers with necessaries James E. Clinton and Miss Rosalie Pea- or threads like white silk, or there is morbid, t cock on this happy event in their lives dark, bilious appearance, and waits tnd settled in Halifax, then the capi- since their late visit to the West, in is no Btnall item of business. and when there is a pricking, burning and hope it will bring them all the joy posits, when pnning water, aud pain in the tnull tal of an insignificant province. He structed their officers to proceed with Peiison'al. of the Iwck and along tiie loins, l'rice, !.' Among the arrivals at the they anticipate. WORMS. The only known and sure Remedy . i t commenced his political carecV as a the work of constructing depots and vu.uu t were uv i n t yesieruay, Stock IIekd. Next Saturday Mr. F Rr Worms lin, Tae, etc. Tumor or 12 Years' Growth Ctire4 member of Parliament from Picton general offices at Omaha, as they had fencer u. uerocn. will -i.q , oi uetroil, a. Hammond, of- Oden Xov. ReMolvrnt. o . by Itailwuy'si Mass ! uo is on uis way to o.n rianctsco, to mave b!B Ittat drive for the To enumerate his many acts of use- formally rcsoved to locate the east July 18, 1M9. Beveklt, nMnt Dn. IUdway: I have had Ovarian Turner In ths n and bowels. All the doctors said "thers 8on Tho,e who wish to pu, 8(ock Jn his OTaries fulness, would be to write the history ern terminus of their road at that urt, there, a branch of the no help for it." 1 tried everything tliat was "as hoU!e of Bagley k Co. Hon. Amasa ... recommended; but nething helped nis. I saw yuur her)i .boul(1 Lave thcra itt of Nova Scotia for the last forty point. But it seems from a dispatch Resolvent and thought I would try it; Vst bad no Walker and w.fe. and Francis Batchel- - the in good gea8on faith Tilhing 0gdeilf yarJf in it, because 1 bad suffered for twelve ysan. an took He active iu so the that received years. part tjucstion : der, of Boston; A. A. fengrare, Chey- . I took six bottles of the Resolvent, and one box ot Kc Bounthe settlement of the Fishery, Os the wat Home. Mr. W. II. Rickey Rad way's Pills, and two bottles of your Ready long mooted, and that has so disturb- enne; C. C. Chapman, Omaha, and G. E, lief; and there is not a sigu of tumor to be seen ot and happier than I dary and Keciprocity difficulties, ed the minds of the inhabitants of Stevens, Master Mechauio of the V. P. of Snider & Holmes, wholesale paper fclt, and I leol better. smarter, worst tumor was in have for twelve years. The dealers, St. Louis, was in town which resulted in an amicable adjust- those two nourishing cities, is not It. U. the loft side of the bowels, over the groin. I wrts on business for the firm he represents. this to vou for the benelit of others. You can pubment of differences between Great yet settled, notwithstanding the de HANNAH P. KNArf. lish it if vou choose. Emigration. It is expected that the He is a social gentleman, of good busi Britain and the United States. DR. RADWAY'S cisionoftho directors. The Attor- first eompany of emigrants for this sea ness abilties. He starts eastward to PERFECT PURGATIVE, PILLS, will leave When the subject of cementing ney General of the United States has son, Liverpool on the 4th inst. morrow morning Perfectly tasteless, elegautly coated with gum, purge, regulate, puri(y,cleauseand strengththe bonds of Union among the Colo now under consideration the subject, Is the Old Spot The Low Bros. Kadway's Pills, lor the enre f all disorders Deceived. A young woman came in en. of the Stomach, Liver, Mowels, Kidneys, lllsddtr, nies and forming thorn into one family and no conclusion has as yet been are now in full poveepsion of the old by the Central Pacific train this morn- - Nervous Diseases, Headache, Constipation, Dyspepsia, Ililiousnoss, Bilious was agitated, he was opposed to the arrived at, and probably none will be Low stand at the U. R. depot, where ing in pursuit of a wayward husband Fever, Indigestion, Inflammation of the Bowels, Piles, are prepared to supply the public She lived in Sacramento, and her Derangements of the Intecna! Viscera. Warranted proposal, as he feared that the en until the day of doom. Tho Directors thry pa to effect a positive cure. Purely vegetable, co.. uu iicwspwpers, drug's. iruu, pio- - rents are respectable and in good circum ntaining no mercury, minerals r licloterionsresulting croachmeuts of the more powerfu of the road have taken Observe the following symptoms upon them turn, photographs, curiosities of .the stances. In an hour of infatuation sh fram Disorders of the Wgestive Ounans Provinces of tho West would result selves tho responsibility of placing Inward Piles, fullness of the Blood in the mountains, etc. Alf is himself again, as yielded to the voice of the tempter and Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nansea, Heartburn, io tyrrany over the Peninsula,where the terminus whore it should natlively as a cricket and up to his eyes in consented to an elopement, taking with Disgust of Kood, Fullness or Weight hi the Stom-at ach, Sour Eruttntious, Sinking or 'lutteriDg he had made for himself a name that tsiness. b We wish the Low Bros, sue- - her some valuable intervenof the urally be, regardless jewels, the gifts of a the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Heat, He went to tion of the Government, and tho war cess, ana they ore bound to have it, for loving father and a tender mother, and Hurried and Diflirult Breathing, ilutteriugvhent Uin was loved and revered. Heart. Choking or Suffocating Sensation ur London to protest against the scheme between the two jealous and them to her lover. The tyrant and- - a Lying Posture. Dimness of Vision, Dots mey seuiue juxctios. gaue aspiring Webs before the Sight. Fever and Dull I'aln in the bw, promising lomedlh. d. Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness or "V of auuexation, and, so icnlous was cities vicing for supremacy on the Knock W-Aaffray the Skin and Eves, Pain in the Side, Chest, Liuit, Ceived Ctrl at rnnnn aiirn J and sudden Fluihes of Heat, Burning In the Flwb. he in maintaining the autonomy o Missouri river is now transferred to last night at t nine o'clock, in 7 A few doses of Kadway's Pills will free the sysbut not finding him there, she sent ini tem disorders. I'c Nova Scotia, that he for a while re the National from all the d Z. M. front A of C. .. the I. . . meetinir at . , Capital. The children iUl " wuence she re. 26 ceuts per box. Sold by Druggists. P " "gaen, Child's Hall had inst .1. d kdinrB,l tarded tho project of union. Defeat of the shrewd old financiers who "FHlwe and True." Send one letceivedan answer that he would be at ter11RAD . , , Lai, (, stamp to Railway A Co., So. 8T Maiden will l cJ aud bafiiod he returned, and gave have the New York. Information worth rhouiauds management of the road, a young lady, who screamed for assist- - the depot to receive her upon the arrival eut you. his adhesion reluctantly to the new will He left yesterday probably be gray when the mat- ance.' which was . mmediatelr ronrlpv.ffc of the: train . V " Th world is fu!l aim inis wnereabouts Is un- uiumiug, lorn Dominion. Mr. Howe was elect ter is adjusted. So much for The offender wh severely punished, known. Happily she had some Children crying for manpr rd to the first Parliament of Canada the unwise policy of her to leave this evening for tolerating the having received a severe bruise on his enabnng the happy home which she deserted. Candied Castor aid eventually called to take" part in interference of the Government fist of from the a stalwart champion Oil. witj face, of "Woman's rights." the coalition Cabinet as Minister t what should bo It Is delicious, effective Iobthk East. Mr. John Needham, rewcrely private cor and harmless. The smell the well and Justice. After serving a term of porations. known teste Z. of C. M. A Pat. A big fellow who has been pulsive I. manager ' of the Castor Oil i f ur years in that capacity, he was around town for a week or two got part- clothing department, with his wife and tirely ovarcomo. cathartic powors and tried to kick daughter, left this morning for the East. eorvaMuTius . .. .,..ir '25 cents. l'rieppointed Governor of Nova Scotia, The Old Duvk of the Empire. ly intoxicated were accompanied by Mrs. George McLain's Yermifnge Bonbons an office which he still o?cupicd at up a fuss with several decent men, and They As premised in these column, the finally coming in collision.,,, a native A. Alder. Pleasant journey to all. Aro elegant and effective. They resemble Cream the hour of his decease. Ho has Bonbons kept in coufoctioners' shop.cts. per w- Ml Pope has expressed his preference of the Emerald Isle, he rau fouV of a love them und cry for them. Price Like Nothing Leather his to full of and and Tyrrell gone grave years For Sale by Z. C. M. Jj for Cardinal Bonaparte as his snag, received a pat on the nose, and Read are doing a big business in their And all other druggists. honors. His departure from the acto the See of Home. Follow went to grass. When Capt, Owen took new premises opposite the Livery Stative scenes of this lifo will be deplorhtm in charge and escorted him to the bles, and giving general satisfaction. ed as a lots by all who have at heart ing the election of Marshal MacMa- TakcXolloc. city jail, be was a ragged and bleeding They received the adranccmrrt of progress and a hon as ruler of Fraucc, the desire cf large stock of A large stock of Oils, Turps, Paints The behold. to verobject, pitiful of public rplendid leather, with which to clothe Brushes, Ac, and a splendid lot true civihzr.tion. the occupant of the Vatican as to dict wis, 'served him t f . V the ' t end. Jwt arrived at Driver k Nell.s ight." 45-- ; 11 2 I..I-- above-name- d Health! Beauty! Dr EADWAY'S i 4 i giruiu-o- ii ik " 1 , - de- hene-diu- I 1 rf . well-know- to-da- y to-da- y , st Costive-nes- .... . . Constii-tion- n . s. ' I half-pas- above-name- sSJ-l- y to-da- y. , , to-da- y, - euc-cess- or to-d- pedal extremities of the Og lenites. Store, - nueu. |