Show Court Notes Failure to provide in III lI Mrs ground for seeking Hoking divort from 1 11 They Wore married ept 6 1541 at D kG N Nay v and d he have 1 eon pon gJ l G 4 of th t eu tO I ot the Juror in the tho cane of Mr i i I Douas acq li FrIday of at as with intent to kUl Mrs Lottie Martin Russell said yest there had been ot of the verdIct from almost the first It was the general opinion ot of the jurors that the plea or of the defense that Mrs Douglas wasso was so wrought up as to be mentally Irre c at a the the t tIne in of at the shooting was well On the other hand it was stated that the evId nce did not justify any intimations of at wrong wrongdoing on the jart otI nu s 11 Edwin H Lovesy a laborer ot of Salt alt Lake filed a petition of at voluntary bankruptcy yesterday esterday in the te federal ferat court liabilities amounted to and his hla assets were set flet forth at 83 an all or of which Is claImed to be ox ex empt JUdge Morse y rendered a do de decree cree ir in the case or ef William agaInst Phoebe and others quIeting title to a poto pote for dated Feb 28 1905 and to mort mortgage i gage on part of lot 6 bloSk 37 plat A gi given en to secure the note Edward Martin yesterday flied suit against Stephen J 3 Ryan and Allen T TRiley Riley to qUiet title to lot 6 block I 1 Hunters subdivision of block 52 plat pInt C Salt Lake City sune survey all ging that the defendants rights if they have an any are barred by th the limita limitation tion The jury in the oase of John C charged harge 1 with burglary returned b a ver dIct of acquittal In JUdge Armstrongs court after fifteen minutes deliberation I yesterday was accused of stealing two beet f hides and a live calf calt from the slaughter house ouse of Bagley Bagle I IBros Bros about four miles east of Murray April 22 1905 I |