Show I 1 I I 1 j i I I I I I I The Bank Statement New e York No Nov week weekly bank shows that tM the bunks banks hold 2 its than the legal requirements of UnIted States d deposIt on which reserves are afe not hold The statement for tor five days this week follows Loans decrease Depo SOO decrease 14 IW decrease e r Lai tenders tende decrease 2 SN Specie O decrease o Reserve decrease Reserve reQuired decrease instead ol of A surplus the reserve sho shows oft t S deficit ot of 4 SOO against a ot of last week a decrease of 1 Ex 1 I S deposits there Is a 8 de or of against a surplus of a 3 decline ot of The Financier says sas The weeks official statement of the New York a associated so bauks show a tI deficiency In the surplus r reserve for the first time since September 15 wb when n there was Mi nc ot of 1 1 cisne Though h the or Institutions seem to hive have made strenuous efforts to prevent uch an unfavorable through lI liberal ral calling iii or el loans there by reducing the deposits and hence honee the tho r reserve re these eft efforts ft were ro un unavailing availing the re reserve ereo requirements against ral being greater b by than the total ash reserve and there therefore fore a deficit ot of this amount WAS shown rhe rh cash IO lore as reported In the official statement was It WAS due al 1 most wholly heny to transfers through the sub treasury and to direct shipments of mon money y to t Nt New Orleans and to St Louis where requirements incident to lo the movement or of orthe the cotton crop were urgent to Chicago In hi to business needs need and to for tor account of tIme the 5 per r coot cent redemptIon fund and also alBO fur tor excess In collections The general deposits were j partly bo be Nua cuse of OC the contraction n of h hi loans andin In part by bo reason ot of the above noted loss Ion of cash The required re against deposits wa deducting which suns INn from the decrease In cash h left i 1 5 as the In surplus re r I serve rYe Inasmuch as aM such rosen reserve In the previous relous week was Wail 1334 the loss or of u the alO above not noted d of caused I I a of n Computed cn the I heals ot of deposits lees public against mn t which It mAY be noted no cash La Is required b by the tho t the to be b deficiency Is i I I t It I is that the loans ox I Ie e seeded led d deposits by there Is nothing In th The fact which should hould I apprehension such ex excess etis or of loans Joana ly representing the of simulation surplus und mind other available I items I whIch were loaned be because cause use ot or the exIgencies of th the situation 1 It may be observed that heretofore when ciell In reserve h have P Ua they ba rarely been beon continuous tb the f re I I serve position ot the banks hating 1 speedily lIy rectified through tn the contraction or of loans loana amid hime Lii In d And r ro setre requirements Sueh r wit wilt meat t likely tend to te restore t th the surplus of o tha lit In thu near tUlU future |