Show BURTNER LEAVES Y M C A Ellwood S Brown Named as Physical cal Director and Begins Duties Today R H D Burtner who for lor the past two years rears has been physical director of the local Y M 31 L C A has resigned and be beginning beginning ginning today toda severs seers his connection with the association Burtner has received an Offer from the superintendent of the Cleveland public schools to act as phy physical ph physical director of the schools of that city any may accept Burtner will be succeed succeeded I ed td In this city by Elwood S Brown who takes charge e of the work at once While in Salt Lake Burtner has math mad many m ny friends for the association and andst stands st well in athletics throughout the state sUite being frequently called upon to of officiate officiate at the most Important amateur athletic events In the state He will leave leavea a host Qt friends behind t Brown has been In Salt Lake time and has had charge of the Y M C CA CA CA A basket ball bali team for the past year ear He lIe IllI was formerly with the Wheaton university I sity sit of Wheaton Ills and came to that school from the University of Illinois |