Show GALLANT DEEDS OF LIFE LIFESAVERS SAVERS Thousands of Imperilled Per Persons PerSons sons Rescued from Wild Waves Along the Coasts WORK AT SAN FRANCISCO ANNUAL REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT SUPERiNTENDENT SUPERINTENDENT KIMBALL Washington Dec Dee 24 Important work was accomplished during the past year by bythe bythe bythe the lifesaving service Bervice of ot the government gov thousands of Imperiled lives ves and millions of dollars worth of property being saved through the heroism and unremitting vigilance vigilance lance of the life savers rs General Superintendent Kimball of the life saving s service e shows In his annual report that the number numbe of marine f disasters disasters disasters was in the th waters of the United States In these 49 vessels and 29 lives were lost and SIT SIr persons were succored at the various stations The total value of personal persona property saved was while that lost was MO In the disasters disasters lives Jives were imperiled Life Saving Stations ns At the close of the last fiscal year the life Ufe saving establishments comprised stations of which were on the At lantic coast 60 on n the Great Lakes 1 on on the Pacific coast proper and 1 each at atthe atthe atthe the falls of the Ohio river and Nome Alaska The lifesaving crews rendered render d assistance of more or less importance to vessels in addition to those which were lost loeL Patrolmen and station look lookouts lookouts lookOuts outs also warned 17 11 steamers and 77 sail sailing sailIng sailing ing vessels which were running Into dan danger daner danger ger er Particularly valuable assistance it is noted was rendered by the lifesaving crews at San Francisco during the earth earthquake earthquake earthquake quake and conflagration last April in infighting Infighting infighting fighting the fire transporting supplies and sheltering the homeless h Gasoline Lifeboats Superintendent Kimball KimbaU says that dur ing lug the year seven Beven of or the largest sized lifeboats have been equipped with gasoline engines They constitute a most import important ant addition to the lifesaving equipment and materially enlarge enla the radius of or the effective work of the crews Superintendent Kimball points out that the great service rendered has cost the government only He lie urges strongly that the benefits of ot retirement be begien given gien to officers and men of the service who become disabled through Injury or or Incapacitated by ago age |