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Show W J FIFE A J FlF H The Garland Livery I FIFE BROS., Proprietors. Livery, Feed .and Sale Stables Up-to-Date Riggs at all Hours Horses andlules nought and Sold I Jq I Ilsck Meets all Train st Deweyvlll UO ' PEARL SALOON I CHOICE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGAT18. H POOL AND BILLIARDS. ; 1 H Hear the Electric Piano In all the latest selections. H STEPHENS BROS., PROPS. I Oarland Utah ' fTtiere No Ploce Like Home." I If you want to feel T HOME, 8 t0 the 1 Clayton House I Garland, Utah. Ml S. M. CLAYTON, PROPRIETOR I Nice Airy Rooms Clean Tables Electric Lighted' STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS - RATES REASONABLE I DAN PARRY AjNDf3Q j ' Dealer in I Fresh and Cured Meats and Green Groceries. Fish and Game in Season. I Garland Utah1 1 Bank of Garland 1 '(INCORPORATED.) I t t duiectous: H W W IMter, president, I W W Rltcr, Thomas R Cut- I Thomas R Cutler, vlccprcst, '' G, "0'nu! Oco Tf' 1 1 J John R Cutler, Horace G Whlt O. J. Campbell, cashier. J ncy. w 1 1'Owls, Moslah Evans 1 nnd Walter 1' Eaton. Transacts general banking business. Exchange drawn on the principal cities of the United States and Europe. 9 Open a savings account with us in your youth and provide for I old age. I Safety d 'posit boxes for rent. Jhe Garland flub, 1 Eph Coombs, Manager. in Hi Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars jh tm Billiard and Pool Room in Connection. Ll Garland ( Utah. ffl kj. will nmkr the of 1000 at the H A Garland Livery Barn, I H GARLAND, UTAH- I MBS&Sgj-j&pH Weight Four Years Garland Livestock I Horse Co. I -W, J, F1KK Mngr. - Job Printing I Vo have the lieU equipped .1011 OKKCK In Wehteru I(oxN,vldcr anil can do .10$ I PRINTING Hint equals anything in the ritute uf Utah H Globe Office |