Show ORPHAN TOTS MADE E HAPPY APY I II Youngsters in Kearns Keans St Anns Home Have Annual Christ Christmas Christmas Christmas mas Tree A hundred and lonely little hearts were made happier last night and anda a few people learned the joy that comes with giving when the children of the Kearns St Anns orphanage were given their annual Christmas treat at the In Institution institution The gifts came from the three Kearns children Edmund Thomas and Helen An immense tree was provided and hung with gifts of all kinds for the chil children children children dren each earh little girl receiving a hand handsome handsome handsome some doll while to each boy was given givena a khaki suit and numerous toys Gen Generous Generous Generous erous bags of candy were added for each I child childRe 1 Rev Re Father Kelly took charge of the they y distribution of the gifts and Edmund the theIx Ix oldest of the Kearns children assisted The girls of the home sang a k Christmas I song ong before the tree exhibited |