Show r PIONEER LAID TO REST I Funeral of James Janes Pulley Who Came Cameto to the Valley in 1848 I II American Fork Dec 23 Mrs Clem Clemo Clements I eats wife of Stephen Clements Clemen of ot this I I Inight place gave birth to triplets last Sunday Sunda night AH AU three were boys arid alid were fully developed They lived but about an hour and a half after birth It Is un understood understood understood that this Is the only case of tripletS triplet being born In Utah county 1 Funeral l services were held In lit the First ward Yard chapel Tuesday over the remains of the he old pioneer James Pulley who died last ast Saturday Satur ay George Heber Hober Robinson of ot the First ward bishopric conducted the services The stand was draped In InI white for the occasion The speakers were I James Fames H Clarke S 3 L Chipman John JohnI JohnH I H Ha Davis and William m M Me Bromley who wh I all spoke In the highest terms of ot the de Integrity and useful l life lite both Iasa as a neighbor and citizen and as a faith f faithful I ful Latter day Saint The benediction was pronounced by b Elder William R B RV Webb V ebb A large cortege of carriages fol followed lowed owed the remains to the cemetery I James Tames Pulley was the son of Francis Pul pur Puley purley Pulley ley ey and Martha Embrey Pulley and was wail born orn In Herefordshire England May 17 1823 and was therefore In his year His father was killed when wh n James JimeS was but three years ears old leaving him and five other children to be cared for by their mother The family were In destitute cir circumstances circumstances ind It was necessary for the I children when very young oung to labor for fo foI I daily dal wages therefore his educational l lI I advantages were limited to but a few tew I weeks of schooling and some instruction from his mother which enabled him to read and write He joined the Mormon church at Ledbury England Oct M H 1840 and emigrated to America in going directly to Nauvoo becoming inti InU intimately I acquainted with the leader of the Mormon church Joseph Smith and also I Becoming a member of the Nauvoo Nauvo legion On the of February iSIs he was united in marriage to Alice Aliee Moon and soon after he with others of tho the Saints I were driven from rom that city After lea leav I In lug ng Nauvoo Nauvo he ho went to the city of Alton Ills from there to Savannah Mo and then hen to Council Bluffs Ia la at nt which place he le fitted out with an ox team for the trip across the plains to t the Rocky Mountains arriving in Salt Lake City in ISIS He stayed in that city for a year ear or two and then moved moed south as far as Payson but not being satisfied with that place ce he hEl re returned returned turned to the north part of or the th territory locating In from which place he 10 moved to American Fork in tle year ear 1853 In May he ho 11 married Lydia E Hall Hail He was the father of or 18 IS children five fhe by his first wife and thirteen by his hi second thirteen of at whom survive him together with his second wife 1 fe He e has grandchildren and twentythree great grandchildren C D B superintendent of ot the Mountain Dell Deli Mining company Is i down from rom the mine In American Fork canyon to o spend the holidays S with his family He reports development work re nicely at the workings and that they ex expect poet peet to add the property to the i t In the tho th early arly spring The officers of ot the Primary associations of or the four our wards ward of this place gave the th 4 children j na a f treat last night fn In the way way of ofa o oa ofa a In each ward chap chapel el they h hM d arranged large Christmas Christians trees which were loaded With toys and presents and ani each child present was pre presented presented with a n beautiful toy or of some kind besides a sack of peanuts and candy A Avery Avery very Interesting program was rendered Judge R B N Baskin of Salt Lake Laka City spent part of the past week In American Fork looking after alter his mining Interests In American Fork canyon Mrs Addle Chipman returned home from f om Eureka Tuesday where she has been at the bedside of her h sister si ter Mrs rs Roy Myers who has been suffering with an attack of appendicitis The Tue T le work of building the new power plant plaat in American Fork canyon by the th Utah County Light Power company compan is it progressing nicely Mr Willie Hunter who Is attending the tha state university Is home to spend the holiday vacation with his parents John Dunn who is attending the B Y university at Provo Is home to spend the thu holidays with his parents The marriage of Mark Marlc E Bezzant head bookkeeper at the American Fork Coop and Miss Pearl Lambert is announced to take place at Park City Wednesday Dec Dee 26 They The will make their home in American Fork Reuben Chipman was fined 40 tO 0 by b the department of ot forestry and Sidney Nichols Nich Nichols ich ichols was fined tined 10 for permitting their sheep to trespass on the reserve while driving them from their summer lange iange m n November |