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Show PAGE TWO THE TIMES- - NEWS. NEPHI. UTAH WEEKLY NEWS ANALYSIS Thursday, May 27. IQia Build UNCERTAINTY: A Pattern SANDBOX OB Who Won? Soviets Express Desire for Peace, Agree to Discussion of Differences; U. S. Seizes Railroads Strike Off It From EASILY TAKES BUILD. WADING POOL CONSTRUCTED LITTLE TIME To Just about all that anyone sure of when the smoke from the Ohio primary elections had cleared was that Sen. Robert Taft had won 44 delegates to the Republican national convention and that Harold Stassen, the wolf at Taft's door, had Atom Scare in Washington By Bill Schoentgen, VVNU Staff Writer captured nine. EDITOE'8 NOTE: When pinions are expreased In these eolnmna, they sra those ef Washington was frightened out oi How inthose should results be aas nsf neceaaamy el tiui newspaper.) By BAUKIIAGE dreams the other night when the Its inwipiim viuuii acwi thora terpreted promised to be g violent most News Analyst and Commentator oughly argued question by the time OVERTURE: witnessed atomie'd ever storm I've the Republicans convened in PhilaIt broke about 2:18 WASHINGTON Political currents and cross currents are Peaceful rw"llll "fflpiriipr'i! delphia to nominate a presidential the capital.lasted several hours . . . "iwi'iynrjpa a. m. and wide and deep along the Potomac these days. running high, candidate. All of a sudden the air between The wave of popularity stirred up by Stassen supporters is not pleas Next day wherever you went, from Washington and Moscow was filled Many held the opinion that the the White House to Harvey's restauant for regular Republicans to contemplate. Some of the coof for and desire with talk Ohio primary resulted in, If not an peace the people all said the same however, particularly those in the Taft corner, are very bitter about it, operation. rant, outright defeat for Stassen, at least not because they think that Stassen will get in, but because of the way thought Russia dropped a brusque check on the Minneso-tan'- s thing. "I on Exactly what had happened to us" . . . The lightning he has served to block the Taft efforts despite the fact that those efforts bring about the quick flow of the an camheretofore snowballing have been labelled, rightly or wrongly, futile from the beginning. Deweyites milk of human kindness between the didn't stop and the boom-boojust paign. s By: Donald R. Brann but! don't admit they are worrying of a zillion rolling U. S. and Russia was not clear. ' Youn?rsters enjoy plavlnn- Stassen had competed with Taft made me wonder if that isn't exactno Certainly there had occurred doora in this I talked to one of the Taft men for 23 of the state's 53 delegates. samlhnv t. front men up our through go what exbasic change in the potentially He won nine and Taft took 14 of ly recently. "What makes me sick," A devoutly religious can easily be built from stock size But some observers feel as News during war lumber. The Full Size Pattern offerthose 23. In a he said is the way the people who week magazine expressed it some plosive relationship. state said: woman "Nobody tan make me ed below not It began with a U. S. statement nave Stassen aone only simplifies conhad the ment, Ohio said that meir it time "Stassen's r ago: just God didn't arrange forthright quest of position, voiced by Bedell Smith, 3 best to break down t,- contest could be accounted a victory believe for votes may end much of the tradi- ambassador over Washington, struction but provides full si that way right to the presRussia, in, per outlines so that anyone can decfor him only if he won a majority D. Taft are full of tional coyness of aspirants. In the at the men wicked so the all ' V. C, orate it in a professional manner. I,sat.: "3 i praise for him future, it's tlmught that more can- ence of Soviet Foreign Minister of the 23 disputed delegates. Pentagon would be reminded of User merely traces the pattern or that they didates will frankly announce their M. Molotov. Thus, by his own estimate, StasI now when it like sounds gets war what Smith, apparently speaking offi the lumber pa.ttern specified, saws think he is beaten. intentions well in advance of elec sen lost in Ohio. He lost, however, close." and assembles exactly as and where cially, suggested that the way is to a "favorite son" candidate strong They describe his tion." Well, maybe. clear for a discussion of differences indicates. No special tools; pattern his in own state his e ly is resentsupported by There of efficiency, plenty Sounds In the Night: At the Harem or skill are required. By waterproofiU. S. amthe with Russia. Said Ohio's knowledge, powerful political organiza ment against Stassen, not only bea comedian was bragging how he ng: a piece of canvas and fastening-i- t his cause he began an open campaign bassador: tion. frankness, to the Inside of the box, it can U. S. Soviet state wowed of 'em at Miami for two weeks "The present subof was the It grasp so early, but also because of the hardly a victory for Taft to wowed 'em in Chicago be- quickly be turned Into a wading-pool- . is source of "I a relations grievous shout about. jects he discusses. efficient, powerful, d to the American fore that," he added, "and I was And they talk and aggressive machine he has disappointment In the final analysis the G.O.P. a wow in Frisco, too!" . . . "You ' Send 25c for Sanbox a K n people. As far as the United States StaicAn'i built up. A race election not had much. Pattern No. changed right wing Republican is concerned, the door is always interrupted Wally 20 to Easl-Bil- d Pattern Company Latest area to emerge as a aaSeaajSaSttfiN It was Taft and Dewey teaming up must h a v e."wowsiest vagueness and in- - I spoke to recently seemed especialshow act in full discussion and the Department W., Pleasantvllle, N. yI to force Stassen into the rail, with Wanger, "the pivotal point in the world-wid- e ability to answer Taft's charges." ly resentful, grumbling about the wide open for At the Encore some business!" drive against communism is southSen. Arthur Vandenberg of Michigan "And these," he wound up, "are the "big money" backing Minnesota's composing of our differences." one was reading aloud the news that Russia's reply, as broadcast by the ern Korea where about seven milsame people who have been shootcoming up fast on the outside. and the New York a positive Hollywood publisher Billy Wilkerson lion registered voters went to the ing at Taft ever since he started his banking interests "that wanted in." Moscow radio, expressed attitude toward improving Soviet- - polls to elect 200 led Lana Turner down the aisle for FARM ISSUE: presidential campaign." Senator Taft was reported so representatives To which her fourth marriage There is something in what this furious over Stassen's invasion of American relations and stated that to what is known as the Korean Truman's shoulda "She meow'd: in agreement" with a Russia "is Dot Kilgallen man says. You would be surprised national Ohio that it was thought that he assembly. Prior to the U. S. proposal for "discussion and Rather hard put for a good, earthy been able to do it blindfolded!" how many liberals, how many Demelection, Communist - trained might forget his rivalry with settlement of existing differences issue to play upon in his coming ocrats even, praise Taft privately, agents were reported to have been Dewey and throw his support to Cut violets will stay fresher longer Although these developments re would really like to see him elected, Robert Merrill, the Met. star, to stir up trouble in the campaign. President Truman has the New Yorker earlier in the attempting ceived a big play in the press and hit upon the farm problem as the was telling an opera critic one of If leaves and flowers are kept close U. S. zone to influence the balbut either they can't quite come out convention if the deadlock was radio of both nations, indications vehicle to carry some of his con his first jobs was at Youngs Gap to the water spraying gently and openly in his favor, or they take loting. certain. victions before the public. hotel (in the CatskiUs) serving frequently also helps, since cut violor granted he can't win anyhow. All this talk AGAINST candidates were strong that the aura of mutual lets won't absorb much water He began by planning a message hostility separating the U. S. and Lewis, who didn't have a word to meals. Is interesting psychologically. Then there Is the great group of Russia might not be dispelled by the say about it. e their stems. to on "in those the through the of said congress critic, "Oh," You subject reamore hear to far always Republicans who are going to "compose our differwaiter." were a willingness The singing But agricultural set yon Lewis sons had legislation. the days AGAINST The candifor a pattern. voting rote for Dewey, but act as if they ences." Try waxing Venetian blinds after "In those days," sighed Merrill, rail union leaders Alvanley Johns- idea was originated by the retirwere gritting their teeth in the date than you hear for voting FOR for Neither side had modified its you have washed and dried them ton "I was a waiting singer." of the engineers, D. B. Robertson ing Secretary of Agriculture Clinton "What have you got one. It's a very good thing that no process. thoroughly. Waxing provides a luscandidate is ever quite so bad as eign policy. Rather, each had em of the firemen and A. J. Glover Jr. Anderson who opined that such a against Dewey?" I ask them. trous, clean look; and make dusting phasized it in the exchange of notes, of the switchmen were uncomfort plea to congress would put the Re his opponents claim he is. OtherSome are vague, others say the The elevator easy. Manhattan Murals: The U. S. statement said, in part: the "on of publicans aware to what "strad-dlcwise spot." the the r would fall ably is a happened New York governor government at 139 E. 57th who still "The concern and the determination mine chief when he disobeyed an inThe message which Mr. Truman operator never apart regularly every four years. , . . an opportunist wears his battered air corps hat up of of States United the the was would people an for ask to call preparing off coal his soft When packing lunch boxes, stand junction comes out for an issue until ne his "plane" . . . The have been intensified by the inexpli strike. "adequate appropriation" to conMonroe Doctrine sees a Gallup poll on it . . . but I blood bank on 39th street for the sandwiches on edge instead of laySoviet of the cable the tinue govern hostility government farm program, Palestine wounded . . . The sign in ing them flat: this way the filling-IThey knew that if they disobeyed Is Reactivated suppose he'll win . . ." Can he? ment to the European recovery pro Judge Goldsborough's restraining "particularly on soil conservation," the window of a 46th street Russian less apt to soak through the On Charles street in the sleepy Since the Stassen hurricane, the gram a measure which in its in order they would be exposing them according to Alben Barkley, senate restaurant: "Dishes for Democratic bread. town difof little oldtimers are talking a little Fredericksburg, Va., ception and subsequent develop selves and their unions to whopping Democratic leader. gourmets" . . . The Columbus ave ments is so obviously only a measferently about Dewey. Some of them in the first floor office of a Coleus plants will grow In the Barkley acidulously recalled that nue fines and possible jail sentences delicatessen which advertises: brick house, you can see. ure of American assistance for re bigIt was who have predicted right along that hi3 the in President had asked but the more sun they get shade, that the apparent becoming New Lox." "The basis government had hit upon a hard budget message for 300 million dolDewey would win now are saying if you obey the parking signs and construction on a the deeper the color of their leaves. that Stassen has undermined him so stop there, a beautiful brass-boun- d without menace or threat to any- fisted way of delaying crippling lars for soil conservation in the Once a heckler- caused the death thoroughly that now Dewey has no mahogany desk, artistic handiwork one." strikes. With labor unrest destined coming fiscal year, and that conof the of a great star, to hear vaudevets Migratory Bird Flyways French of cabinet makers more chance than Taft. In their reply the Soviets con to grow this summer, that method. had cut that sum to 225 milgress Ducks and other wild fowl travel And all the time the Vandenberg the early 18th century. argue it . . . Literally, not profes trasted what they termed military though far from ideal, might come lion. from north to south, and then back It is an historic piece of furnitide is rising. But here's an interS. sionally. U. threats against the Soviet Union to be the basic formula for induc would be farmers Many ture for on its surface 125 years It happened at the Palace in 1913 again, as seasons change, over with the Russian government's pur- ing arbitration and settlement of inclined to agree. esting thing. Way back in Februfavored routes, which are: (1) Al was there . . His name was Nat Wills, a be a document observers ago, some signed very canny suit of "a consistent peace policy." strikes. ary which, reactivated today, becomes loved tramp eomic . . . The head- - the Atlantic seaboard; (2) down the were saying that Speaker Joe MarAt least there was a definition at once the challenge and the hope liner was Sarah Bernhardt It Mississippi valley: (3) from Canada tin of the house of representatives of terms and a preliminary agree DIXIE: was the opening matinee and Sarah to Montana and then directly south, had the best chance of anyone for of free men throughout the world. ment to talk things over. Whether Anti-Truman That desk, carefully carried across or not any good would come of it went over big . . . The clapping kept or southeast into the Gulf of Mexico-areathe Republican presidential nomina(4) the Pacific slope. Only y the seas as a precious heirloom, was, at this stage, problematical. on long after she took her last bow President Truman tion, in case of the expected Although Harry explanation for the migrations of found its way into the great, empty . Wills made the boner of coming deadlock. There was a suspicion abroad had not held forth publicly on the some birds is heredity. Most are on stage. At the time many people were rooms of the White House, newly-rebui- lt that Russia, balked in its ambitions subject of civil rights for some time The audience broke into heavier born in the North, and many breeds after the destructive fire set to expand into western Europe by now, the echoes of the civil rights 1 1 x"" ' surprised at that opinion. But it date back to the Pleistocene age. wasn't long before we began to see by an enemy torch in the War of the European recovery program, program he advanced earlier this applause and an usher, who waited too mention of Martin here and there. 1812. handed a were around like of long, be to now huge bokay rattling might ready try to make year Turn back the pages to December some kind of deal. over the footlights. They were sabers south "of the Mason-DixoThen, finally, insiders accepted him 'it-- . : posies , as probably the best bet of the sev- of the year 1823. At this desk sits for Sarah, of course . . . Wills mo line. tioned to her to come on stage and stock. ALL ABOARD: eral Republican dark horses. I know a man in a Alabama voters had expressed take them t could feel his popularity growing His broad forehead is wrinkled with He removed his hat themselves as being In Run Trains In great respect to her. s I travelled around the country. the state's primary election they thought. His wide eyes look down at Quick U. S. economy escaped being a had given majorities to candidates the document he is about to sign. But a heckler yelled: "Give "em But then came the surprise DON'T DELAY ANT LONGER! Now. a of victim railroad It Is to the to at his con 18th the Wills. cast He's dying!" paraplegia to message electoral votes pledged doctor's formula you can una at home move when Martin was oredited dlatrenalns discomfort of pain-I- tch insist the cruel crack gress of the United States, but it eleventh hour when three rail brothagainst the President because of the with bringing abont settlement of Irritation dua to piles. Tenria to erhoods to a embodies the is ruined the and couched yielded civil sensitive restraining issue. Wills. He spirit was and ahrlnk awelllng. Uaa thla rights row the the coal miners' pension in the phrases which his predeces- - order brought against them by the formula. Tou'll ba amazed at Ha never the same after it A few It was the first concrete indica appointment ef Sen. Styles Bridges action relief. Aak your druceiat apeedy sors have used before him expresgovernment and called off their Im- tion that a bolt from the regular years later he died of carbon monoxtoday for Thornton A Minor a Rectal Ointof New Hampshire as neutral or ment strike. label In8uppoaltorlea. the intent and Sen. ide the in pending Robert sing his Taft's Democratic party nominee might poisoning obligations presidential garage . . . struction. For aale at Follow trustee on the pension board with all drug atorea. Events leading up to that climax not be unlikely next November if of the young republic of which he. star once again was In ascendBroadway never stopped wonderJohn Lewis and Ezra Tan Ilorn, had run a course which has become the nominee (like Mr. Truman) is James Monroe, is the President, ing. ancy following the important Ohio and the agreement that was to strike-wearfamiliar Two Americans. committed to supporting the civil the of all Czar before, years primary election of 53 Repubreached between Bridges and WITH the Russians had uttered a ukase lican national convention deleNegotiations between the railroads rights program. Bernard Baruch, whose advic Lewis. that no foreigner must approach and the three dissenting brotherHe won 14 of the 23 conAnd in Jackson, Miss., a "state's gates. Is widely sought, is considered by At first the settlement put Martin within 100 miles of the American hoods tests In which Ilarold E. Stassen engineers, firemen and rights" Democratic rally was many to be the smartest man In In a favorable light with the pub-liwas a strong disputant. coastline north of the 51st parallel. switchmen had been fruitless. As with a flat prediction that the country. Be wears a hearing Then some of the conservative Russia then had a firm foothold on the strike deadline approached they President Truman would not be re aid. A well known politico, often Republicans who hate Lewis ex the northwestern coastland of the remained miles away from any kind elected because he is not acceptable WHEAT: seen with Baruch, was asked If Insect!-.- i, Double-dutThere 4 their disapproval. pressed western hemisphere. The iron cur- of agreement on wages and working to the nation or the southern DemoBarney still had trouble with his cidai Kill by contact! a of that had been were hints "deal" Big conditions. Crop tain had descended. crats. Lin. k f.m.. r !rr v hearing. reached between Bridges and Lewis Plus ca change, plus ca reste lax By that time President Truman Gov. J. Strom Thurmond of South Word from the department of "I really don't know," he rer, 4tM before Bridges was appointed. Dem' i r meme chose! had built up a full head of steam Carolina defined the South'! stand agriculture was that the "when I'm with Baruch I U. S. would plied, ocrats charged that Martin was polictm and he opened the throttle wide. The when he told the rally that the South produce the third largest wheat crop Oneovnceplvi righal factorj-seslr"We could not view any InterpoJust listen." Horn, representing the opticking. loop Mbn ef-6- Uintn to inurt mil tlmilt U. S. could not stand "a nationsition for the purpose of oppresIs not in revolt against the Demoin TOlACCO k galloxt o( history this year. erators, appealed to the courts to teclh-aphid- CHiMICAl COIPOPATION The department stuck to that presing them (the free countries of wide tragody" such ss the rail strike cratic party but against its present The Press Box: Simple to savvy declare the pension agreement InHicotmt SferuliUt Sinct IKKi would be, he said. Py. the Americas) by any Enropean I lOUItVIUI J. diction even though it had reduced the diplomatic scrambling if you reSINTUCKf leadership. valid. Acting under the sanction of a 1918 power In any other light than as member that the international crisis Spark that kindled the political its estimate of the Important winter Martin's stock dropped. And the law which authorizes the govern- fire in the South was Mr. Truman's wheat crop by 14.5 million bushels now has reached the the manifestation of an unfriendstage where naoldtimers began to say his chances ment to take over the railroads dur- espousal of proposals to pass fedly disposition toward the t'nited from the April 1 estimate. tions are more concerned with milifor the presidential nomination were States." ing the time of war (U. S. is still, eral laws outlawing lynching, poll Except in parts of the southern tary positions than moral standards Not so much because of the slim in s state of wartime taxes. jr,b discrimination and segreOne hundred and twenty-fivgreat plains, the crop made good . . . Sudden thawt: Appeasement can years officially, tons inn deal Itself, but paradoxicaMr. Truman seized the gation of races. emergency) Legislation like progress, it was revealed in an offionly give us a peace to end all peace pass. llyand this is one of the accepted . . . The reports about the cial department report. Today, the United States, in a entire vast network of tracks and that. Governor Thurmond asserted, of his rooking because politics trains in the name of the federal would violate the historic principle paradoxes d As of May 1, prospects were for a world that has nations are takintervention In the row was taken as I nearer to shrunk until Moscow government. of to states the determine of 1.117 total of billion bushels of ing merely Indicate that the Kremlin right Washington than Bosa public avowal of his candidacy. That move paved the way for a their own attitude toward such matton was In Monroe's time, rededi-eate- s wheat. Largest crop was 1.36 billion drove out the Nazis In order to InMartin ceased to be s dark horse court order restraining the unions ters. Its resources to "help free bushels last year. Production In the stall communistic slot machines. Are you going through the funcand as a light horse, he wasn't confrom striking for eight days. FedSo far it was only talk, but anti- - 1936 45 period aversged 890 million tional 'middle (!' period peculiar peoples to maintain their free Instisidered nearly as much of a favor-it- r tutions to women (38 to 53 thla Truman feeling had crystallized in bushels. and their national Integrity eral District Judge T. Alan yr.?hotDoeg In a Bronx haberdasher-sho- p flashed. make you euflcr from a issued the order and the the Sotrh to the point where party of agriculture estimat movements that tlrrd? Department against to aggressive was nervoun, hlKhKtrunir, M patron his blowing top about The paradox applies to Senator nation's trains kept running, for the leaders were badly worried. If the ed the Then do try Lydla B. plnkham's seek to impose upon them totaliwinter wheat crop the President. "Everything he Vettetable Compound to rf llrva auch time being, at least. Vandenberg. The Michigan Dixie carried their de- at about 845 million bushels, a detarian regimes " does makes me mad!" he harked. vmptoma. I'lnkham's Compound constantly and consistently that there is no fection to the ultimate point of cline of 14.5 from Its April 1 foreThe words are President TruPossibly proving alo ha what Doctors call a sto"Don't get apoplexy," shrugged has disavowed any desire or Inmachic tonlo effect I wind so ill that It doesn't blow up nomin.it.ng their own candidate, the cast. No official estimate of spring man's, bnt the spirit Is the same the "He storekeeper. can't tention of being a randidale for some good for somebody, one of the tig wis might as well throw In the wheat was available, but a guess LYDIALPINKHAM'SSmVou as that breathed In the Monroe It. It Just doesn't happen to behelp bis the Republican nomination. If, acdoctrine. America carries on. major influences leading to cancellaf.,r the '48 elections and start was that average yields' should pro spnnije line!" cording to this paradoxical potion of the rail strike was John L. looking to 1952. duce 272 million bushels. litical rale, the oldtimers say, he L. John Lewis Folysyllablcally, N. were thraat Into the llrnelictit, his Chitrh.l- - rw PLANT LIFE: and Gen. Douglas MacArthur have SMOKE, SMOKE. SMOKE New York paper is cauae would suffer too. At this preparing an In common. something Perhaps expose that'll fracture the country. Appetites writing, Vandenberg seems to Lewis should run as MacArthur's Atomic It 1 scientists have learned stand ss the Ne. bet. alleges that the head of a greatly vice president. Think of all the that some plants, like human be- puoncizea congressional committee Stassenites, however, claim that sonorous f 1 v stateCigarette consumption In the U. total output of 370 billion cigarettes ings, are finicky eaters. was a mejnber of the Klan In 1925 I ..VV this paradox Is all eld hat; that ments they could get out. S. In 1317 ascended to an aadaH last year was 9 pet cent greater This new knowledge. Important (Under his re.il name) . . . now Pity WkMh.fl ! times end political thinking have high for the 14th consecutive year, than in 1918. Is come ex of the result editors haven't tried commercially. In President Lincoln's time, most despite spectacular wartime gains changed. One of the first black "Per capita cigarette consumption tests with radioactive iso- sn interview with Franre. getting haustive marks which the Republican old of the speeches were made In the which would have made a subsein the L' S. has followed an upward heiress of the plumbing firm for- m " ts topes of phosphorous. tf mo MOWITf guard checked against Stassen was open sir without benefit of public quent postwar decline no great sur treni. with minor Interruptions, f wiw a pttmm t Now science can tell a farmer luner bne s Jan Masaryk's " COO a O the fact that he came right out as address system or microphone. Now prise to the Industry. since rrinr to World War L" the who spends t50 to put y fer "still . bitter." reported . phosphate . British candidate way ahead of time. The all you really need is a few friends to In sn article the May bank reported. On a per capita tilizer on his land whether the officers say MacArthur According IMCO AiSOlUTCLT UNCONDITlONAl "has more traditional thing Is to be oh. so coy who can make themselves heard in a edition of "Business Comment," basis consumption CUARANTEI Of SATISFACTION! jumped from 168 plant only nibbles or takes a bile military know-bothan .n. smoke-filleabout it bulletin of Northern Trust company. in I9H to 2.400 In 1947 room. since Napoleon." ui.uts. : big enough to repay bis expense. Series of Contradictions Marks Political Campaign "" was thunder-and-lightnin- Eastern Hotspot bass-drum- .sea-fari- ... old-lin- his ... -- highly-organize- 11 ... huousehold; ... long-rang- ... s story-and-a-ha- lf !f 'X' for Taft ... . ; Taft-Dewe- v II It n stiffly-starche- PILES TROUBLE? ... d For Relief Two-a-daye- of-t- proven-dortor'- y SERAI mm key-not- e. i y -- r i- d CHANGE e Russian-dominate- Golds-boroug- ofLIFEM h fall-sow- n en-st- nr Americans Burning More Cigarettes r e d w M ft r- w .) WP Ha |