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Show HER FACE IS NOT BURNED. Mrs. Minnie Prior Denies That She Used Acid for Liniment. "Who put that piece !n the paper about my face behjj;, dlsflguuc.wlth carbolic acTdV" demanded foraf Mlrfillo Prior over the telephone yesterday afternoon "Why? What about It?" was asked. "Well, I want you to uiidenslaiul that there Is not a word of truth in it My face is open for Inspection and it is not burned." Mrs. Prior was finally convinced that tho article was published in good fair, but she still behoves that tho story was started by somo one who wished to give her undftylrablo publicity. She suys that sho did not use, any liniment lini-ment for headache and did not apply any caustic substance to her face. Any ono who doubts her statement is invited to cull and see for himself. |