Show VICTIM M OF WHITE CAPS Thomas Blood in Serious Condition as Result of Rough Treatment Special t to file he Herald AmerIcan Fork No Nov Blood who WitS was the vIctim of whitecaps Tues dR day night or rather rathor earl early Wednesday e morning is In a condItion Un Undoubtedly lie he WitS used pretty rough Blood Drood has a 8 wife and or four small whom It Is aId ho he neglects Being fin an able oble bodied man and perfectly able to provide for his tam fam Ib fly he spent what little money he did earn for drink his on what the neighbors and the Relief Rollet societies gave ao them to exist on A crowd got and decided to teach hint him a severe severo let son T They ey went to ht house and got him out and put a rono around Ids his neck dragged him some distance finally him UP to a pole When they lot him down he was dead for or twenty minutes He has hus been lit in a very er serious condition ever since tho city mar marshal marshat shat Is trying to out who wh were the 1110 Perpetrators of UIt q AA bt up to the tue present lie he has 11 due clu It is rumored that th have C or two tW I others ft tt hey ey will h have vo another 5 |