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Show f XVI t UESKhVT ih- - 4 NEWS SALT - Mici303ICirSI3KSIIIII0dni3WSXIdS30dZ3IIC; LAKE CITY SSA'iLwUA 2i 1929 wJV OOC HOTEL TEMPLE SQUARE :YW '"' ' - XK sue.',.', - New Temple Square ... HotelTo Open About January OPENS SOON doc 30C 30C30C 1st The Brick Man Says 5n Congratulations - CONGRATULATIONS! AND BEST WISHES -- Another beautiful, hotel has been added to Salt Lakes rapidly growing list of modern hostelries. Beauty, safety and themaximum of comfort are built into this hotel through the use of our Mountain Red Ruff Face brick and .Hollow Building Blocks. lo (he . . New Temple Hotel! Builders and Operators. of the N$W Temple Square Hotel ANDREW 8i REIMANN ft- - The Salt Lake Pressed Brick MARBLE CONTRACTORS Tfj AST FLCCLSc J RS T'J MT XEBO MAUI'LK CO, - Wet. 2nd South and 6th Company Anything in Any Marble. 319 Kearns Bldg. Best Wishes for Success of the - new . Salt Lake City, Utah. Phone Was. 951 Our Congratula- tiohs to the We Heartily Congratulate the Zions Security ' Corporation . Temple Square Hotel NEW TEMPLE on the new TEMPLE SQUARE SQUARE HOTEL OtEL Perry and Halliday Tfae building covers an area of about U 000 square feet. The first floor affords a lounge and lobby, and adjacent t hereto tk mwt up te kitdhen with dining room and coffee shop, both accesetbieeto the hotel and to the street, Also there is a ness stand, and curio 3$ of these 199 baths. rooms a tout a each floor, making parver Sheet of 139 rooms with Mechanically the' hotel will be Equipped with a heating an'' ventilating ajetem, soft water wilt be provided to ait bath rnqrfi. f Mo rag tanks have been provided to ansure proper pressure W ait water fines. The most modern elevators have been I retailed earh The mezzanine floor will be used as a writing Avmn for ladies with safety devices and ,ee tf le veil Rjf mwharisin which stops the car and Adjacent thereto a beau W papjnf pjid Iwrit retlrma m perfect Hue with the floors at each stop X The second to sizth floors Inclusive are defoVd o guests room. The exterior built q terra cotta, and bp k. As far each provided with a bath and clothes elosM These rooms as poswibi the architects and the contractor tapestry j!1 be have epriploved, in the erection of the structure, local fj.e hanks and material of local completely furnished with the most modern and comfortable'Tufiiiture manufacture. The building is fireproof throughout"' and la a decided procurable The baths are all tiled, floors all carpeted and walls decorated to lend to the complete romfort of all guests There are contribution to the people of Salt Lake and th traveling public Ashton and Kvin, Architects. PLASTERERS ' 134 Mewl Works The nearly 200 West Broadway til ed Bath W a 357 rooms will be a delight to their W C Carvtr, Manager DOC guests. Congratulations From Sugar House Lumber and Hardware Co. Elias Morris If It Goes in the Building We Sell U &Sons Co. 1 Artistic Tile Worlj. 21 H. J. McKean The People Of Utah will Point with Pride to the 134 Deseret Bank Building . X Salt Lake City, Utah in the new Temple Square Hotel r Installed TEMPLE SQUARE 131 REGENT ST. JL t JOC 3NC . j I 81 West South Temple. Temple Square 519 Cleveland Ave. , Hy. 6589 - - , . ' md JvjJILOO 3PC . A 3W APPROVED 401 Dooly Bldg." CONTRACTOR . - Was. 3091 MKMKtiC CLAUSSEN & CO. MC OOC . rr CURTIS ZARR Interior Decorators, Designers and Painters L ii. 4 . Congratulations to the New Temple Hotel ;x i by Lathers.. H.H. Hotef Building SalLLake City, Ut. 20-Ye- ar Temple Square Hotel Romney Corp. Extends to its many members and friends . AN INVITATION To visit us in our new home in the Temple Square Hotel Building 1 Roofing MelHumpherys and Miles P. 1605 BECK STREET The State Buildinjf8t Loan Assn. H!C Johns-Manvill- e HOTEL Utah Sand 8C Gravel Products JL pne Applied on the New by EVANS' Flumbing and Heating Contractors 427 NESS BLDG. Salt Lake City. For Beauty and Permanence REINFORCED CONCRETE WASHED SAND AND GRAVEL V by Salt Lake Electric Supply Co. SQUARE TEMPLE sac: J10TEL by 3IC Concrete for Permanence. and Plastering Congratulations On New , Portland Cement Association in the . Used fopMast W. T. Worley A building of beauty made permanent and Fireproof with foundations, structural frame, walls, floors and roof of Portland Cement Concrete. and Heating Plaster Temple Square Hotel Temple Square Hotel Plumbing - Nephi and the New General Contractors Wiring and Fixtures Tinipie Lime Manager Rossiter H. J. McKean, Inc.1 So. Temple T Contratula tions to President Harold H, Hills, Secy, and Treas. Phone Wasatch Wr. - x-- l f ' |