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Show Barbarity of Russian Surgeons. This Incident of tho lnte war In tho cast Is told by a Russian soldier: "After each battlo tho sanltarles would mark with red paint thoso wounded who wcro to bo tnken nwny for treatment nnd with black paint thoso apparently hopelessly wounded, who woro to bo left nn tho field and burled with the dend. I myself was lying on tho ground when n hand touched mo and -then proceeded to fotch tho black paint. I fully realized my fato and said to tho officer: 'But I am alive and may recover. How can you net llko this?' 'Havo you money?' ho then asked. 'Yes,' I replied. 'How much?' 'Ton rubles' (5.15). 'Glvo them to mo.' Ho just managed to put tho money In his pocket and was stretching out his hand for tho red pnlnt, when tra-a-akh tra-a-akh tho enemy's shrapnel struck him dead on tho spot, only a couplo of steps from myself. I lay and listened, listen-ed, but not a sound camo from him. Then I thought, why should I lose my monoy? and, gathering strength, I crept up to him and began to search his pockets, when, to my astonishment, astonish-ment, I found not only my 10 rubles but moro than 300" ($154.50). |