Show JUDlm I sjiiTiis lJil1UJtl lIalllllo 1rn11 MrllUii Ha Sujrt 1 1ba > a Lanicr Urn lrll Work hard had tile tour Tlie lecture of Jujja Btnllli at the UnIversIty lilt ulgbt Uew a lull bouie Amoui thoia who ho orel I Ibo ccoailon with their preiencu ua tin JUIKO Hmltb Mr Julro Hin dtrton and Mr VaMeuiir Van boll 01 the board of rcgvulr lu tbo nbicnce o lnBleut l Kl c iiitr who ac o Pooled tie oitmcrdof tbolj 11 ur trot ir I Va olt rs huh I 1110 1ogfll11 00 ojorif I wn ihTrry Ittnlni olo by Mr Will Ue uf blue fabtroiMilo ouolr Ian ipcikir woos ntroJuemi in H nrmful lull lpeeube 10 wlilcli Mr Van Colt mccnuau In pitcluit Judge Huillli ivriinnllv and Ibo l > gil profnilvn In noiitral mnii n try biiili lolutoi mv > niou with roped I ro-ped to any bypcrcrnluiil MiitliiMiit thai inlglit hOve bUll iixcut The Hmker entmtil nt nnro upon tIll nubjrcl uliiiitlnf In muuiou lo tbvrpiimuiti lIe uriiily tra < thIlh roMuitnd aiVHoj ineui of Iho teitob l l rofuHlon from ihu olaMlral pcrloil 101 lomiidowu tu niodrrn tlmw With blintuil lt > iienia hf ilrterlbvJ tbi > ml imillluii UCDIII lid by II I he lawyer at ho recent lion dwelling at length upon Ilia letpouilhlllty lila tllis mid cuutrivrrrlM lie spoke abou the qualllleatluu tint protptellrii lawyer tiould thIng With him in la < crwtve the leal Ibretbokl ti prep ilmuH for tile noln lon del closet by reconmitnJliig that Ihoto who whIt In nuke mgiiey tiwy lo beep out 011 law and Call thai 10111011 one cpllapu cool tu properly written on the loniu moun of otery lawyer namely He Ited well noraid hard BuJ died our > tIle roRraiu closed With a pole toy l > Mlti Maujo 1ntl wliofn ohanain I TolcnaudndmirablopreivuiCtbvrauBli hy I OAII i lT tnl he an ll uce H u wan moored mid MDK Uonnug fronlh the 117 |