Show A VOICE FOR UNION Bat Logan Stroo0ly Insisted Upon as the Place 1llOr 11111 lams KUUiu lrry Inlfrwt That IMure Union of lullrgeaud Unlrtrtltr Ala 1 la10rl tort Union Al 1 l egn Mur Dtttrtt NTh N-Th argument of the learned lion i eruon who Imo recently wrlllvn con i otruluK Ik iTlillllly of uniting thu I nlTciilly nnJ lm Agricultural Col Inge hate conTlacwl mo that each uloaliiJrilf I > Ll > The Mlowlurf seine to be the ONt I any concluiloai from the aiuwalli Jductill Till ONLY WAY TU JOJSOIIV I Unlun of tlio Unltciilly aud lIon irlcullural College Ii I ailrooated upon lb iota ground cl couuoiuy Thom will ho l tio economy Intlio nluncf IhoAKrloulliiral College with tau Unlvetrlly of Ulab uultM the iiion takes pines In lugno The Agricultural COICK Ii I of olllri npiclly to ccoonimodftlu all tau udunu of liolli luntltulliiti and many Hoot should they cuoo e to hind the Uulvmity luiulni on the con fury Ii 1 Hour taxed I should UII < jii toil ulmckt capacity with Ibo riiiriii umber of ttudrnti lUiuuvaluf Iliu College to Halt Lake City or olxiwliero will uul ouly mean nu ronnttny but will man au linmoll loaJdllluunI ea four of JWUOOJ to lur ulh urouuui l and liuilJIuKi or three curtui ol r that aiowunt Iu caw Ibe ruunili thall he iionilod Tbotipouioof union will lio I com piiriUTtly nolblnir If I at Logan and WOUUU If 1 rltowlitre TIIG INTMILHIU Or ALT LAKE CITY 11 I ap rears to me tint U wll I be to the mmdlatelntctMlof Halt Lab City 10 hd the UnUrnlty retuoTed Iou lire ulillr 110 care of slob rcmaTal the prmuut UOIlly grunt l null Lulkliugt of the YaluoU about Huouuu will rerun to Halt l > aUe Ultyund will bt uwil iu duubl for control and 1 blub lobule In caie thu Uulmilly In I not Or coved iron IU prwul ellv Halt htfce Jlly will have lo upend will In Iho ml few title 1 tJiMiuiiu Inuli ktluol Lull lolId KitiuuUff The t ret ni Uulierlty building Ii I sn admiral lo ttiuclutu lor IIIKII ichm 1 lurpMtt tut l Illtultuj lor the iui logo 1 or UHlviriliy tcjuipmont Kcommodation autl l Imtruilon It C built for rweul tirade uuljr On the Mart liand the AKilculiuialOol eonu > built lor uouipulK Uulvurd uriom luiuih a way aa Iu autlcl a l tiiluri ninJi Why itculj It I tout be utilized 1 kuflly will loon nothing of shy i roues q IUUte lu lltvli liy mniiliiK he Unltrrilly 1JIIn Fully three IUIILol Ibul t ulIUdI imr ex iiuplr will iriualii In Fall Lake City 10 atl nilaiiiii at Ihe liUli Mliuuli brrr dilltmuco of auy fifty Hu olarlle nuil of thifb or lour proleeuro In itt KIMlilcy like Mall Ltk could artvly be debuted by Ibu 11101 robed jrlbiHieofrooial tr llumiUlaualviie lluvoluif that city canwtllallnl to al i pear w trtui In I ilili inativr A n fullUlelHdieliliiUulMhloiiiUhouU auto the clllairuaof llm c llaluvl ally wiUluic but nrlloui toMtltfya rtLlirntut MI wldoipitad 1 ai to the oht C IB fur I resent eoounly In Territorial uxiriiditurn WhIch can Le Und II the Uimillt la 1 unlteil I with Uu AKIIculiural ColltKu ul LIgn liitruare other ulhu i liuillullnuii if far Ktialir c imiu rco than U in Julietilty butt lurlrop Hi aim the I toah11al plow for or the loratiou oti mu of IhMr Ii I Halt lake Oily Ito lure people tbo Torrllury will boo Imllerr 1105th mctrupollt lathe host Plea for uthlulf wdHILuloMllonof the Unlrrr ally IUI I rr at Ig i > ii l not ntcwurlly herb 1 ilual but only a inatitr of prwilun uunilalnwiiiiilty ur Ihe rewut 71111y71Wna7 007110 tlUDKNU A Kiwi oily like Halt limbs la I not the kind 01 alarm 1 In which lu youth of llm rural diiirlclt trnellertowni nt Utah eau wllli eullre Mfely real 1 < 1 UurlDK their IWo Iu flre yean of aol loge life Login U a place ernlnenlly filled by naiuiu cud l by lie samba conulilout lulu which If anywhere yuunK per inuauau aunly 1 U anal Oar the ao ijulreaicnl aloe euueallou 1lla olimiU of Llau Ii rxoelt at fur bard woy Holt 1 < take has two luonllK OolbUr and May Uurlim oci lob Uie tuo iiU mom lanjulU nud many ol l Ilium got elok IhU doe tool oocur ut Iotuu Mud Itvchkii whb should know tty Hint iluiltnti locum pllih Neatly nfnurlh mole In loOK ilinnlii Hail libe uurlUK Ibo jm olady Sly own expirltiuci am oi 01100 nl a IcChrr I 1001 ttnn ly to coiillrm Ililn Tlcw 1 Ivan tl mitc o urtholeil cufurtumtntru rmil Miboolii lr frv Mui riiuut 1l cool Altroda In any other lvotl nt lIh Iowan Hnimir Kthn I K I no rtrnfly bud ou the iiijUlc 11 niioii or our Ieeeoera < < Not > o In I4 n Trachl Italy at luiomir Inititui from diylltbt llll I ml might for ale wrtki la nUwuirrwr In 1 Iogen l and romp inrouin fellug well II it the Ilinttr lime water l the fuxilhc alma < httf niwbini tiler in Ulali ra goof nrummir Mai I nan lll In I litinruiil that the Uhltoralty Ibranw rniiwumt labnratorlt elms I wlltiln inwli of the Urrltonal urinal lUBinitr mbntili and Ul thorn t-horn rumiiikr HMlonn Ica held In I a I lace l In wlifeh Irmnrn nan hall ale by 10 ailvanUgmiiilrnju the UntflUol UnlTrrtlljr artiliantr > n There Ii H dBarem a nt at leant 10c I year In the eau ratite suet nf h cola t1 dint l beard Iu Login and Hull Ink III furor ul lavno Toe b aN la aim bitter In Logan and root H I mnci I wet Till unllII l nawern the oulUh Ihstthe rellwsy tats 1110 Is ll blly higher inmi root Porte if ho Trrrllory than l < > M01o Ik III l < Ikrly to I holl Ibo llioad will guar auhee a10101011 low rain 10 tluJ nW If 1 IU Uultiriliy ihill Ie at Logan VIUT Till UOMMllR UAH OOTT TUT THHIIlfUH It luau been claIm that Ibo Agrl iltunlOolluB hat root ai ninoli o > 1147 for oacli kluJtnt In lUtndanao UuilDR one year ol Hi cxiilenco Tbli Ii a mlirtiirtmutatlou The total approprlallontty tb T trl > toy during the entire ilx jran elrlre the creation or the Uollege hue teen IH1UOO What liai the Torrltory lo bmw for Ibis rxun < ilun Four col tag > > the l rnlui > M > < moo c and reel ttucr a lino halo a model farm of aver 1Xl acre a hart l ardlng house I that will aoeouimodat 75 boardrii aa xp rliuut Unllou bulldlnic and th iniKiilflovnt Uollr building lUolf KKIxSU font Iu lurlhOfUlmeailJUii and horse ilorlei In biUbt nuking a oust of 50dHM prevent cash value lo ibow for the JI8li WoxpfDJ d ty tbnTrrrl Tory Tliui hoe AKlcultural lollvge bias not owl tb I Territory anything 1 > r iorUuMllau of all Ie HuJcul that hoer allndJ It All that the Territory Terri-tory tan appropriated U rtiurotU with JJrI lu J lulMMl and can uot Iw lust unlrn Cite txlraoidlniry proiiotlllou of romurlng tl II tlio Collrice ihouid j actully beoirrM out In which oaco Hill niajhlHceut plant would reTort to logau City flie bullJIngf nuchl ory llxturta and 0lnraluof the AKrlcullural I jn < o lore cut upward of KiWIWO loa II of wlilcli wrru urcbatitl out of the itoTtrniiient up n prlalloui ana nearly all of which will ai I eup nee to i lust to Ibe Torrltury K the Uullrge bo removed IU I present site Tbe cx rlmont tlitlon now has a longierlnol xptrlainnu 110111 com plelnl Ihollmmud moneyionion Ihtterxptrlmentii will Ie l lost If the location of tau Uollego bo clmuiivd For the two yun next ciiUini It fill rout the Territory oiilyiouou Ir year lor Initrucllon Iu tlio College uJdlllon lo Ibo ropnatlon Mkrd for ap artlur tie I lie other HKDI I are told I out of the eoTornnuLt ap > ruprl > llou which will our u1 llil year to J8IWJ and will InoreaM JIIKM noon year till It rrachu ililUJll annually title lum will I rf to lay met I I of the yuiily memo for aalariHi and will I tnoluuln the ekhefimsot late It will thcretore be iron how far from Ibo truth Idlieiwnion Ihal tUu College Ii coitlUK hoe Territory ex IIVKul aruouut for tho wars of u i ruction I an lufornud hat the Unltrrlly must hat 1IJOlI fur IU rleue during the neat Iwojwu Tim Color age hobs Col-or only Ufuuu Uiilto ape Unltmlly wltu the CIIII ami floToiiluemiii of the UulVoriliy a0 1 proprlatlon will be entirely unutr harp a the College OlIn take III the UnUenlly I roflde for 111 iludenti > and ilo In Kiillra worjt wllli IIOOLU Udnl 10 Ibo < JolIi eapirunrlalUu for lee Iwo year riuoKOluaiuN uoKOluaiuN It appease then that unlin of the Iwo luiiltutloni at Logan will pre tomb SlUUOOO trim Ibe territorial ap 1 htulc ialluiu atked tat to uoudurt Ilia two tIlullolll Kparately during Ilio euiulPK twu yxari that iiuloli at auy j illuI otbrr plat tban tcjjun will moan an added fXDu of say JIWUUO at mm mitt that if Ibo uuiuu tab I place on lb Kround of tcouoiuy the Unlvrrilly mutt no tu IJ HHU HI least firr the I retont My I ome and Dermacint Inteiette I are In I Hall laae City it id lor nut lea ooU 1 preler tin Uulvtrilly luioinalu thou Au itbtr ream Ii I that the Illinium Vuuiif UulleK of which I pretldeul l II wlllbuudTenulyaUeottHl U j M Iu IU itltllTo uJuoatlolnl > liudlii IncMotbe UniTernliy Ii reinuted to LUlon lluillU 1lalD to Illu that thu llolntelwttwlll I tu Ir u liy lull removal and mall ttuual rtaxiui iuiUt not Iu stood l In Ibo way of the vutful ROoUcr proteiit Ibo ilnteoionl of f bank lta > t seem tlrulilTO At Ui tau hut llac for tuv prowut looatluu ul the Unittriliy llnlJr the llrljhoni Young CulltKe will H luriiKUuiil ln 1 > coma of Iroiu4linw to loU U a year wail prow n i wtrful nuxilinry lu law Unlv > i > llyatljiu At a pruiatatury soho I to fit IluJto lur the UuUenllylt would probably U I tuo nblmt In Ibo Territory Terri-tory 11 la In lb right plocr It coil tlm fellllory iiolblnjf and at l pruwni on aooouut ol tbn div kluu of Ilio her I rlborbol fund for hllur oduoatlou It I ablulaolIrrrourHilhat do not caller by ooIUIIIU with tbotu ollerol In 1 either Ibe UuUeiillr or Ihu Airloul lurat tMlwr No ntbr lowlHr In fjrli mo prevent the BWamer I hulllw n waned nf able eherarlt with ireotlcilly l free uiUlon 00 i an aU aDd ally to the I Kiel UnlteII J H IACI mean Ulib |