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Show THE Page Four n ii ffl 5 ii !:i i Mi ::: ::i (:: iii in . . and she weasr mv!i iii JUNIOR LADIES LITERARY CLUB The Junior Ladies Literary club met on May 13th at the home of Club colMrs. Florence Cook. lect was read by Mrs. Ernest Kenneth Garrett was Wilson. guest speaker and he showed many beautiful pictures he had taken during his stay on the Hawaiian Islands, where he was a missionary for the L D S church. Fourteen members were present, and Miss Clarice Kendall was a special guest. Hi !i! She looks infinitely lovlier in her Hi I club held its recently at the ihome of Mrs. James Anderson. Mrs. Lewis Beagley, club president presided. Litany was read by Mrs. Ray Cundick. Mrs. James Anderson gave a discussion on the life and music of Jerome Kern. Those enjoying the fine program were Mrs. J. E. Andrews, Mrs. re 'regular meeting USUALLY A COPY OF YOUR HOMETOWN .NEWSPAPER IS READ dv Tunct Trt " EIGHT PEOPLE --THATS QUITE AN AUDIENCE FOR OUR ADVERTISERS. W. Lee Bailey, Mrs. Lewis Beagley, Mrs. L. E. Beck, Mrs. F. H. Mrs Ray Cundick, Beckstead, Mrs. A. K. Johnson, Mrs. P. L. Jones, Mrs. Max Thomas, Mrs. Carl L. Wilkey and the hostess, Mrs. James M. Anderson. CLUB The club met May 20th at the home of Mrs. A. K. Johnson with Mrs. Lewis Beagley presideing. Litany was given by Mrs. L. Eugene Beck. An interesting review of the book "I Chose Freedom" by Victor Krav-chenk- o was given by Mrs. F. H. Beckstead. Members present included Mrs. J. E. Andrews, Mrs. W. Lee Bailey Mrs. Lewis Beagley, Mrs. L. E. Beck, Mrs. F H. Beckstead, Mrs. Ray Cundick, Mrs. Udell R. Jensen, Mrs. Frank O. Mrs. Cleon Memmott, Morgan, Mrs. Golden Oldroyd, Mrs. Carl L. Wilkey and the hostess, Mrs. does not make 4 when someone sells 22a mechanically defective used car even you mechanthough it appears to be in satisfactory E Lit-a-Lu- re ill ::i CLUB E a, l Thursday, May 27, 1948 NEPHI, UTAH S, The NEW DAUGHTER BORN Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Patten announce the birth of a daughter on Sunday at the Payson hospital. Grandparents are M- - and Mrs. C. H. Patten of Payson and Mr. and Mrs R. M. Copela.i I of Drrn-nTexas. a half size! TIMES-NEW- DAUGHTER ARRIVES Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Winter of Mantl announce the birth of i daughter on May 14th at Payson hospital. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Irons of Nephi and Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Winter of Levan. Miss Barbara Chrstison of Twin is spending her vacation in Nephi. Falls A. K. Johnson. ical condition. You are always assured of getting a dependable r wc- u., usea car nere ror iidv. a reputation to uphold. SMITH - HALVERSON MOTOR COMPANY Phone 312 Nephi, Utah Afternoon and street dresses designed to fit like a dream . . expressed perfectly by Cawline Carlson who creates enchantement for the half-siz- e to 24'2 figure. Sizes ALWAYS Something- New and Smart at If - 74e ftatia Sltaiz VENICE THEATRE BUILDING HIGHWAY SAFETY Continued tersections, es. MEM, UMk NEPHI, UTAH Social News From Page One Mrs. Colin Mavers iwentlv re turned to Culver City. During her the stay in of isephi she attended weddin? her pxnndson .Tnhn R Harris to Miss Ramona Shaw of Moroni. She also attended a shower for the bride given by Mrs Frank Harris, Mrs. Theo. Harris and Mrs. Oliver Harris. Mrs. Frank Harris has just re turned from California where she has been visiting with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Colin Mayers of Culver City, and her daughter and son in law, Mr. and Mrs. m curves and underpass- A public education program is under way, emphasizing the disastrous results of excessive speed, the meaning of speed signs and the best means of adjusting driving to varying conditions. All of these programs are of value. But they will be of little available many more motorists and pedestrians will die in 1948 and in years to come unless every driver remembers that his wind, not his foot must motivate Frank Bowers of Long Beach, Cal the gas pedal. ifornia. Those who are sponsoring the series of highway safety advertise ATTENDING EXERCIES ments include: Venice Cafe, Smith ) Mrs. T. H. Burton is in Logan attend the graduating exercises naiverson Motor Co., Nephi Drug to Agricultural Co., Nephi Insurance & Realty of the Utah StateAlma P. Bur Co., Johnson's IGA Super Mar- College this week his de receive ket FftPwv'a Vnriotv GtnM Tarvht ton, her son, will Lumber Co., Nebo Chevrolet Co., gree in education. Nephi Jewelry & Appliance Co., Lumber ATTEND FUNERAL lNepni tsuuaras, I Bank, Chapman Studio, Nephi Laundry, Allen's Cash Store, Western Tire & Auto Supply, Bailey Grocery, Paxman Implement and Appliance Co., Painter Motor Co., Nephi Motor Co., Premium Oil Co., R. P. Garrett Conoco Station, and The Times-New- s Tf Piihlishinc On other Nephi merchants wish to be mciuaea among me sponsors or the series, thev mav contact Thp Times-Nefor inclusion on the remaining nine advertisements. Mr AIIpti Chrlstensen. Rulon Rrnnpii. and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brough were in Fillmore Satur day to attend the lunerai services of their uncle, Lewis CTitcniey. VISITORS AT BROUGH HOME Mrs. V. K. Price and children of Layton spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patsv and Bev i7w,oct RrvuiP-Nephi tol erly Price remtained inwith rela vacation a short spend tives. BUILDING re Rust Craft GREETING CARDS REMODELING o oee u for your "YOUNGSTOWN" Steel Kitchens, and Crane or Standard Plumbing Fixtures. Come in today and let us figure your job. We have a good stock of Youngstown Kitchen Cabinets at the present time. GOING ON A VACATION Le us put your Automobile Radio in Al condition so you ca nenjoy it throughout your entire trip. Keep posted on the latest news and Also let us put your political happenings. home radio in good working order while you are away on your vacation. Remember all parts used ae NEW FIRST GRADE PARTS and our work is fully guaranteed for 90 days. leavttfs LARGEST SELECTION SOUTH OF SALT LAKE CITY INFANT WEAR Many Useful Gifts Galvanized PAILS 10 WmM KIM v in-stat- e Co., Commercial STORE 5c-10c-- 15c quart size 49C White Cups and Saucers 15C pair We are pleased to announce the opening of our NEWEST SELF-SERVIC- E STORE We invite you to visit our store and shop at your convenience OPENING SPECIAL the Newest Colors t 25C pair NAPKINS Jade MIXING BOWLS 25C BUY YOUR PICNIC SUPPLIES NOW paper plates . . napkins cups and spoons rr GLOVES 13C pkg. 59C ONLY All Colored Paper PLASTIC TABLE COVERS .. . . 54 x 54 4C THREADS - YARNS VISIT US AND SEE OUR NICE ASSORTMENT Large Selection All kinds & MENS CANVAS OF MERCHANDISE CANDY BARS FRAMES that will Please You PICTURES Co. Inc. is strictly a western organization operating on the West Coast and in the intermoun-state- s Sprouse-Reit- z Cloplay DRAPES 98C pair A Large Selection - WASH CLOTHS assorted - 9C |