Show lsDhMIOTlER TESTIMONY I Statement of Wlllltm Sail Con cerolGi Joiepb Ihi Propbtt ilia flair ocetalelist Iha IInok at Norma1 orN ISoolee oo IlofIli alt nr Hie I hiilti Some lint ago the Nxm contained a notice of the death uf William Smith Ihe hoot Mirrlvmg brother of the ml lyred Prophet and alto biographical notes on UM career of Ihli member of he celebrated family The reader of the Naito will peruse with Intcreit the ohowing account ul I an Interview wild him MMIM lime belore hu death It la written for i ioHiJmif a paper pub Hulled at Independence Mo BaAim u Who 1 am under prom iMtu I lini li 1 C Urlgga and othcri to end to your paper n iMiwcrlpt of an In tervlew between Uncle Wm II Smith and E C Hrlggi I herewith lunnilt pie f illowlne taken Irom note > ml allo front memort llro Hrlfgi and I vllled him neat day alter he I leturneit from Si Iaul being about two we > k before nil death U e founil him able to b about the house and I iulte willing to talk Alter paeing the time uf day etc 110 UrlgKi nod hv puke ol foimer liieellngn and fin oily ilteil 1 un tu the nf lira hmilli early > boyhood and 1 hit owlrdgc nf Ihe lee I uf Oho ChurchHook of Mormonetc lira tiring s then handed me a pencil and asked Kn biro bmhhif I he ever law the plats Isis brother had hid rom which the shook ol Mormon wan trinilaled He replied I did not Me them un roved hUll 1 handled thim and hefted them while wrapped In a low frock and judged them lo have weighed about aw mll Sw ty K > undt t could tell Ihey were plain uf torn kind and that they were foil cnu together by riuga running though the 1 back heir I etau was ai d crlb dIn d-In mother hlitur llro llrlfgi then aiked Did any ollien of the family we them Yea laid he Father nod my brother bamucl ww them at I did while In the frock So rIeI I Hvium and othin of the familv U ai lhl rock one that Joeeph took wllli him npeilally lo wrap I the plat in r pNo No It 1 uailrii every day frock such es uune min used to wear then uJjr t you want to remove the cloth and nee the bare plates laid Itro II No Itu replied for father had jtiil I I asked If or might not be permltteit to I do 10 and jntejih putting lili liaml on them aid X51 I liulrucled net lu I show them I tu any one If I do 1 will Innigreia and lose them again I llealdea I we did not earn to have him bunk the commandment and suffer ai ha did belnre Did you not doubt Joaephi cell mom anmetimei cold Pro Itilggi No I was the icpl Ws ell hod c Oho liiont implicit ronhdente In what h 1 Mid He wai a truthful boy lather lh and mother believed him why should not Ihe children I uppoarif he had told crooked etudes about other thing we might IKIVU doubled bits word about the plaiM hut I jwrph toes a truthful buy That lather and mother believed Isle report i ml auflcred persecution lot that 1 I Chief chows Hint be I um truthful No air we rotor doubled lim won fur one minute1 Well laid Pro n Mill 1 I laid Dial Joseph and the + mil at Ihe family sonic latr and Indolent We ncvrr heard i of ouch a thing until niter Joseph old I lilt lonaiiJ not than by our Iriendi Whenever Ihe nelglibori wanted a good daa uoik dun they knew nlicre Ihey could l get a good hand dll they ui re not pnrikulnr 101 ike any nf the other bon floors 1 luneph I I iliher We cared lxty acre of Ihe ltealnl limber I ever saw Va had a Kood ljoe We also hlll on It from tweh lo noun humlrcd iiigir Ircti nnd It gather Ihe ap 1 and make augar and mo lauei from that number of trots HOI no lay job ouorked hard In clear our dace I and the ncighbotH were rt little Jealoui I If 1 > uu will f fsgtlro II how much work it Mould lake In clear mxly acrcl ol henvy timber bind heavier than any here trees ors could not veniently f J 111 cut Joan you can tell whether we were buy nr not mid Joseph did hit uluio of Iho uok Kith the rut of the buy We never knew ate were b1 1 roIL until JOIIh told hit violas We wen coruldered renpectabte till then but nI cure pcotilo began to clrcul uc titan hoods alul itorlta Ill n uondirlul tiny there your foil rcllcloiil incli soil belore I Joseph eaw the nnxcl nil ked brother lirlggi Tao wealwa had fimly panr aince I lemcmUcr I well r < III1mbel father toed lo carry hit Micitiile lu Ida 5501 pocket letllne In ln < lower right hand pocket to I shouts in how and where and when ua hovo saw him lie for hut pees HU kniw that Will n 1 Ignal lo get lr ready for prayer and II no did not notice It mother would aaj Wlllam or whoever was Oho negligent one get reach for IIIOr After Oho prayer Ie hood a song wo would ling I remember part of It yet Another Iy has rased 1 and gone We Iy sit 1Imnh h Hyium Samuel Kallmrlnu and mother two members of the Ireibyte Ian church my lather would not Join Ha l did not like ft low sue e n Kin Stock Ion had preached my brothers Innera Mtrmoit anti IntiiimteJ I very tiroiizly thai IIIo i i jo he had gone lo hell for Alvln ua not a church mrnbrr but he 0051 a Rooll nay and trI t r dal not ski h lt kt tt5sat i allied I s i h to is for ruid time n I s to 1 W is uhur h o ollil 10 loin Viol llro IS 1 tVhy5 there wai a Jclnt revival In II I c n un I 1 orhood b I In s II 11 t M i ifii ntidti MII 1 t5 I > tul + cieedidln4iirrnxi I 11 > + I s Ito I-to lId fter therm Unix iUun I RIll + sv which church holl l oj + 5 I ve the convert Kev hlockton si + prea idcnl of the meeting and MI tail that It urn their meeting and i + I r their care md they hRd it church rro and Ihey ought to Join the IrcM v t < i sna but JOo as father slid not like K ockton very well our folk hettnd I nnd Ihe nest evening n Rev Mr I s + of the Mnhodl reached a tirrrii n i 11 what church shell 1 j Join i And it mien I of hh diicounw was lo ask ts i + M s ig ai a text If any mm lack wlnl + m I t him a < k of Goo who glvclh t 111 mm liberally lib-erally And I of coune ului r tnnepri went l home and wa loul nu nor the lea lie was Imprnucd to do si I what lira neither had irlr and i i nut In the woods with child like au 5 I Irufl hag lalth believing list Cosl n + m just what Ho Mid he knotted un and prayed 1 and the time havlnt m for the reorgnnliallon of Ilia hi + < i5 God WM pleiirl to allow him I tint I imuld I Join none of these churches Lail I i I faith ml he should be chosen lo rt old i I h the true Church Vo also talked with bin c 555 rmlng his connection with the Chili a i + uilng the days of lilt 1 brother and 11 r lira llrlggi hail cone to Silnn55 I 555 1 MIC ended Belting an afflJnut l t + m + him on that lubject which I will < ml I in my neol I J V It I iiKum |