Show MEXICO ACTS PROMPTLY Y People Colorado Responsible for Leak in Colo Colorado Colorado rado River Kiver Will Have to toMake Make Hake Repairs rs Washington Dec 24 The state depart department department department ment officials have hav been advised by Mr Thompson the American ambassador to Mexico that the president pre of ot the Mexican Mex Mexican MexIcan ican republic has taken prompt action looking to the remedying of the damage to property in the Imperial valley as the result of the overflow of the Colorado river into the Salton sink President Diaz Dias through the department of colonization colonization colonization tion and industry has advised the Com hania de y Terrenes de la Baja California that in view of ot the irreparable Irreparable irreparable able damage which property Is liable to t suffer huller in the Imperial valley In case the overflow of the Colorado river continues toward the Salton sink the present resent con conditions conditions must have a prompt and efficient remedy mcd Peremptory orders have been Is Issued issued Issued sued to the company by President Diaz that it initiate the work of ot repair within ten days and that within three months it must control the situation of the Colo Cola Colorado Colorado rado rivet close llos the opening upon Its borders and definitely return the waters to their old oid bed In case the company does doC not comply action will be taken to annul ann l the concession Blon to divert the waters of ot the Colorado river rhea This action was taken as the result of ot negotiations conducted by this govern government went ment with the Mexican Me authorities |