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Show there is only One fel 4 Oenuine-SyrUp Of FlgS, jUir i The Genuine Is Manufactured by the vP?1pflB v California Fig Syrup Co. 9 Th lull name of the company, California Riff Syrup Co SmXBm to printed on the front of every package of the genuine. tjWL The Ocnulne- Syrup of Figs- Is for Sale, In Original teftHi Packages Only, by Reliable Druggists Everywhere K'jBB ' Knowing the above will enable one to avoid the fraudulent Imlta- jkMWmm 1 tions made by piratical concerns and someUmes offered by unreliable Pw$!B dealers. The imitations are' known to act injuriously and should 'BeH therefore be declined. Wi$Hm Buy the genuine always If you wish to get its beneficial effects. WWiM It cleanses the system gently yet effectually, dispels colds and headaches ' WffflMfitmM when bilious or 'constipated, prevents fevers and acts best on the IffijBf'j'M kidneys, liver, stomach arid bowels, when a laxative remedy is needed wrlwMSm by men, women or children. Many millions know of its beneficial EffalKlim' effects from actual use and of their own personal' knowledge. It is the Iq1 laxative remedy of the well-informed. v jWt MEa Always buy the Genuine- Syrup of Figs fiKWM MANUFACTURED BY THE touisvilfc. K)c 5MvFr.rwlsco.CaI. Jj I trap nucz nnrcems rat botto I W. L. Douglas 3-a&'3-S?SHOESffl W. L. Douglas f 4.00 Cllt Edge Lino cannot bo oquallodatnny price. W. L. DOUGLAS MA HEM at BELLS MORE MEN'Saa.BI) SHOES THAR AMY OTHER MANUFACTURER IN THE WORLD. CI fl MM rUWARO to anyona who cm IUUUU disprove thlt statement. II I could take you Into my three Urge factorlei t Brockton, Mass., and enow you the Inllnlte care with which every ralroltbocs l( made, you would reallte why W. L. Doug-la S3.S0 shoer cott mora to make, why they hold their ehapc. lit better, wear longer, and are ol greater Intrinsic value than any other $3,80 ahoe. MT. L. Douglmu Strong Mmdm Aoea for Man, ma. BO, 03.00. Boya' Sahool CAUTIQN.-Inettt uHmTialiiK W,I.I)ou. las aboes. Take li( lutiiitltute. None genuine without hli name and prloe stamped on botloin, fait Color Eutlttt uttd l liny will not war traity. Write for Illustrated Caulo. W. l DOUOI.AH. Ilnickton, Mae. When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. W. N.U., Salt Lake-No. 13, IQOe. All Railroads Entering Solt Lako City hnvo mado us Ofllclol Tlmo Inspoctor of all Watohoa used by omployos. Wo oro Watch Spoolallsts. Salt Lak. City. Utah. aafLalak aafT $1000" BoncTV on every ctvsc of A Reservation Opening 1.MO.0OO acre of rich mountain and farm lands. In heart of II lie (lame Country, to be opened toon. Two lama niapa or Wyoming and llenerve. with -jap. llooaiet. l'oitpeldtoo. . W. OUAFCKI, C. .. Box 298 Cheyenne. Wyoming. HOWARD E. BURTON, "csftXSW.N Specimen r-rlreai Onld, SlUer. Lead, III Hold, Sitter. Sit-ter. Wet Oiifd.toci .Incur Cupper. l. Cyanide te.u. tlalllug enrelupei and full price Hit lent on ippllea-tlcu. ippllea-tlcu. Control and Umpire nor, nllclied, L.arJ villa. Colo. Iteference.CartMinale National Hank, I PblDiVE immmm runlrlllE i un rnmiur u if IS guaranteed to cure ArnHmlrlNE qrip, bad cold, headache and neuralgia. -wll f !vm "l? j ,1E" IVrJ I won't ll Antl.OrlnIno to a dealer who won't Uuxranteo a . ..- -fTr-nj ar w jieMer, Jl.l., Mauufoturer,8jrMflell,3ro. HALL'S CANKER AP DIPHTHERIA REMEDY" STSJAViVfeWtSSeT: -NEVER FAILS- SSrfL.SBoV.V.? Nti.w-Judsofl Drug Co., General Agents. Salt Lake City, Utah. I If you go to Conference bo sure and use tho Salt Lnko Ilouto. Everybody get rendy for Spring Conference. HAVE YOU COWS? If you have cream to separate a good. Cream Separator is tho most prodtablo investment you can possibly make. Delay De-lay means daily waste of tlmc. lulmr anil product. DK IiAVAfj CHE AM SEPARATORS save $10.- per cow per year every year of usoover all gravity setting- systems anil $5.- per, cow over all imitating separators. They recctved tho Grand 1'rlzo or Highest Award at St. I.ouis. Rttyiug trashy cash-in-ndvanco separators sepa-rators is penny wise, dollar foolish. Such machines quickly lone their cost instead of mrini it. if you haven't tho ready cash DE LAVAL machines may be bought on such liberal terms that they actually pay for tlwnmelveH. Send to-day for new catalogue and name of nearest local agent. j The De Laval Semratir Co. Randolph & Canal St. I 74 Cortlindt Street , CHICAOO I NEW YORK 1 Spalding's Encyclopedia of Base Ball. M. Ml. Il.m toltat J Nn.K4. Ilu lu l'lr tin Ontneld iJBRflt f. lino loll.jr Hrt IIm aauTmRliaJNu. TA, How lo 1'li.jr HtHinJ lu.e aagr1trKaXI-i. K7. II6 lo rinjr mint Mux JBJSArrrn Nik Wit. Ilowlul'l.ir Hburt.tuu wr HU so. m. How lol'Uli VrftAbaJj K1 u. rra. llo tu I'lli li ASt ' - ' KlKjk - Ml. Ilu to fiwolll How to TaKaaaV aueci l'piilii eTuAnn llnwtuMAnatfa WW IS Q A'Uaini tlowiiit'nilrei llowtii Jaw w. V V Orirsnl twiiriie Jf VeX AA CT' 10 " " " Prlc by lfatl, lo Crnti Kaeh. Spalding's Official Base Ball Guide for I90J. Tlieftilthorltrcon.iiltett imallrtliiittinlr"nti,famtlni ' the Him 1VII4 rillea and plrlure. t,r all tlie IfuilliiK I )laera,anU iihutoKraimnuf lnlinlreUe ut tvauui. I'rtct in rtntt.oy Mull. 1 Bend your name and altra tor HiMldlriir' Catalogue ot all Alliletlo HKirU-ll (nw. A. . 3PALOINQ & BROS. lNauau8t.,Newrorlc ItT Watwih Ave., Calcago. t' TH 5IQN Of THE f IStt 1 Km stood for the BEST during sevtnty -ewa of increasing tcs. Remtmber thii nvhtnou went waterproof water-proof oiled co&ti. auitj.hat4.orhone oood for all kindi of wet work. " Xi euAiAirrte mn caihwt, m A.J T0WH0.0JT0H,MA$S.U J.A. I T0W (AMAtlAN C0.U.ttt 1OI0NI0 CAN. When Answering Advertisement Kindly Mention Thl Paper. DON'T FOROKT A tnrw 3-oz. package ltrd Cross Hall lllur, only I cents. Tho Hush Compuuy, South llcuO, lnd. If you go to Confcrcnco bo sure nnd use tho Salt Lako Route. MIDDLE LIFE I A Time When Women Are Susceptible to Many Dread Diseases Intelligent Women Prepare for it. Two Relate their Experiences. Tho "change ortlfo'Ms VrSlaaslBWapajaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ' the most critical period WmtmSf'nam90mmSiF1 aaaaaafl of a woman's existence, iV 'y'kffS women us it draws near mmmiilp is not without reason. 1 9PffiRR9MXey I negleois thocaroot sparks before tho 11 SJv Irregularities, constlpa- f f i " oib6di C""""N. H tion, variable uppctlto, VOnOT00l'BOTilftaBrj WW weulcnchs, ininiietudo, Vi? . A tji fy M wm Si-fiJiariVi" Mrs AEbMyland i m III life when woman's great chaugo may be expected. Lyilia H. I'lnliliiim's Vegetable Compound Com-pound was prepared to meet tho needs of woman s by stem ut thts trying1 period of hur life. It Invigorates mill strengthens thu femnlu orgtinlhtn untl builds up tho weakened nervous hyytein. For speejiil advice regarding this Important Im-portant perloil women nro invltetl to wrlto to Mrs. Plnklmtn at Lynn, Mum,, uttd it will bo furnished absolutely freo of ehnrge. Tho present Mrs. Plulchiiin Isthuilaughter-in-litwof LvilluH. 1'inU-liaiu, 1'inU-liaiu, her nsslstuut liofore'licr decoaso, and for twenty-Uvo yeiirs slnco Jier advice has been freely given to Mute women. Rend whut Lydla E. PlnUliam's Com pound did for Airs. Ilylund unit Mrs. lliuklo: Dear Mrs. Finkhams " I had Iwcn sulTurlng with dlsplticomont of thu orgHUiifur yt-urs and wan unulug tbrouch tint rlmuge of life. My abdomen wti badly utrollon; my stomach wiu horu; 1 had dizzy wlU, kick headaches, nnd wan vsry nervous. eeaaiaaaaawaaiMaBwaaaaaaBaaaiaaBaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai' Trust to Nature. J7Fi A great many Americans, both man 1 and women, are thin, palo and putty, with M poor circulation, bocauso thoy havo ill - treated their stonacbs by hast? eating 'Laaaaaaaaai or to6 much eating, by consuming alco- jH hollo bovcragos, or by too closo conllno- M moot to homo, oftlco or factory, and In con- 'H oqticnco tho stomach must bo treated H In a natural way beforo thoy can rectify IH their corllor mistakes, Tho muscles In fM many such people, in fact lu overy weary, thin and thin-blooded person,, do ' their M work with great difficulty. As a result H fatigue comes early, Is oxtrcmo and lasts - H long. Tho demand for nutrlttvo aid Is M ahead of tho supply. To ltiBure perfect M health every tlsauo. bone, nervo and M tnusclo .should take from tho blood ocr-t LLLLm tain materials and return to It certain H others. It Is nccossary to preparo tho fM stomach for tbo work of taklug up from 1BBBBBBBBBBB tho food what Is necessary to mako good, H rich, red blood. We must go to Nature H for tho remedy- There' wcro certain H roots known to the Indians ot thts H country beforo tho advent ot tho whites H which later camo to tho knowledge of H tho settlers and which aro now growing, H rapidly in professional favor for tho euro H of obstlnato stomach and liver troubles. H These aro found to be safe and yet ccr- H tain In their cleansing and invigorating H effect upon tho stomach, liver and blood. H Tlicse aro: Golden Seal root. Queen' H root, Btono root, Bloodroot, Maudrake H root. Tlicn there is Black Chcrrybark. H Tbo medicinal principles residing in these H natlvo roots wlien extracted with plyo . H erlne as a solvent make tho most reliable H and efficient stomach tonlo and liver In- H vigorator, when combined la just tha 1 right proportions, as In Dr. Plorce's 1 Qolden Medical Discovery. Where there WmM Is bankrupt vitality such as nervous jH exhaustion, bad nutrition and thin H blood, tbo boily acquires vigor and the H nerves, blood and all the tissues fool the H (avorablo oSect of this sovereign remedy. H Although somo physicians havo been H aware of tho high medicinal value- of the H abovo mentioned plants, yot few have; H used pure glycerluo as a solvent and H usually tho doctors' prescriptions called B for the Ingredients In varying amounts, H with alcohol. H Tho "Golden Medical Discovory" Is a H sclcntlno preparation compounded of tho H glycerlo oxtrncts of tho abovo mentioned 1 vegetable Ingrodlonta and contains no H alcohol or harmful habit-forming drags. H If you go to Confcrcnco bo suremnd ,H uso tho Salt Lnko Route. ' L -' H Uso tho Salt Iako Routo to Confer-enco Confer-enco this year. Rest from Sanpete - H Juab, Utah counties, nnd tho fn : south. 1 " I wroto you for advice and commenced YJaUf treatment with Lydla E, Pinkluuu's Vege- l'irW table Compound as you directed, ami I nut eft'ti happy to Kay Unit all thosu distressing sytniw cJV' touisK-tt 1110 and I have juikwiI safely through R'l! thu t'hnugti of life, a well woman. I nm k'i.'N' rts-ommvudliig your medicine to all my ft Vi f rl.nds. Mrs. Annie E. O. Hylaud, Chester- Vlil ltown,Md. Kf Another Woman'Cnne. ufjk " During flange of life words cannot ex- Jr.T&v Iintiswlmt I sulforcil. Myphyidi-lau wild I Xf V uul n cancerous condition ot the feraalo organa. One day I read some of tho tcsU- f jlki moululs of womon who had been cured by VltsS. Lydla R. l'iiikhanrs Vegotnblo Compotmd, tfiiw!" and I decldtxl to try It und to write you for IlhV ailvlc. Your mwllelno made me u well ( litfit woinnn, nnd nil my bad symptoms soon Urfi'i dlstti)K"Utvd. ,8-jg"i " I udvibo every woman at this iwriod of life iESa"? to take your mcdli-ino nud wrlto you forrul- iBll vice." Mrs. Lbuiu Hinklo, Salem, lnd. What Lvdia 1. l'iuklium'u Vegetable, ' Conipoutul did for Mrs. Hylnnd anil Mrs. Hinkle it will do for other women at this tlmo of life, It has conmiered pain, restored health, tuiil prolonged life In cases that utterly bullied physiuluus. LTQia c. finnnanrs vesetaDie fcaipeiiDa osccccuo wtro vmn tuu ( ''till w t w WMtitiMMMIB.jMJjM |