Show OF BLOWS IN FIGHT Britt Landed Nearly Two Blows to toOne One by Nelson PICTURES TELL THE STORY I OVER FIFTEEN HUNDRED LAND LANDIN IN EIGHTEEN ROUNDS Los Angeles Nov the elgh teen rounds of tho fight between and Nelson blows wore struck Of this number Britt landed times and Nelson 5 and Henry Berry the welt known local sporting man loses his bet of to Jim that the Native Son struck three for each one he received is a great Nelson man He has claimed cli along that the Dane was a abettor bettor man than but Berry who is a Britt man recently offered to bet the retired champion that Britt landed three blows to Nelsons one took him up and the other night the two men together wIth a number of sporting writers of ios Angeles marched of the curtains at the Casino where the pIctures of the fight are being hown and a careful count was made At the end of the eighteenth round the announcement of the number of blows struck was met with great sur prim Tommy Burns did the counting of the Britt blows and Sol Loviston of Francisco the Nelson Compared with the remainder of the battle the fighting in the first few rounds was light As a starter Britt sent home thirty blows and received fit teen in return In tile third round Britt landed to eighteen by Dane Iii the sixth round which was Nelsons by a long shot Britt had sixty four blows compared with by Nelson in tIm ninth round Britt Nelson fifty times and received eighteen blows in return The score of the twelfth was to In the thirteenth round Nelson led to while In the fourteenth Britt led with blows compared with from the Dane In the thelast last round Britt had landed blows previous to the knockout and Net son twentythree Following is the score round by round the figures beIng given first First 39 to 15 second 44 to 28 third 35 to iS fourth to is fifth 44 to 26 sixth 64 to 47 to 27 eIghth ill to 33 nInth 0 to iS tenth 50 to 27 eleventh 49 to 21 twelfth 82 to 31 61 to 05 fourteenth 73 to 71 fit 54 to 27 sixteenth 67 to 36 soy GO to 30 eighteenth 44 to 32 |