Show Postoffice Hours The hours for tor the Ogden st ff ce to t o oday be bec One delivery by carriers rl gen general will day eral delivery stump stamp and registry trY windows tS order de do department open from 9 to 11 a m money mone closed The funeral of Hugh M McKay may ay who died i Wm will be held at atthe the wn WI WIlard lard Sunday Bunda tabernacle at 1 ck Thursday aft afternoon at t Interment ent win WIlL be at VIllard Stoddard au an woman woma 1 Mrs Ann Sr staircase at the home of her fell dawn a a r Mrs Boet Be GaIe yesterday afternoon and Jin nd sustained In a fracture of the left ar arThe I The funeral of JoHn Bigman will be beheld held Wednesday Y mornIng at t JO lO o trod front the residence West The member of the Stone M JB I Bricklayers union will attend in a s body bedy IK L y M L will preach the c funeral sermon Interment will be In the Mountain View cemetery c met rY Word Yord was received yesterday esterday from the relatives of oC Chester Smithers ers Who vho com corn committed committed suicide in tle city jail ja 11 two weeks ago asking askins that his body be shipped to Boston for burial It will be bi forwarded today toda The funeral of Freda was held at 11 yesterday morning from the Lindquist undertaking parlors Rev Rcy O 0 A Elmquist conducting the services The rhe several who were ar arrested arrested arrested rested for violating the Sunday closing ordinance were fined 10 each In the police po police police lice court yesterday William VIII lam Mathers was convicted of or running a poker game and was fined 50 o oThe The of the H L Griffin com corn company company pany yesterday esterday presented Mr lr Griffin with ith a handsome traveling case as a to token token token ken of their esteem esteemS S W Cornwell engineer in charge of the engineering party on the Goldfield 6 i Tonopah line arrived In Ogden from the east yesterday Mr Corwell accompanied the body of Ross who died at Goldfield back to his former home |