Show TUB Llli ThUlfcllS Iliflr Mcelliis In Ihe Ilh Vo0 I Ihillillnif lodjr Mi rlnlf iiOiit Xlllipjugli PllouksOhhosr Id dretttt 1 Thu regular miellnj of Ibn leacheri of the oily schomla wan held todny In tbu Kxetubly room of I Ihe HlgbHohaol tho aiiolliig belui cilled ta order at UHUuoloik Fbi fIrst 111 of the hour was occupied occu-pied ly tju rluleuilenl Mlll > i ucli lu Kenural direction oouciru tog work 1IIlbln la tbu oU mvance of aItclat dajt In which ample lime should be given for borough pre ratlou Ai thu line IIon lu oIlowlll a a OloecIsI study Ions Lon olmlnlhO teonhoora ee rclmoJ 10 bOiO Ibl hllolail ulIIIIO a lalr oIglballlor lu In eOlluoclull WIth ullor hraorho AIr 01U Iclluo alo l000l010iioos lruOolo aol lollloJ1 11111101 ID 10 alopleo III the icho1 an Invliillo wa given from Dr Tdhiiagr luIIllol rtuillijcil MIliHiu < l la attend Ihelocturia I that are Ill given by Dr raltnage at tho Cbunu Uul The Icacbtri were then divided Into rcllono under Ihe lollowlng chalru OLI ilefliinen and blot gradi Irluclpil A I Marllu mtjei I UlcmtiJ 1110 rile aicond graUe liooglial l Deuiilt nuije languaze third grado 1rlu ellli AvnysulJrcb Utah blttiry and an hooloalY Jour 7 lliroughColoriida canyon Ij fourth grade ltioocllonb l Me Co iu > r mud modullug mib lrfl rfl gradel lrlULlul Allis tuallruugh aublttt iirilhmellc lull nod tovruth glib le Irlncl al b00ohoyooijecm UbIooI Stabs boltotny 11lh grade high nnojlnuoljul Malune tubltct latiguigr Iniuanicllon with till wat an excellent by Mitt Hulloway uclol piper IY Jl lul ay cf tote llraut kthool the leutlmeutt of teacherf which were heartily oudorred by the A iiioetlulercitlngmeeting Was held 01 Ihe Ulib Uulverlly today under hoe ausybuns ut Ihe County letiheri I aricbmlioo 1rof Ulewart tjwku I In bUnualohk clerltlo unl entollilii hog maaner i Ilod wa llieneil to with lb earoeil ttaobbooo AI Iho loabterohiy Halnli College lrof itiowumt ohio tpoke ujou Iorm leachli iho eiercuet bvgiunliu at I oclock ollowlng Ilia audrtit worn A dliunlonaupou Ih adbreoo juluta brought out In |