Show MRS JANE M YOUNG DIES Was Widow of Late Apostle Brig Brigham rg ham Young Jr and a Pio Pioneer Pioneer neer of 1847 Mr Mrs Jae Jane 1 M Carrington Youn Young wl widow ow o of Brigham jr and a resident or of salt Lmke siu in e br Wi it die died sd outi denly defly at hf home 3 West et North Tern Teut pie nie street yesterday morning Mr Young und t a o operation ton last Feb February mary and had not be been In good belth health since that Ume time although her de death th was te Mrs Ir You Yong wu ws bomi b VI Ian f I o bert was a member ot of the firt first arty larty of formon ormon pioneers and his family him ho te Utah In the thO tal fall ot of ISH 34 Mrs Mr Young wa was with her par eats during the troubles rn in Nauvo prior to the journey journe of the Mormons across the l She came to Utah In an ox oxcart oxcart cart was driven by her mother Since hr her arival hi Uth Utah she had mae made her home In Sat Salt Lake CI City She had been prominent In te the Relief I society work for mor more than fifty years She lilse Wf was married to the oldest son ot of President Brigham Young In t 17 and left seven children They are A A C CYoung CYoung Young J 3 Wah Wash Young Ward Willard H HYoung HYoung Young J Emersn Emerson Young Mrs J L LIay May Mrs Luna Y Moore and Mrs Lutle nr 1 Mrs Is In Port Portland Portland land J Wash oung in Nebraska and SW V H Young in Canada The They have been notified of her death The he funeral wi will take place at 2 tomorrow from the residence |