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Show THE Page 2 Section 2 CARD OF THANKS l i We wish to convey our thanks IW1 Q fl Q as-" and appreciation for all who sched-oBE IT ORDAINED that the and off sisted us in any waytheduring death of illness and following water and sewer rates alour beloved Mother. We shall connection charges for connecting assist-- , as for be your sewer system grateful ways to the ance in our time or sorrow. Miss Bernice Samuelson enter by the Consulting Family of Mrs. Eliza Lomax tained the members of the Eighth hereby established and Shall become effective September Mrs. Emma Memmott. class on Thursgrade graduatingGames were play1, 1948 as herein provided: day, May 20th. ed and refreshments served to the are connections provided two than WATER CONNECTION . . for each 100 feet of extension (ex- grouPCHARGES: Mr. ana Mrs. Arcn rvay oi rru- Intersections). cluding vo. ana ivirs. Mr. connectlco u)nK ana $24.00 for 34" service RE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, son 'Marlow of Springville, Mr. and serthe for which provides ion where sewer service is avail- Mrs. Floyd Taylor and daughter vice line to the meter and the that to a Droperty owner, that no Shirlene of Payson and Mr. and able meter. a of installation water service shall be separately Arden LeBaron of Santaquin vis"Water and bew-er- " ited with Mrs. Celia Kay and Mrs $43 00 for 1" service connection sold or billed. whi'en provides for the service service only, shall be available Oscar Newton recently. meter and the monthly charges for such Mrs. Geneva Molyneaux was line from the main to the meter. as a hostess to the members of the service shall be rendered and the installation of a Eighth grade graduating class on service con- single billing. After an enjoyable $69.55 for a 19th. the for RE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, May nection which provides delicious refreshments evening to mam discontinued that service shall be service line from the were served. the meter and the installation to any customer immediately upon Mr. and Mrs... T. C. Summers 90 dav delinquency of a meter. occuring in and daughter Becky of Salt Lake payment of service charges and City were week end guests of Mr. $99.00 for a 2" service connectturn-o- fl of service for such delin- and Mrs. Wm. H. Summers. ion which provides for the ser- quency is hereby ordered and orMrs. Carolyn Kay left Thursday vice line from the main to the dained, same to become effective for where she will visit meter and the installation of a immediately upon 90 days delin- withSantaquin n Mr. and Mrs. meter. rebe not quency. Service shall and Mr. and Mrs. George asumed until the delinquent WATER RATES: mounts have been paid in full Higginson. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Marti and Metered Water Service, per and a turn on charge of $2.50 has Mr. and Mrs. John Patterson of been paid, Salt Lake City were guests of Mr quarter. Mrs. Vern Carter and Mr, BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED. ai.d 25 cents per 1000 gallons for and Mrs. Asa H. Satthe first 20,000 gallone in any that the duties of the manager of urday and Sunday.Sperry last the system shall be as provided in R. D. one quarter. Swasey of Salt Lake City the initiated ordinance adopted 20 cents per 1000 gallons for all September 16, 1947 and approved is visiting at the home of Bishop over 20,000 gallons in any one by the qualified voters at a spec- and Mrs. E. Alton Ellertson. . Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Averett ial election October 17, 1947 and and quarter. son Stanley of Springville in addition include: shall Minimum quarterly charge for spent Sunday at the home of her 1. To follow up aggressively water service - $3.00. Subject to Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Kay. and enforce the provisions of parents, discount if paid on or a 10 Miss Elma Carter of Salt Lake the sewer ordinance making before the 20th of the month was a week end guest at the connections mandatory when City home of her parents, Mr. and following the end of the quarsewer service becomes available, ter. 2. To turn off service to a Mrs. Vern Carter. H. Stanley of Logan came SPECIAL RATES: property owner upon 90 day to Daryl Mona to attend the delinquency in service charges exercises of the Juab graduation high school. The rate schedule herein adopt occuring; said turn off to be Mrs. Danelda Newberry enter ed shall be subject to the existing accomuplished in not less than tained Thursday evening. Hand contracts which the city has with the 100th day of delinquency. work was the order of the evening Thermoid Western Company, Un Where turn off has not been ion Pacific Railroad and the Juab completed by the 100th day of de- after which refreshments were served to the following guests: School District linquency, it is hereby provided Ellertson, DeLora Carter, No new contracts or extensions that any service rendered there- Betty Lila of existing contracts shall be made Stanley, Dorothy Shepherd, after shall become the responwhere rates are charged of less Betty Yates, Edyth Keyte, Madge sibility of said manager and Newton, Grace Seamons, Dorothy than the 10c per 1,000 gallons that he and his surety shall be Tidwell and the hostess, Danelda 10 discount for prompt (less obligated to the city for all amounts of service so rendered Newberry. payment) Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Kay re The City of Nephi shall pay to after said 100th day of delinturned home Tuesday after visit the Water and Sewer Department quency. resonable rates for water used by 3. The manager shall give ap- ing their children who reside in and Provo. me city. propriate public notice "immed- Springville Ellertson of Provo Ephraim of the declaration iately upon SEWER CONNECTION Saturday and Sunday at the consulting engineers that spent home of Bishop and Mrs. E. CHARGES: the sewer system is ready to the Alton Ellertson. is to and receive connections he Residence Units. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Kay are render written notice to each Salt Lake City visitors this week. to sewer owner whom Connection charge for sewer property A. Tidwell of Idaho Falls Frank availbeen made has service service shall be $130.00 for each is a guest at the home of Mr. and which shall notice written able, connection which provides a 4' call attention to the law and Mrs. Ray Newton, service lateral from the main sew Mrs. Elaine Rice of Salt Lake er line to the individual's property penalties thereof which law provides that connection with the City visited with her son Evan and line as determined by the City sewer must be made within 90 her mother, Mrs. John S. Neilsen connection Sewer Engineer. the week end. days of its being made avail- over to a $20.00 discharge, subject able. The manager shall again voMr. and Mrs. Cloy Kay of Pro count if standard sewer applica are guests of his parents, Mr. serve notice 21 months later to tion cara is signed, and payment each of those property owners and Mrs. H. B. Kay made prior to July 1, 1948, except Kent Ellertson of Logan spent to which service is available for units that do not have mod end at the homes of his ern plumbing. A discount of $20.00 and on which property there ex- the weekMr. and Mrs. Elgy Ellertists an inhabitable structure or parents, shall be made for those connect son. which did not building the at ions where a standard sewer apMiss Ruth Sperry of Salt Lake time of completion of the initplication card is signed and payial sewer system have therein City was a week end guest of ment made prior to July 1, 1950. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Asa H. Connection charges shall increase any toilet or toilets. Sperry. to $153.00 after July 1, 1954: to BE IT FURTHE Mrs. Ina Kay attended the Polio RORDAINED, $156.00 after July 1, 1948, and to said that manager is authorized treatment training meeting at Mt. $169.00 after July 1, 1963. and directed to forward promptly Pleasant on Thursday and Fri to the Commercial Bank of Nephi day. Business Units the payments and moneys as proBishop and Mrs. E. Alton El Connection charge for sewer vided in said initiated ordinance lertson viisted recently with . rel of atives in b airview. September 16, 1947. service shall be $165.00 for a 4" Mrs. Almina Kay and daughter inch lateral and $175.00 for a 6" The above provisions of this orservice lateral from the main sew- dinance shall constitute a contract Marilyn, Mrs. Rhoda Newell and Mrs. Alice Young attended the er line to the individuals property between Nephi and the holdexercises held at Fair-vieline as determined by the City er or holders City of the water and graduation 14. on May connection Sewer Engineer. sewer Revenue Bonds and after Mrs. Rex Wheelwright charge subject to a $25.00 discount issuance of any such bonds, no of Mr. and visited with friends and If standard application card is Ogden change, variation or alteration in signed and payment made prior to the provisions of this ordinance relatives on Tuesday. The Relief Society officers enJuly 1. 1948, except for units that shall be made in any manner the women of the ward do not have modern plumbing a as hereto fore been provided tertained at a social Tuesday, climaxing'the discount of $25.00 shall be made in the initiated ordinance adopted season's work. A fine program was where a for these connections 16, 1947, until such time and refreshments were servstandard sewer application card Septembr as all said Revenue Bonds and in- given is signed and payment made prior terest thereon have been paid in ed. to July 1. 1950. Connection charge tull to $181.50 after shall increase ... ror tne purpose oi this or July 1. 1954- to $198.00 after July 1, 1948; and to $216.50 after July dinance and the initiated ordin1. 1963 for 4" service pipe and ance of September 36, 13 7, tin $10.00 more than the amounts giv- firm of Caldw,"'!. Richards e.iti en for a 6" service pipe connect- Sorer.en is named the Consut'Jng ion. tnginters or the city, and T. D, Davis is named the manager for the system, to become effective n SEWER RATES: Single dwelling residence, $1.75 his filing of approved surety bond in me amount or s.wx). I HELP YOUR COUNTRY... per month. (EmIndividual businessesses HELP YOURSELF I ! BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED One set of toilet facil ployees) the that citv officials are i proper There a rrnl nerd till sets Two very ities. $2,625 per month; for avery ounce of uaed fatt we outnonzed to st:m and seal "-toilet facilities $3:50 per month. can aalvage. The world-widissue of Sewer $285,000 Water and businesses Individual (Employhortage it greater today than ees and Public) One sot toilet fac Revenue Bonds and deliver same erer before. Pleaae . . . keep to the of upon sets purchasers Two receipt ilities, $4,375 per month; saving and turning in your uwil kitchen fat. P. S. Vest yc't toilet facilities, $5.25 per month. teh purchase price thereof as per do get paid fur them . . . km! Cafes. With two sets toilet fac agreement heretofore made by you know how ready cash $5.25 per said City. ilities for the public. count today. month plus $0.10 per chair. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, Hotels. With two sets of toilet that Keep Turning in Used Fats! if any section, paragraph, facilities for the public. $5.25 per clau seor AawtcM fit Siluri CobbiUii, lac. of this ordinprovision room with $0.25 month, plus per as invalid or ance held shall be bath. toilet and Sewer connection charges for all unforceable orfor any reason, the unenforceability of unvalidity other commercial service will be said section, paragraph, clause or determined by the City In proporprovision shall not effect any of tion to the service rendered. of this Turn-of- f of service shall be the remaining provisions all ordinance and ordinances, that 90-din made upon delinquency and orders or parts resolutions payment of service charges or any thereof in conflict with the provispart thereof. ions of this ordinance are to the Charge for turning on service conflict hereby reshall be $2.50 payable In advance. extent of such as may be effected TO SEE OUR BEAUTIF-ULNEexcept pealed, shall sewer services and Water be considered a single service and any provisions in said initiated GAS RANGES adopted September 16, billed under a single billing. ordinance 1947. OTHER AND GAS Is availnot service sewer Where able water service will be renderThe adoption of the foregoing ed by the City at rates outlined ordinance was seconded by Counabove. cilman Irons and passed unanimSewer and Water rates outlined Immediate Instalations above shall become effective on ously. At Moderate Cost 1948. 1, 6th September Adopted and approved this Economical day of May. 1948. to Use! BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, P. L. JONES, t.nat no extension to the sewer P. L. Jones, Mayor lines to be Initially constructed shall be made after the construct ATTEST: John L. Kendall. City Recorder Ion of the initial system has been (Seal) completed unless connection charg- Date of publication: May 27, 1948 es ore first paid, sufficient in number and amount so that no less in The Times-New- s, Nephi, Utah. TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH S, Local and Social News News ORDINANCE Happenings ATTEND SNOW COLLEGE GRADUATION Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Crane En-neer- " VISITS HERE Miss Beatrice Brown of Provo spent the week end here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude R. Lomax, her brother in law and sister. RETURN TO NEPHI After having spent the winter in Ephraim, Mr. and Mrs. James Crane have returned to Nephi to spend the summer. Mr. Crane was one of the graduates of Snow College last Thursday. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Crane and Miss Mayme Riches attended the graduation exercises. T'S 'A BOY FOR WESTRINGS Mr. and Mrs. Theo Westring are rejoicing over the arrival of their Jtirst son, Dorn aunaay mornThe ing at the Payson hospital. grandparents are Mrs. Adelia S. Dixon of Payson and James A. Westring of Benjamin. VISITS IN EPHRAIM in T. D. Davis was a visitor , Ephiaim on Sunday IV w T- , ' vy if , It is May, but in the New York Adlrondacks the snow is stm later in the aonth. In these areas herds of it won't melt untilhigh deer roam in search of food, which is too deeply buried to be reached by animals. Many have died, but many have been saved, too, by the food flown to them by plane. This humane gesture is sponsored by the Adirondack League club, a sportsmen's organization. Here Jack McCarthy makes friends with some of the animals who hare been tamed by hunger to the point where they are not even afraid of an airplane. AIRBORNE OATS FOR HUNGRY DEER... deep and in many places non-pro- PROBATE and GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES. Consult County Clerk or Respective Signers for Additional Information. fit ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate .of Bernell V. Cooper, Creditors will present deceased. claims with vouchers to the undersigned at the law office of P. N. Anderson, 67 South Main Street. Neohi, Utah on or before the 7th day of July, A. D. 1948. HANNAH C. COOPER, Administratrix of the Estate of Bernell V Cooper, deceased. P. N. Anderson, Attorney for Administratrix Dates of publication: May 6, 20 and 27, 1948. NOTICE TO CREDITORS YACHTSMAN. . . Three of the contestants in the races between the Long the Royal Bermuda yacht club are shown sailing whatever the nautical term is foe neck aid neck off Hamilton, Bermuda. And, sure, don't they make a scene an pre' v as a picture. The fact that aone of the yachts in this seascape won the race should.' t i any difference to moet people. Their crews probably weren't overjoyed at losinc, bvt t v console themselves by saying things like. 'Ke didn't win the race, but we certni"'-o- JOY TO THE HEART Island sound OP A ris, deceased. C. N. Leatherbury Attorney for Administrator Dates of publication: May 6, 13, team and r. and 20 f fun trying. 27, 1948. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Horace Lyman Bates, deceased. Creditors will present claims with voucheras to the undersigned at Callao, Utah on or before the 14 day of Juy, A. D. 1948. Mrs. Josephine N. Bates. Ad- ministratrix of the Estate of Hor-ac- e Lyman Bates, Deceased. 'David A. West, 405 Doolv Bldg, Salt Lake City Attorney for Administratrix Dates of publication: May 13, 20, 27 and June 3, 1948. CLASSIFIED 4 t'-- 1 ADVERTISING . s f r . Vpf,v BEST BUY 7 room brick home. Oil water heater, floor coverings. Big lot and nice lawn $4600 3 rm home and coops. Big lot and brooder equipment $2600. or both for 7000. Phone 207J or see at 604 South 1st West . 3 tip GARBETTS are exclusive distributors of Beauty Products for East Juab County. IS A . .These three photograph were among the 100 best entered in the fifth annual ftes Pictures of the Year competition sponsored jointly pictures by Encyclopaedia Britannica Hook of the Year and the University of Missouri school of journalism, 'Lost and Found' (bottom left) by Jack Teehan of the Keene, N. II., Sentinel was awarded third priie in the news pictures category of the contest. Wallace Kanmann of the Minneapolis Star tied for third in the feature category with this aerial photograph, 'Contour Plowing.' 'The Bride Wore place n 1 i on shot a Wink' (right) by Ed Wagner of the Chicago is that tuned out to ba delicious human satire. PH0TOOVPiry AT ITS BEST. Herald-America- 1 one-in-a-- FOR SALE 80 White Leg-hopullets, 4 months old Phone 241J. JOE MAHONEY ? IS PBEPARID BY AMERICAN FOUNDATION FOR ANIMAL NIALTM WARNING AGAINST ANTHRAX 'SCARES' Of all th diseases affecting livestock ami human beings, one of the oldest and moat deadly is anthrax. It spreads fast, and sometimes caufr.a disastrous losses. The .., i W S! NEB0 GAS SERVICE A cow killed by aothra-t- . sporpg of snthrax live In the noil, S'irvivinsr f.r years usde tss worst of weather condition. N'evrrficlf-i!.?Rnthrax "scarps" vaefination and inli.srriminst sho-ilOuthrrnks hava be brn rfportc'l In almngt rvory , llws, but the hrnni in few cd only If an sniliras oii,rezk cecurs atate at. diftfuV" a constant u v,'i ;: .i . lit new t't-diT srei, rr-l- or. livpotock owners ' ' " v yf! r$ Am.". in- 1 should fully and promptly with local veterinarians and livestock sanitary officials. Except in established anthrax areas, an outbreak usually can be controlled by vaccinating stock on the infected pTpmlses and adjacent farms. One of the common and serious mistakes, in han'llln? new outbreaks, is the Indiscriminate vaccination of cattle, horses and mules outside the actual danger zone. This prartlce may serve to start frrsh outbreaks. In all cases, on precaution is vital. CarcassFS of a thrax vict .us must be di.oposed of, quickly and thoroughly, by complete burning. And the persons dol"- - the Job should use every precaution to avoid exposure. Human beings can readily contract anthrax by care-ItfcaadiUij of sik or dead animals. . Whan a suspected or known case of anUimx appears, the first thing to do ts to rail the veterinarian. He can examine tn ailing or dead animal, determine whether Bnthrax vvs th causa of the trouble, and prescribe me9ures to check thai outbreak before it causes widespread losses. TBIPLE CPOWN IN I930 AND SI RED TXT K73S TPIPLECMJfVN lUNCb... OMAHA! - M 7JE ttcm the fnTN WITHOUT fOfJtXT-INM4 6f A WTTH ONE CIMnjiT Clfxni - m FOR SALE Bicycle In good condition with extra set of new tires. Call 377W. e YOU ARE INVITED 13, Estate of Nellie Morris, deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at the office of C. N. Leathrbury, Eureka, Utah, on or before the 12th day of July, A. D. 1948. William Elmer Morris, Administrator of the Estate of Nellie Mor- e ay at- tended the graduation rites held at Ephraim Thursday for Snow rnlleee. James Crane was a mem-jber of the graduating class. ... Hig-ginso- 1948 Thursday, May 27, LACS fc"0 CM N FV Wl (Nfi ou WXI ooce ING OP THOT " - J4 cjf crrwrp Wtnq TMF RA1 1 1 . |