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Show jm$.M a Local News Published every Thursday at Nephl, Juab County, Utah. Entered at the post office at Nephi, Utah at second class mail matter under the act of congress of March 3, 1879. r, ROY E. GIBSON PUBLISHERS: A. B. GIBSON A ROY E. GIBSON in advance. Advertising Subscription Rates: One Year, $2.75; Six Months, $1.50. Subscriptions are payable rates on request. Editor-Manage- Section 2 Thursday, May Page $ evan Depar tment LEVAN AND NEPHI PLAN GAME AT LEVAN MONDAY AFTERNOON LEVAN NEWS Mrs. James P. Christensen Correspondent - Phone 368R12 A baseball treat is LEVAN in store for Levan's baseball fans Miss Ruby C. Mortensen died for Monday, May 31st when the leaders from Nephi at a Salt Lake City hospital Sat- CU leacue meet their rivals from Levan will an operation. following urday The game-tim- e Miss Mortensen was born April in a special game. is set for 3 p. m. at the 29th, 1905 at Levan, a daughter of H. Christian and Emma Moss Levan park. She has served in Inasmuch as this is a special Mortensen. tickets for the many capacities in the church, game, the season games will not be honored. working in the Sunday School, M. league Levan baseball enthusiasts urge I. A. and Primary organizations. Survivors are her parents, andi a 100 per cent Levan attendance the team's realthe following brothers and sisters : at this game . . as skids under the Mrs. Elsie ly out to put the Mrs. Eulalia Dunn, James and William Mortensen of Nephi crew. Tooele, Mrs. May Hickman and Dan M. Mortensen, Salt Lake Memorial evercises will be City, and Mrs. Iona Bonnell of conducted . byday the Levan Post of Palo Alto, California. American Legion at the Levan Impressive funeral services were 10 a. m. chonducted Tuesday in the Levan cemetery Monday at ward chapel. Invocation was offered by Clark S. Wood. SpeakMrs. Dulcia Francom went to ers were Christian Christensen, H. Lehi Tuesday where she will visit Ray Francom and Bishop James with relatives. P. Christensen. A tribute to Ruby Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bowers and was read by a niece, Mavis Hickman, Musical numbers consisted Chloe Anderson visited in Salt of a vocal duet, Nina Taylor and Lake City with relatives at the vocal duet, homes of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cecil Stephesnsen; Dulcia Francom and H. Ray Fran- Brass and Mr. and Mrs. Alma Dav- Relief Society vis. com; selection. Mrs. S. P. Christensen, daughter chorus; benediction, James Pay-struJames Vinnie and Wesley Christensen graveside prayer, Anderson. spent Thursday of last week in Salt - Lake City at the home oi Funeral services were conduct- Mr. and Mrs. Darral Childs, on ed Friday in the ward chapel for the occasion of Mrs. Childs' birthEvalina Rosequist Mangelson, who day anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Mangel-so- n died last week. The opening praywere in Salt Lake City last er was given by Clark S. Wood. Musical numbers consisted of a Wednesday. Mrs. Anna Connelly of Americvocal duet by Dulcia Francom and H. Ray Francom; vocal duet, Nina an Fork visited a few days here Taylor and Cecil Stephensen; and with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. a vocal duet by Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson. Miss Ileen Thompson of Salt Harry Lindley of Provo. Speakers were Christian Chris- Lake City enjoyed the week end James Anderson, and here with her parents, Mr. and tensen, Franklyn Christiansen of Salt Mrs. Erick Thompson. Mrs. Esther Connelly and baby Lake City; remarks. Bishop James The benediction spent last week here at the home P. Christensen. was given by Niels Lundsteen and of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. the eraveside prayer by Herman H. Gardner. George Connelly and son Gary visited at the Gardner O. Christensen. 27, 1948 oo i . J" - ' " For Pest Control p; TO COUNTY ROADS FUND ' f -- ( Doran Nelsen, formerly ot Murrmy, and now m grad-mSi. Mark's Hospital in Salt Lake City, is proud oi her profassxm. She urges girl High Scboo. graduates to enter student prmmtng this tall to equip themselves for a worthwhile career. Mry Lwly mars at Select your paint colors from these new Mar- -. tin - Senour Color Packs. There's a Pack for every paint product. Large samples fan out individually . . . making color selection simple , and sure! $6,000.00 One Sears Roe-FOR SALE buck Rubber farm wagon with hay Used on? year. $190.00. :rack Leonard Garfield, Mona Utah tj tcljm $100.00 FOR SALE New Home. Oil furnace. Metal kitchen cupboards and sinks Terms can be arranged Milton Shaw at Forrest ; Hotel. TELLS HOW TO PAINT F ASTIR. EASIER, BETTER! PAINTING BOOKLET &- -1 COME IN FOR YOUR COPYt NEPHI issue Co. MT. PLEASANT MANTI i With the slogan, "Nursing, the Career You Are Seeking," the Utah State Nurses' Association and the Utah State Hospital Association loiood hands this month to recruit more than 350 student nurses to begin training this fall in one of the state's seven schools of nursing. "The campaign, whicn extends ver all of Utah and sections of "I can honestly say there is no Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada and Mon- finer career for a woman than to tana, will be directed primarily at be a nurse." she said. "You obtain the young women graduating this a wonderful education that permits prior from high schools," said you to step into a proud Mrs. Dorothy Lowman, President, Your future is assured,profession. because Utah Stat Nurses' Association. nursing helps you meet and enjoy Mrs. Lowman reported that op- life to the fullest." portunities for young women to get married, nurs enter the nursing profession were ing"In event you will make you a bettei never better. "The need for nurses wifetraining own and mother. Ana ia at an all-tihigh, and the Utah future as well as that your of your schools of nursing are making it is secure because, as a promost attractive for a young woman family fessional woman, you can always to obtain a splendid education as if necessary, provide the watt as equip herself for a career help or, income in case of emerfamily callall of in one of the greatest Mrs. Nelsen said. gency," said. ings," she Mr. Zenger said the Utah schools John Zenger, of Provo, President f the Utah State Hospital A ..- - f nursing are located at the L.D.S. Hospital. Holy Cross Hospital, St. rvi.r.. h.H Hoapital and Salt Lake to maif literature to all girls grad- - , Max' f !2?sP,tal' this year." V"nty .en"al oating from high school e nomas u. uee .ma " ha mri i a' Wt "Nun. and St. Hene-litt'- s "ha talked to many of the girls Memorial Hospital Hospital in Ugden, and the hi th high schools, and we are Wm. in hopeful that we will be able to ob- Logan.Budge Memorial Hospital x tain th nearly 400 student nurses aseded this yar." High School graduates interested in nursing are urged to contact Mrs. Mary Doran Nelsen, grad-nat.heir of Murray, and now a nearfgt hospital, or to write BUTM at St Mark's Hospital to the Utah State Nurses' Associa168 riast Second South Street. a Sait Lk Qty, appealed this tion, wck for high school graduates to Salt Lake City, for full informantor th cursing profession. tion, said Mrs. Lowman. kn Be on Sg savings v aT iTEi MAD UP I Mow only Brand new prices... Brand nw models... So far ahead, they can even put In their own soap I ' ! Com k finest washers evar made! The ntw Beodlx Gyromatic, ipecially balanced o it doesn't have to be fattened down! Th rJht "almost human" automatic soap Infoctor . . . not available on any other make of washer I y o Came buy a Bendix automatic Washer for hue a few dollar L.ore than an old-- f aihioned, washer! Use oar easy payment plan. hard-wor- k r Yessir, THE preferred whiskey 7 from Kentucky Ms available again at t;XATr: BINDIX MODEL J( 5UNNT BKuOK Wa 'Sir' art Enjoy 10 et ilDt J rhf whiskey that's r IQW DOWN PAYWIT! SUAll INSTALLMENTS! TTT U N dunnv iroo m to. 01 Vkh all ks fitoaew BmmUx talasd. It washes, clases I (iaaai dsmp-dry- s the clothes aetoasaticeUy. Wat Uavor Tea 4FS l Old t-1- OVER ON THE COAt -'. lis TUraali HINTS Miey-flc- C r.ritin. Tat MtvRtttn Stalls TtWpboM full of painting hints and tricks . . The easy way t paint Decorating hints . . . How t9 select colors' Chock at ..u Planning to make a long distance call tonight? You may find it convenient to call around 6 PM rather than later in the evening. Circuits are often less congested then, and low night rates begin at that hour. There are still busy times on long distance, but the speed of service is v rails are going through faster, on the average, than they were a year ago. please you! 93B TO BUILDING AND CONSTRUC TION RESERVE $12,000.00 WITNESS my hand and seal this 27 day of May 1948. JAMES P. CHRISTENSEN Juab County Clerk and Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners. Date of publication: May 27, 1948. t i , mod time! JpJJo call I PAINT will . . Whenever you need Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Juab County, at the regular meeting thereof, to be held at the Court House in Nephi, Utah on the 7th day of June, 1948 at 10 A. M. will consider the appropriation of. county funds additional to the county budget for the following purposes: TO COUNTY GENERAL FUND: For Criminal Expense ....$300.00 For insurance- $400.58 For Transcient stock $197.16 TO AGRICULTURE AID FUND I CO. NE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON MATTER OF MAKING APPROPRIATION OF COUNTY FUNDS ADDITIONAL ON THE COUNTY BUDGET ' ' BAILEY-MCCU- MY PLACE FOR SALE located on 5th south 4th westv Contact James H. Ellison. ft f, ' 1 -- hensen and attended fhe funeral services for Rubv Mortensen. The program for Sacrament meeting will be furnished by the Aaronic Priesthood and will be iff"- 'Jl- eft Bod i Francom. Utah Hospitals Seek 350 Recruits for Nurse Careers . V-- ! GUESTS HERE Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Roberts of Preston, Idaho were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Winn Sunday and Monday. GUESTS AT PARENTS' HOMES Mr. and Mrs. Mont Bailey and based on the restoration of the family of Ogden spent last week Aaronic Priesthood. visiting in Nephi with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Bailey Mrs. Kenneth Hardy of Los An- and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Jackson. geles is visiting with Mrs. Monroe Their daughters, Lynda and Nancy Whiting for a few weeks. are remaining in Nephi for a week as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jackson. residence on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Belliston of Provo spent Sunday here at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Gerald Shepherd of Springville were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Shepherd in Levan. Mrs. Fontela Gollaher of Salt Lake City visited with her par- -' ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Step- - - GUESTS AT DINNER On Sunday, May 23rd Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Stephensen had as their dinner guests Prof. B. Glenn Smith of St. George, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Simpson and son Wayne of Ogden, Mrs. Ruth Jackman and sons Bert, Paul and Richard, Mrs Annie Farnsworth and daughter Arlene, and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Briggs and son Cecil. VISITS IN SALT LAKE Mrs. R. E. Winn spent Saturday in Salt Lake City visiting at the home of Mr: and Mrs. Paul ifchsw&':a 'jam'b KENTUCKY WHlSKlTf-- A fttttorul DistiSsn Products Corpcritioo, Htm Tock c AND BLEND 86 Proof CS COMt H Grata Neutral Spirits NEPHI RiMT CO. TO |