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Show "None Is" or "None Are."? All tho friends of liberty of speech owe gratitude to Prof. Lounsbury of Vnlo for his dofonse In Harper's Mngazlno of tho uso of "nono" as tho subject of n plural verb. What idiot preclslonlst It was that Btarted tho movemont to schoolmaster that uso ot "nono" out of exlstenco we do not know, but his effort hnB had a doplor-ablo doplor-ablo degree of success. An awful ox-ample ox-ample ought to bo mado of somo of tho grammarians who try to mako language conform to rules Instead of making rules conform to language. It will tako years to u.wlst the tonguos of worthy people who havo compelled themselves to say "nono Is" when their consentlnl Impulso was to say 1 "nono are." Harper's Weekly. |