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Show PEOPLE GAIN BUT LITTLE. B - IH Manifesto Providing for Russian Na IB tlonal Assembly Proves DIs- H appointing. H J St. Petersburg. Tho Imperial maul- H festo nnd the ukases of March 8, which H Incorporate in tho jndameutul law of' H tho empire tho provisions for a n:i- BJ tlonal assembly In Russia, promised H In tho manifesto' last fall, arc dlsnp- pointing In many respects. They con. BJ stltuto neither a constitution nor a BJ "bill of righld" for the Russian pco- HJ plo. Thoy do creato a popular usscm- II lily, but the promises granted to It nru H so hedged about-wlth' restrictions and condltlnns that It will be rather a pro- fl sontmcnt In namo than In fact Never- H thelcss, by the terms ot tho manifesto, the emperor himself Is powerless to H rcvoko whnt ho has now given. This BJ constitutes tho great victory which BJ tho pcnplo have won. They nt last HJ have un authoritative medium through BJ which they can mako their volco heard HJ and It Is In this assembly probably HJ that tho great historical atrugglo HJ against prerogative nnd' privilege will B bo fought out. H |