Show AhlS AND OTHERS That Con rovers ArUlag Gut of tbj Copper Plant DM JUIIUK 311IIIIH PS lltlMMI TODAY Ho hut Vt Cimtllrr n lurllifr IcitMlnlig Ore 0esneory IhtrellliHltatlretcDl I JuJge H A Merrill ai refereeat la thoHupreruo cnirtrjoiu taday for fbi purime of hearimr tvlJence In theca the-ca e of Illlvrt D Aratt V H A lireen the hoOt Ike Cay Copper Manufactnrlag l0 et al Tho miller lame uii nil an order toihowcauie al I couss why nn luluuptlnn I I hoiiM not ho I gram l 01 aod A 000wiof AI 01111 The full CUWU Klvg 0 > e oluiniii uOO Ihe filing of ih suIt in IOu Third dililol ruurl a week or lwi aio The pUllililI u rOIllt by l oof buurow uud Union slod llrown and HeuJeriin boy l Shod ritrrut appose on behalf of Mr Un And Ihe aJar miinj Mtrnall and lUiyl art moofleb lor Mctoralck et al tbe tUlue Wheii lion COM wai ailed on the pUlntlil < oounl jut Mr Htahlmaii tlohlnl UH > U the witiieMtlnn I fur llm iurr e Of Insulting 1000I have Ihe defend ante riMluveiliecontracli 011 aut rouIlhOlloel under which the machinery wa purcheied In Chicago but thu Jcl wai heriun olok IhA Mr I I I tiaoia with bib IIii In New Vork and they could not therefore boo sluwo awu Couniel Was about lo Interrogate bloc wIt ooaass to what progiera bad been nato with the conitruotlon of the cetr plant when the defonlana otjected lo the tettlmony uinn 1 lbs gruund thai It was minuteIIthat Ibu mailer w u la I be baIt entirely to Ibo determination ol bloc I conimlllir whIch woo final and at they bal doll i iinioJttio point roOd net sow be gone Into Judge Merrill did 001 lake Judla 3rhloll Ik that view ot ho vise rue only ijutitlou now U hedtlcrmlned be lid won whether Ihe temporary retralnlngorder ibould lo continued down tu Iho thom of Ihe trial of Una chic He held however that bloat wat not iievetttry lu the irottcllon of Ihe rlghte of lot plalntlll that whatever rlghl t Itlntlll aiiowe I lie had 1010011 Ihe litI bearing woulJ beproleiled by Ihe notice of Ihe jeinleuiy tot I inn aitton ordinarily Ii IIlheu I yociodso which Im bad 11111 I b Ibo colby recorder i ht loot It ill tUoJ l WI now delivered lu Inuu und hi ihould camber the lund lo eomebady elte 1 or eucuai br I Ibe 1101 hkln I tile from him or accepting any uitrlitago I other encumbrance ipon II would take 111111 aubjecl lo halev r nIght thou tlalntiir auccedwl boo iNtabllihlng 01011 the llaal dliixiiN Ion 01 tbe lull I ° Hie applloallon aa to Ihe reitrilulng irder was therrforo dtnliil arid Ilia UMtlou relative lu Ihv jolnluienl of a rrIYo I ° 4 or |