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Show THE 1948 Thursday, May 27, TIMES-NEW- S, NEPHI, UTAH Page Five Ladies Club News of Nephi f Schedule Convention Al HfflHT Women' 4S. 4 Lastex SWIM SUITS Swimaway. the suit for leek beauty, fine fit! Shiny laatex in 6 colors. A 32-3- QQ GIRLS' SWIM SUITS Gleaming lastex .e.8.14. Siaes 4 to 6X 1 piecer 393 :' 1.49 ""TiJ NOTICE is hereby given that the Juab County Democratic Central Committee has set the date for the Juab County Central Nominating Convention to be held July 17, 1948, at 8:00 p. m. in the Court House at Nephi, Utah.' All candidates must file 20 days previous to this meeting. The law provides that on or before the 15th day of August of each even numbered year, the delegates elected to the county convention of each political party shall convene in the County seat of each county at a time and place to be designated by the County Central Committee as a County primary convention and threre organize and select nominees to run on the party ticket at the regular primary election. At least 20 days before the date set for each primary convention provided for in the act, all persons intending to become candid ates at such primary convention tor any elective office to be filled at the next ensuing November election shall file with the County Clerk tor all precinct, county and district officers solely within a county and with the Secretary of State for all other offices. Charles Haun, Chairman Juab County Democratic TWO BIG THE VIGILANTES RETURN also ELYSE KNOX MARIE WILSON JOHN HUBBARD LINDA BE GOOD SUNDAY AND MONDAY MATINEE SUNDAY 3 P. M. PEGGY CUMMINGS GREEN GRASS OF WYOMING ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF SON Mr. and Mrs. DeVon Winn announce the birth of a son recently. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ira Kelsey of Mona and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Winn of Nephi. Rayon Twill Trunks. Solid colors. 2.98 Jrs. Swim Trunks. Print cotton. 4-- 8. 1.98 Jrs. Swim Trunks. Plain cotton. 4-- 8. 1.49 Reg. VS. Pat. Off. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Howard New 12 hardwoood truck beds HORSE FOR SALE with hardwood side racks, $130.00. Taylor, Levan, Utah phone 367R1 Bows and tarpolian $30.00 extra. Contact J. B. Jenkins or phone 1 full size bed comFOR SALE . with spring filled mattress; plete FOR SALE One 13 H. P. 1 34 bed complete with spring New Electric motor. See Dean filled mattress: 1 single spring- filled mattress only; 1 iron folding Winn or phone 129W. 2 high-bo- y cot and mattress; Chests of drawers; miscellaneous CARD OF THANKS Lorenzo Mangelson and family chairs; one Monarch Coal range; wish to thank all their many rel- 1 Hot water tank; 4 9 x 12 Rugs atives and friends for their kind- in good condition. Telephone 166W nesses shown during thler recent W. J. Siddoway, 319 East 3rd South. bereavement. O MALE OR YOUNG COUPLE wants to rent HELP WANTED house in Nephi. Call 196. FEMALE. Man or woman. Steady ly income averaging S4.Y00 weekSHEEP DIPPING Friday from ly. Call on customers for famous No 10 A. M. until noon at the Sam Watkins products in Nephi. Business established, Nielson corrals. All who want investment. Write J. R. sheep dipped are urged to have immediate earnings. Watkins Co.. D86, Winona, Minn. them there during these hours. TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 3 DEANNA DURBIN DONALD O'CONNOR GRANDDAUGHTER BORN Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Lunt have received word of the birth of a granddaughter, born May 24th at the Holy Cross hospital in Salt Lake City. Parents of the new girl are Mr. and Mrs. John S. Toronto of Salt Lake City. Mrs. Toronto is the former Miss Ruth Lunt. GUESTS HERE Mrs. Clifton and Miss Ina Lake City were of Mr. and Mrs. HITS JON HALL MARGARET LINDSAY ANDY DEVINE Committee SWIM TRUNKS Men's Cotton Print Trunks. Elastic top. 2.98 SATURDAY FRIDAY SOMETHING IN THE WIND I ", Cs---- TO PICK COTTON ft if 111m and smart to wear cotton. And most of mm all, it's smart to pick fffl your wonderful, wear- - '! -- LI I Itls i ions auic rig in nere fro mour new crop. . . . n in- ll.III.ILM!UJIIIJ rw iiinimi , II " II " I 1 ii !!. Popular Prices ffCaO59 CiOc2P3 6tW2"a fftCLFS 3 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS MEETING SPEED TO SPARE " i. 1 i . Talboe of Provo Hawkins of Salt guests this week Ralph Brough. 1 I'S SMART BILL AND GOO "' - C"Wvp rGT kp oi-f- er Plans for the annual partners were party, to be held in June, officThe outgoing W n SATURDAY 4 formulated. epiniv ers handed over the responsibility 3 of the organization to their KEN MURRAY'S RICHARD ARLEN GUESTS AT JENSEN HOME Mrs. Amy B. Grover of Salt r.i.xxjLXJ.xj.j.a.xxj.JU.a.J.j.J.JU.xj Lake City is visiting this week at th home of her daughter and son VISITS WITH PARENTS in law, Mr. and Mrs. Udell R. Miss Elaine Paxman, who is atJensen. Other guests at the Jen- tending the Brigham Young Unisen home Friday and Saturday versity at Provo visited over the were Roscoe A. Grover and son of week end with her parents, Mr. Cedar City, and Mrs. Henry F. and Mrs. J. Walter Paxman. Young and son and daughter of Salt Lake City. GUESTS AT SHAW HOME Mrs. Hal McCune and Mrs. Lake City ATTEND FUNERAL AT WALES Maida Sales of Salt of Mr. and On Saturday, Mrs. Marvin A. are guests at the home Anderson and Mrs. Ferry J. Ost- Mrs. Clyde Shaw. ler attended the funeral services VISITS WITH MOTHER for Dean Larsen at Wales. Lee Christison of Salt Lake City visited Thursday and Friday in with his mother, Mrs. HOUSE GUESTS Nephi House guests during the week Mabel D. Christison. of Mr. and Mrs. Ora Lunt were WEEK END HERE Mr. and Mrs. Dewane Jensen and SPENDS who is Miss Geraldine daughters Marlyn Jensen and Rose a student at the BCazier, Y U at Provo Marie Lomax of Brigham City, the week end with her parand Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jr. Bod-e- ll spent ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Cazier. of Logan. VISIT RELATIVES HERE Mrs. Evelyn Kendall and son VISIT AT OCKEY HOME Guests at the home of Mr. and Fred of Salt Lake City were visMrs. James H. Ockey Tuesday iting relatives in Nephi over the were Mrs. Jennie Smith of Gar- week end. field and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Smith ATTEND GRADUATION of Palo Alto, California. Mr. and Mrs. Pratt P. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lambert, and DAUGHTER BORN Darrel Dixon of Spanish Fork, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Starr and Mrs. Roy Bachelor and daughannounce the arrival of a daught ter Joy of Provo were in Nephi er on May 11th at the L. D. S. Friday to attend the graduation exercises of Juab hih school. hospital in Salt Lake City. ' LADIES LITERARY CLUB The Ladies Literary club held their regular meeting on May 17 at the home of Mrs. Amos G. Irons. The club president, Mrs. Jos. G. Irons was in charge of the meeting. Litany was read by Miss Bertha McPherson, after which the meeting was turned over to Mrs. A. L. Garbett who conducted the program consisting of a "Community Quiz" on the subject of What Women Can Do. Dr. P. L. Jones, representing the community, was the first speaker and stressed the bettterment of the community pointing out the existing inadequacies and numerating the many needed and planHe stated ned improvements. that the city administration would welcome the suggestions of club He felt that the spirit women. of cooperation as existed in pioneer days, was the main need. Another speaker was Mrs. C. R. Lomax, who represented the club women. She began her talk with the questions: "Is the time element spent in club duties justifi ably spent and what are tne accomplishments?" She stated that there are six federated clubs in s Nephi with an approximate mem- ft bership of 100 women who might if for influence an be good they 9 could decide on the project needed and cooperate together to bring it about, sne saia ciuo amies The culture self expression. of women is something club women can do and they should fost-te- r They this type of livin.g. should show kind consideration for what someone else can do. Club women might teach courtesy in Dublic places. es-O-- - 8 P. M. warv Tuesday VISITS HERE Merritt Christison of Twin Falls Idaho visited with his mother, Mrs Mabel D. Christison Thursday. Mrs. James H. Ellison accompanied him on his return home and will spend a few days with her son in law and daughter. Justices Court room Juab County Courthouae For Information call 417W, 89J or 26M WE STOCK A COMPLETE LINE PAINTS COLORIZE AND PR ATT'S FOR 2-s- L IWVmM. " ' quauty " LAL... 'ja ALL WOOL CARPET HAS BEEN SCARCE ALL WOOL CARPET IS STILL SCARCE EJ ALL WOOL CARPET IS STILL SOLD TO RETAILERS ON AN ALLOTMENT BASIS WWmi .r We have just received TWO ROLLS of fine Axminister Broadloom. They are exceptionally good patterns and are PRICED RIGHT! "Tell them to have it hack by Thursday if you please - that's th' day I get my parole. " We're alwaj gUd to help a customer keep hi dates in carefully dry cleaned clothe. We can even give 24 hour service tot t nominal extra charge. So when good fortune smiles on yoo. and ou want your suit or cat, (drs or evening gowo) for our pickup and delivery to do yoa proud, call service. V tr wm MM 1 A VrTrrnrv crsr pin in ' j t f0Vf We also have received several new ALL WOOL i 1 1 (WW a. v. , t RUGS. Sizes now in stick include: 6 x 9 9 x 12 11' 3M x 12 12 : m i x 15 COME IN AND TALK OVER YOUR FLOOR COVERING PROBLEMS WITH US i Our tire service is complete: inspection, switching for more mileage, repairing, or replacing "mileage-, with new MobUTires-th- e maker" thafs guaranteed by the producers of Mobilgas andMobiloiL . NEBO MOBIL SERVICE NEPHI, UTAH LsJ. y-- i r(rv. ii inn YOUR Su PHONE """,y on I7IW DEALER l |