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Show aaaeeiiMBwaaaBaaaMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMaaaaaaaaaaaaMaaai BLACK AND RED HAIR ARE AKIN. Idea to the Contrary, Long Held, I Wrong. Tho color of tho hnlr, days tho Orntnl Mngnr.Ino, Is visually transmitted transmit-ted from parents to child. This is especially true when both parents have the same complexion. Instances, however, are not uncommon whoro children hnvo hnlr black as ebony, whtlo the hnlr of both parents is a burning red. Instead ot disproving tho theory Hint a child takes after Its parents so far as the color ot the hair Is concerned, this fact, It has now been ascertained, 16 all in favor of the doctrine. Rod hair; In factrls by Its structure nnd composition much nearer to black hnlr thnn to blond. Very often, If the hnlr of a vory dark complexloned person bo examined exam-ined attentively, n few qtilto red hatri will be detected In the mass. On the other hand, It would bo tlmo wasted to Beck for black hair In the locks of a fnlr person. Similarly it Is not Infrequent In-frequent to notice children whose hnlr, red at birth, becomes as ' they grow older quite dark. When, too, after some serious Illness, the production produc-tion of the coloring pigment ot the hair falls off, black hnlr becomes not blond, but red. Fair hair, which to a casual eye appears to havo much more affinity to red hnlr than o black, Is, on the contrary, quite distinct. |