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Show .... Remember, Drive Carefully The Life You THE ADS Club Women Services For State Honored at Convention Recently F. W. Bryan At the Utah Federation of Queen of the Ute Stampede for grounds rodeo arena, when several girls of Nephi and East Juab County will ride before three Members of the riding judges. clubs of Ephraim, Payson and Springville will choose the queen and her two attendants. Although interest in the queen position this year has been very much lacking, there are several girls who have been trying out their mounts during the past few days, and are all lined up for the crucial moment Friday evening. Members of the Ute Stampede committee invite ALL the people of East Juab County to be at the Fairgrounds rodeo arena Friday at 6 p. m. to witness the selection of the queen. Plans are going forward daily the big show which will be held July 8, 9 and 10. Watch this newspaper weekly for the latest in arrangements for the big show THE UTE of the year LlSt v PROVO Five students from Nephi and vicinity are among the 632 students receiving degrees at Brigham Young University's commencement exercises June 1st. Those receiving bachelors degrees are Earl B. Hoyt, B. S. from the college of commerce with a major in accounting and a minor in From the college of education are Bryce Reed Bailey, B S with a major in physical education and a minor in economics; Verl Clyde Sudweeks B S majoring education and minoring inphysical vunan Kjugnt winn, t. LJt major in elementary education and a minor in English. Madge G. Ellertson of Mona will receive her B S degree in the college of education, elementary education for her major and for a minor psychology. Listed among the graduates of the Utah State Agricultural college this year are two former students of Juab high school and former residents of Nephi. They are Miss Melba Christiansen and Bernice Ann Christiansen, Miss daughters of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Christiansen, now residents of economics; ) 1 T" '"T 1 Thermoid Day Set For Wednesday, June 9th, House Planned Open i' 1 - j An invitation for all of Utah to join in open house at Thermoid Company's new plant at Nephi on Wednesday, June 9th has been extended by Fred E. Schluter, President of Thermoid Company. Committees to handle the arrangements for the various activities of the day have been busy Primary graduation exercises for the past few days, formulating of TlBJBaaaBtA the Fourth Ward be will IN Uwr Nephi SLOWER plans for one of the largest "open held Sunday evening in connect- house" ever held in with the regular Sacrament Southerncelebrations "Pin on a popy the first thing ion Utah. Tentative plans meeting, according to an announc-men- t call for the on Poppy Day." doors plant to today by officers of the or- be opened at 10 a. ofm.the This was the appeal of E. Rulon to all who Instructors of the care to come ganization. of No. Commander and make a tour of Brough, Nephi 1 Post of The American Legion, to graduating class are Hazel Bean, the plant, to see the large machBeatrice Douglas, and the all war veterans in Nephi, in a and used rubber pro following will receive their cer- inery in for making statement issued today. operation, and to become Freddie Beck, Clark Aus- ducts, "We can never forget those tificates: more Clarence inside familiar with the activities Worwood, comrads of ours who lost their tin, Clark Bobby Steele, Connie concern.of this new Utah Industrial lives in war service" the Com- Phillipsen, Deon Howard, Dawn Gadd, mander's statement said, "so let Hill, Also on the list of tentative Lomax and Joyce Parrish. us show the world that we rem- Nancy plans is a program at the plant The will exercises held be in ember by wearing a poppy on this conjunction with the Fourth Ward at approximately 4 p. m. with Utah State, and L. D. S. officials, Poppy Day. We veterans should Sacrament meeting. lead the way in paying tribute and local people taking part. An to those who didn't come back, so program will also be entertaining Summer Primary in the Fourth given, with a band festival by pin on a poppy the first thing on poppy day. ward will be held each the Juab high school band at apWith our poppies we remember starting next week, at 4Wednesday P. M. All proximately 3 p. m., and with a too, those other comrads who are children of the ward are urged group of radio and stage enter still fighting a battle against to auena. tainers talcing part. wounds and illness in the veterans! it is planned that certain nor- : made the tions of the program will hospitals. They poppies, be By Dr. Herbert J. Stack, Director and the contributions we make for! Primary graduation exercises broadcast over KSL and possibly Center for Safety Education the little flowers are for them, will be held Sunday evenine. The over a network. New York University their families and the families of following young people will rec Also on the list of tentative arI am sure veterans eive certificates of graduation: the dead. is the serving of light (This is the first of a series Marie Kay, Gayle Lynn, June rangements will set an example of generosity refreshments at the conclusion of of ten articles on street and Gibson, Patricia Dawn Garfield, the plant tour. A committee has on Poppy day" high-wasafety, written by Poppy day will be observed here Ireata Swasey, Shirley Dawn Mar-ret- t, this well under way, and it is Thelda Rowe. Jerry New understood that nationally recognized , accidand ehroughout the nation on Sat tables will ent prevention specialists and the Saturday be- ton, Don Garfield. David Fowler be set up where serving 29th, May all may be served urday, published in this newspaper in Memorial day, when women and Olade Young. . fore with refreshments during th enthe interests of greater trafof The American Legion Auxiltire day. fic safety. In addition to this and cooperating organizations iary Highlight of the entire day will article, 23 business establishwill offer the memorial flowers on be an invitational banquet at the ments of Nephi are sponsoring the streets day. the second ward hall on Wednesday throughout a series of highway safety adMemorial day services will be evening, with Governor Herbert B. vertisements which will ap11:00 at cemeteris both held at Maw and President George Albert pear with these articles from American with the A. M., Legion Smith heading the list of dignat-arie- s time to time. See the first in charge. invited. It is understood that advertisement of this series on officials of Utah cities surrounding page 1, Section 2 today) iNepni nave been issued invitations as well as state, church and in Three out of every ten motorists Funeral services for Mrs. Robert dustrial leaders of Salt Lake City involved in fatal accidents drive Lcmax were held Saturday at the ana tne state or Utah. to their rendezvous with death in Because of space limitations. Second ward chapel with Bishop a hurry. Some of them are actJohn H. Harmon in charge. Mrs. the general public will not be in ually exceeding posted speed limLomax died earlier last week at vited to the banquet which is beits; but many more of them are Reno, Nevada following a linger- ing sponsored as a testimonial to merely driving too fast for exPresident Fred E. Schluter by the ing illness. isting conditions. Music for the services was fur Kiwanis Club. Lions Club and That dare-dev- il racer, Malcolm Stanford Cazier, son of Mr. and nished by a quartet composed of Junior Chamber of Commerce of Campbell, could drive with com- Mrs. Gerald Cazier, was signally H. W. McCune. Clarence H. War- Nephi. fort and relative safety over the he was ner, Mrs. Delia Barnes and Mrs. Complete and final arrange"'Utah Sands" at 200 miles an honored last weekandwhen Emma Harmon, who sang two ments will be announced in The hour. But a motorist moving one chosen a finalistLake award winTimes-News next week, as well as the Salt Rotary club numbers; a vocal solo by Mrs. tenth as fast in a crowded resid-ent- ner in contest. Gertrude Tranter and a violin so in the state papers. club boy of Rulon Wood.C district may not be able to essay Committees who are handling Stanford was one of several lo by Marilyn Thomas. Levan, showed the grand Cham avoid hitting a youngster who inSpeakers were President James the various arrangements include: pion Rambouillet ewe at the San dashes into the street 20 feet in high school seniors who were be H. Ockey of Juab Stake and A. H. vited to Salt Lake City to Banquet: Merle White, E. R. pete Rambouillet and Junior Live- front of him. Lake Rotary Belliston. stock show held at Ephraim last Closing remarks were Shaw, Roy W. Hanson. Accurate figures indicate, and guests o fthewasSalt to his given by Bishop Harmon. Tour of Thermoid plant: James week. traffic authorities agree, that club. Each a to return were given by Clyde Beard, chairman. Spencer E. Forreport on the act school, make hrayers accidents to contributes speed pri Juab county sheep winners are ior Carter. and LeRoy Whitehead rest, Frank Peterson. as speed too fast for con ivities, and to write an essay as follows: Aged ewe, A; Cham- marily John this spring. Stanford with the graveside prayer by J. Refreshments at plant: as presentation ditions" than rather high speed H. Harmon, chairman, Ray Evans, pion open class and grand cham- or any arbitrary numler of miles was one of the five finalists and E. Memmott. LeIn addition to the funeral ser Kenneth Nyman, Wm. C. Stowell, pion ewe, Rulon Wood, was awarded a consolation scholvan; aged ewe, B, Clark Wood, per hour. with three other finalists. vices for Mrs. Lomax, the services J. Ivan Tew and Rex Wirthlin. arship the wise this, Considering Levan; Yearling ewe A, chamalso were a memorial service for Invitations Committee: Merle will not only keep within post pion, Rulon Wood; Yearling ewe ed Miss Conine Paxman, daught her son, Glenn C. Lomax who White, E. R. Shaw. Roy W. Han- will also take he limits, speed B. Clark Wood; Ewe Lamb, A, account the amount of traf- er of Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Pax-as was lost at sea during the World' son, James P. McCune, Dr. P. L. Clark Wood; Ewe and Lamb, A, into the Jones. War II. character of the highway, man, was recently selected fic, Clerk Wood. James W. ot a ?haj.uu scnoiarsrup winner Program at Plant and the weather the road surface, Division: Ram Lambs, two all other conditions which affect Hven bv the Utah Congress ot E. R. Shaw, local Studebaker Beard, chairman, Marsden Cazier, B sheep, Rulon Wood; yearling dealer, was in Salt Lake City last T. D. Davis, Dr. P. L. Jones, Geo. automobile operation. The follow- Pamnts and Teachers. ewe, A grade, Rulon Wood; Ewe Miss Paxman received a let- - Friday where he attended an ad- A. Sperry, Lester H. Belliston to of methods speed adjusting ing lambs. A, and B, grade sheep, conditions are a guide to safe, tfr of congratulations from Mrs. vance showing of the new 1949 Publicity: James P. McCune. Rulon Wood. chairman, Roy E. Gibson. Ray Charles L. Walker, President of Studebaker trucks. round and restful driving: ot bait According to Mr. Shaw, 22 mod- Cundick .Eugene Worthington and 1. Keep a clear stopping dist- the State organization, els were on display at the Cocoa-nu- t Dean Archibald. ance ahead. Slow down, when Lake Citv. Finance: Roy McPherson, W. C. Ninety-tw- o The scholarship won by Miss grove. changes necessary, in approaching hilltops, 7 curves or intersections. At night Paxman was one of seven award- are being made in the trucks this Andrews. Harry J. Irons. drive so that it is possible to stop ed throuchout the state, and the year, it was pointed out at the Coordinating: James Bearfl and Dr. P. L. Jones. within the clearly illuminated dis- awards were based onto scholastic show. complete tance ahead. Cut down speed activities and a desire a teachers course in a college or when the road is slippery. 2. Never slow down suddenly, university. except in emergency. "1 5 Mr and Mrs. Joseph W. Cowan 3. Use the speed of other motorists as a guide on busy high- announce the marriage of their ways. Keep up with traffic, but daughter Joyce to Willis S Shep The marriage don't drive much faster or slower herd of Levan. Pointing out the need for con took place at the home ot the than the average speed tinued vigilance on the highways 4. Passenger comfort is a guide bride's parents on May 21st. Bishto decrease the huge toll of acto reasonable, maximum speed un op lister H. Belliston of the Necidents. Roy A. Schonian, manager, der normal conditions. Never phi First Ward officiated. Matron 1 of the Salt Lake office of the Utahi drive so fast that passengers feel of honor was Mrs. Raymond PetState Press association spoke to erson, sister of the bride. Bill uncomfortable. the Kiwanis club of Nephi at Its 5. Look well ahead while driv- Cowan, brother of the bride, actregular meeting Monday evening. ing, and keep a close watch for ed as best man. The bride choose The dress with black aca sky-blu- e public relations committee hidden hazards. was in charge of arrangements. Following the cere6. Approach intersections and cessories. Following the business portion other hazardous points at a speed mony the couple left for a honeyof the meeting, conducted by Pres which will permit full control of moon trip and will make their ident Ronald Shaw, Kiwanian home in Nephi. tne car. Schonian pointed out the cost of Conscious of the part they must ... LAKE CITY accidents in Nephi City last year, play In reducing accidents caused j VISIT IN SALT and based upon a national averEND WEEK hv need. federal countv. State and ' OVER . , 1 . mmu fvir. ana ivirs. ivin age, these few accidents cost ap iivi municipal authorities are carryincr out studies to determine postwar family spent the week end in Salt proximately $16,000.00 In lire and Citv as guests of Mr. and maximum safe speeds for congestproperty. Mr. Schonian was speaker at the ed highways and less heavily trav- Mrs. Max Strong. President's Highway Safety coneled rural roads. ference in Washington last year, Engineers are continually de-- 1 LEAVES FOR VACATION IN and on Monday evening he resigning new highways which allow NORTHWEST Gertrude- Duckworth left viewed what the newspapers of Mis for uniform traffic speed. This the nation had done on an educawill do way with the need fori Friday for Portland. Oregon where Considerable tional porter and Jimmy Ockey, treasur- much special speed zoning, as will'sb'? will e the guest of Mr. and campaign. er. The new officers plan a ban- also the elimination and recon-.Mr- s. State Press praise for their work has been reJack Davis. She and Mrs. Roy A. Schonlan, ner year for the FFA in Juab structton of many hazardous In-- 1 Davis will return to Nephi May ceived from state and national manager, la Kiwanla Club ape a tar. traffic and safety groups. 30th by plane. high school for 1948-4Continued on Page Four J jy ifc- -- Poppy Day Nephi Saturday In Primary Graduation Scheduled in Two Wards of Stake Safe Speeds Not Always Legal Limits Funeral Held For Mrs. Robt. Lomax Scholarship Winners Are Named 4-- H Word was received in Nephi this week of the death of Mrs. Francis Carter Groneman, 74, wife of Peter Groneman of Provo Mrs. Groneman died Monday afternoon at Santa Monica, California. sne was Dom ana reaxea in Nephi having been a daughter of Hezekiah and Elizabeth Morris Carter. Among her survivors are four brothers and five sisters: Hezekiah and Lynn L. Carter, Nephi; James Carter, Salt Lake City, Lor-iCarter, Blackfoot, Idaho; Mrs. John Burton, Mrs. Florence Salt Lake City, Mrs. Roy Elliott, Mrs. Ralph Elliott and n Ins-cor- e, Mrs. Lee C. Morgan, Provo. ATTEND JUAB HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT Mrs. Glenn Sykes and son Bill and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hanson and daughter of American Fork were in Nephi Friday to attend the graduation exercises of the juaD high school, and especially for their nephew, Sherman Brough. ADDRESSES FEDERATED CLUBS IN AM. FORK Mrs. Gerald Cazier was in Am. Fork Tuesday evening where she addressed the conjoint Federated clubs of American Fork. Her subject was "Youth Education and The American Home". Mrs. Stanley Peters was in charge of the program. ' i ' IS. . - Frank Willis Bryan,. 34, died last Saturday morning at the Pay-so- n hospital following a brief illness. Funeral services were conducted Wednesday at the Second ward chapel, with Bishop Lester H. Belliston in charge. Speakers at the services were Alma C. Tranter, and President Number 22 al FORMER NEPHI LADY DIES " Conducted To mAt Pravaro uroro offered by Worthington and ,.- T,oaov wifh tht trravpsinv r b w w Stephenson p Mllsical selections consisted of a vocal solo Tranter; by Gerarude t ti vv.r aimi oamcs a v i , uuei, j r n. P. McCune; and a quartet selectDim". ion by H. W. McCune, C. H. Warner, Delia Barnes and Evelyn AnAt the state convention of the derson. had followed General Federation of Women's theMr. Bryan, who of auto mechanic clubs held recently at the New-hous- e all ofoccupation his adult life, was the son hotel in Salt Ln,ke City, Mrs Joseph and Emma Tolley BryAfton Greenwood Peterson, for- of and was born February 22, mer resident of Nephi, received an, 1894. He married Jennie Stepspecial recognition when she read henson July 15, 1914. the club collect she had written. Survivors are his widow, six This collect was recently publish- sons and one daughter: Harmcn ed in the April issue of the Gen- and Rex Bryan, San Diego; Evan eral Federation Clubwomen Mag- Bryan, Mona, Willis and Wallace azine. Nephi; Robert Bryan, Le- Mrs. Peterson's collect was or- - (Bryan. ni ana Mrs. Kuth Jennings, Kock Nine grand Springs, Wyoming. children and four sisters also sur member. It was included in this vive: Sudbury, Salt club's report to the State De- Lake Josephine City; Allie Fernald, Nona state and the partment published and Nettie Davis, San Diego it in their annual yearbook this P.ryan California. distbeen in has It year. given rict conventions and adopted by clubs throughout the State of FORMAL OPENING Utah. The General Federation president, Mrs. J: L. Blair Buck, and OF NEW STORE first vice president, Mrs. Hiram were who honored ANNOUNCED Houghton guests at the convention, congratulated her on this contribution Announcement is being made in and said that they were making an advertisement of the formal opthe recommendation that the col- ening of the new Sprouse-Reit- z lect be adopted by all the federat- Store in Nephi. The store is loced clubs in the Unitel States. ated in the new building between Mrs. Peterson is the daughter the Drug Co. and the Dr. of Mrs. Robert Winn of Nephi. and P. L.Nephi Jones office building. we desire to extend the congratulModern in every respect, the ations of the people of Nephi to new building and the new store her on her fine v.ork. is a credit to Nephi and to to the building's owner and ocThe building was built cupants. GUEST AT NEPHI HOME by Dr. P. L. Jones. We welcome the new store to Mrs. Sidney Ault of Salt Lake Citv sumrised her and Nephi, and suggest that our read- son in law, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond ers look over their advertisement Rlarkett. with a week end visit ' in this issue. returning to Salt Lake City with her son, George Ault. who spent ATTENDING RITES Sunday at the Blackett home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brough, ATTENDING U S A C Sherman and Miriam Brough are GRADUATION in Logan to attend the graduation Mr. and Mrs. George A. Sperry rites of their son. Franklin Keith in are Logan for the commence- Brough, and their daughter, Miss ment exercises of the U S A C. Joan Brough. Joan had the hon Their son, George W. Sperry will or of being secretary of the sen be a graduate from 1he school ior class. Arts and Sciences. wi; Nephi People on Graduation Lists Wo-me- c'ubs banquet held last Thursday evening in Salt Lake City, the prize winners of the annual poetry contest were announced. Mrs. Veneta L. Nielsen, state poetry cnairman, introduced the successful contestants: Miss Fay Eliza Williams, Mrs. Clair Stewart Beyer, and Mrs. Elen:i Hassell Stanley. After each had read her poem, the prizes we?i awarded by Pi of. Norman Christ ensen of Logan. Mrs. Stanley is a member of the Ladies Literarv club of NPPhi a"d hc.r entry was A Come callea 'Happiness year rsc sue wn uk: csucm.iuh contest with her sonnet trilogy "for These Things Our Eyes Are 1948 will be chosen on Friday at 6 P. M. at the Juab County fair: ' THE ADS . Nephi, Juab County, Utah Thursday, May 27, 1948 39 Yours! READ ALL ' Stampede Queen to be Named Friday -- Be ' READ ALL illume May Save Might 4-- I 4-- ;... "! Press Association Manager Is Speaker at Club Meeting Here i i ." . V ' - ... ' - ', 'V Ike 4 ' ' - ! - urn. New officers of th? Ag Club of Juab High School who w r recto ently elected include: right: Clestoo Park, Sports man- Ift crer .j Lurry Itowarfn. president; Viok Sortie; Sentinal. Jimmy Ktephnjon. vice pre V nt: Lyn.i Hall, stcretary; John Carter, re 1 if ' |