Show 9 Q P BEST UNE DENVER TO KANSAS CITY AND 81 lOUIS M w F MCMILLAN Con ° r tl Ancnt Room JOt > Di oly Block Slit Wa City Utah tl mbar Teodrolr Ie N rn I reIden s o b nil 5tlt5Tlt PtOllenn CUM UJlULtJ auodue7 Zi ollS n S1lls Bank a Thii t Coe L eras 1 us Q lOd Tau asrN1 T-au 5055 Cn Vua 1 S17tl I5U lxcek u1ia l 0 1 otnceronn ants + 4 KMrop I n1 a fosses Q Oaeea VNrth Jnreee t a noe l = + t tiaar Yr ie 1 t = I = LeSSarA 0 mrdy riV n for deeoail 1tdOI night unlit 8 n ATIONAL K NiTJONAIJ OP J TUB REPUBLIC ur lull Harenek lr ITfnt i1 u Vlo lr HIdt 1 A Kuril Uathler r CAPITAL PAID IN COOO OOO naetg he 1 sill lirtnrii inatvud < f ckieit anwi M me rritnytl 5 eiiMMimw Intereit Ikld on Time Oepoilli UnetoeoUM a A tow r ttttl Save Jt tJ II iMihlrlim ILL A lelnirW ewuhyd hollolmi 11kaiarAi aius 0Ntt It ldl O ft 111 01 n A e t tt camas J A Sat B i H Schettler I GENERAL woo n Ko 60 Lalo I BANKING E Street I ODDolle l the BUSINESS Coop and PAYS INTERIST ON DEPOSITS flwk Teat Aetenaa WELLSI FARGO 6 t COPS BANK l s I HALT LAKE tltaWiluJ CITY till UTAH I I i lriN > vs en Ibe 5 e ecp1 r flblee fit rOee u ltM Mtltl ud kroi aad ill punt en u Ysee 1001 I5an Ille On eedt hesitab1 Ic See nelpau of tea frond n u frondUirSpe11 I 1n aeeaotan suet UirSpe11 elev wW oa wal t eatadk nl ks1 rasa I Itrtlraltr tIt < a rltt 1 ta UAMIM VirxiiUtiCUD > > > < rsda ace a4J > uuuiicai fculu AtMaauwlluul f u tcctx Caut I I neseret National l I 01 BANK I SALT LAKE CITY UTAH InWnp Capttkl OIOOOOOOO hurplut 9AUOOUOOO Directors Ji 8 Illllt Irrtldrnt SlotM Ibalchvr VlpeImlilint W W Hlier J IL llarno J T Ultl J f Cnllor JiBieeHhirp Henry lllnwoedey 11 II f Pe ry r W Jennlnee I lounge Itomoey J IL Winder I I IL 19tAdime II a V < Minr Cashier mUHS DEPOSITS O rnlm ON I I OMIND liar le < t tslls tirkaue a Xw Tusk > lk Irtruw CkKtra si low mast l aid a-id all ItlOM Uo n > ecUI Clut ifely Drm 1 < lt Vault abwlnlnlr bur plat and tlrepioof louts el to fetor II TAII COM Aru ERGj4L Savings Dank aaeSALT LAKE CITYao Capital 200000 Surplus + 40000 General B llkfnB S1n rivl pit trat anent l paid on sinless dspnit eoapouaw roar urn a ear Ylceeleonna0laapr fee sits at la ut or coy ollllolcoo DIIUCTOH ftnit ttnnint l tr Mlitwn r J r 1a curl T W KtlJl5il I l llulin UoUru Sokal W JDBUH usir u lltr r kunaelMtlatiit M B Cuaunlkiri fOlmllflt XITIO L lIXK OF SALT LAKE CITY g a C a r 8 5 g III P I IWT T rn OD D TIME mD STS 1 rlt t i hn J J I I f r n t n u r IIOWUI U OOi mn J IX W tiullattuvCakkr 1 UNION PACIFIC PACIFICn 01 1 i 1 SYSTEM l PI THE > THROUGH OAR LINK IEIPeothfeDec 7 1803 An tod W 0 115 MM ts Jsu w ybkor AaSita roe ill rum pout w 50 a II roe ne lmutad ln Ors tWo Iteke taller 54ltpdae e M a e rroeut Stssposs Ion 0If dOtlf lee a r M p rnm Oirutk and laimKUW Matt 1 p 01 I makiiuvinl > aartaalii > rlkak N5Pht l eou aenka aid esumedsal pose 5 top m W eon TtnauMart TaW r M P e nirur for ui n Park sow Mi all NMINU oMBU red i m p1 IIOIn ems ekraeeaes pusale P3105 > tt unto nienkaaMM ecnu ass rnaelaw led 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retain lkretli IVIktti ftlwi Inoak IWtwiag doom atpenle Hearer ere brawl Jieellta to J to kttui Cllr ID J Uklei aotu lolsadd peiuu ltd oily bit intolm Itllmia tlM > M > kail UV b Ma rrtaeKw hoektkieti tti cctiMtXti Itltir ped a sowoel Ticket Once 15 W tad South U U IKHHIK A K KIIIIY lour > l ii r Ota rapt JII IISMTT ITA 1111 DENVER RIO GRANDE RAILROAD SCENIC LINE 011 THE WORLD The only line rIsolog tvo Through Fast Tralos dally to LEADVILLB ASPEN PUEBLO COLORADO SPIMNGS AND DENVER EFFECTIVE m 10 I 1m Train NX 3 brae I OJgon TrOO am Hall lake 100 a in arilMl Jol > n tilo N 11 l DIII folnrldo WnlnK 791 tlil l MV rliMiiui Train No 4 IMVM Oilon KiW am Hall Lake wa vat attics at Pueblo Ti 111 pm lolondti bptlngt thief 101t hi J nterlliMun I Connee trade at Pueblo Colorado thugS crud D incr whit all line Iwt llittnt day oukchwcbalr I can and full nwimleeoeriioiiall train 1 lake Ito U V Ib U and hive a romforlablo trip and tnjoy lid Oust tuiry on Dm con IIIMIII I A H iifaiiRo H K 1 noornit TrJlBo Mtnaier n I It T A Itenvvr I Uilu Denver Colo 11 I NKVINH tlentral Aunl Hilt Lobe City Ut Santa Fe Route Rio Grande Western Colorado Midland Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railways Ibo only line running Pullman hltepin Can bl Hiii u dlit Hall Lois City and Cblotco without binge And Ilillmin 1101 Itwllnlnc Chair IariliMwiMn Ogle Bull Itko City hoover and Chloe t TI1K HHOIIT UNIt fcUrilKltll BUHNKIIY QUHMKXr UNHUHlASSKII Are You Going East Iran bit ears and iire Four ticket reading over the I bunt Vn flout Uratideil and glaM rillioid on nrth lM 0il n or Hall lake Oily on the nvinlni iruni I In onlor lotto Ibo incxl Uinuillcil tiwnory In Auiorlcj Twin IFH 1 < M llio iranlo Weilern Do It t I IJIIB buy ai C rm li I liti i I11 I I ndhoiilhHS IL C 1 out I i i ten 1 Agent Ilugugnr 1 pen01ent ti Doolyllullillnz Eali 11111 bun 1 East I 0 Watettloo THE CHOICE RESIDENCE PART OF Salt Lake City Sixty new homes built on Ms Ixvutlful liroiwrty send THOllNDYKB ntlJolnliiK during Tile Plat ten inontlu No other put nf till city improving so mpklly Flvo foot content wtlk to oar lilt Uxcollent air torrloe 60 fare Itauttlful nlnitci woo limo ptirmt witer In the hud Hverytlilnt that Ii I dwlmhlu for u homo Klght lots nt Uiu remntknbly low price or 875 per Jot ono hoiroAeh It sold hefora Deo tat t nft tint time at the regular prloo of itl cmoli on monthly inymunt Alto housei on silo iiutsllmuiit plan I10lJ 1 to IJoO I WI f Hubbar 4 109 W 2nd South Stroot I1l1lbrned soon will de JlllnnkILo o ksh tah nee Mlol IIIur 01 the lleavous IViralnlfoHilury have Solomon llrot < m > aplil their Ihroni t rW It4 W 11ey eau sill aupply you with the icty hest Winter outwear USEFUL I HOLIDAY PRESENTS Comfortablt IV IdloiMlpi lu loll 1 Velvet and fur hhwn nf Cloth an I Pelt Ior l nll nitullt and lkinbrnkliire1 I ro ltniU owl I corkfiled Nbooi For lorChlldiMiI < oulllnMl Itubber HOOK Knit Slliiwrtand rod top Rune For InltiittpliM Kid and Cloth Mowulutlio iron oe lllucher and Moearttia Soo Our Display Noto Our Prloos SOLOMON BROTHERS No 70 Main Stand fender St-and Juicy Meat Good Bread and Pastry CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED BE USING a A OR s ltO I ahi Superior In Construction nnd Finish I Absolutely Perfect In Operation I Economical In the Use of Fuoll Durable and Handsome 1 ZClCDMc L15en them WHITE SONS COMPANY I General ffiat ket I Ko 22 and 21 U lit South Silt Late City Whit A Km Co lake rile opportunity think Ibelr ten le and lie publlo 1IlIrrUT far Ibl Mud ptlronige during put hbo tit lad la r gliriemm tow r q ors rrooullv ton o tbtlr tv tnd intoimoth qmritr a few doort e l of Ihelr oI r to They are now prepared tusury o the publlo with all kind 01 MEATS POUUflh FISH GAME fRUITS VEGEAOLES AND GROCERIES 1retlencod and Minpeltnt men hive ebirEi of all derrlminlt and Ibo idtantiii dirlvrd triiin trading with ui ceo lint you buy from nnn botlnti house and yet all your cood dolivrrtd with one delivery rlb a fart Hut 1 then h luiMnj ntodtd fir II Ihu Itble but whttwu be fiirnlihid I ecru our J mark Our aim will 1 be tot ploito our customers Prompt delivery euirnnltnl I Our prlctt are at clieup I at the I rhiiti > eil llwpeoifully WllireAtloM 1 Co Jim H While Mr WHERE DIRT GATHERS WASTE RULES OREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF SAPOL |