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Show Ii. D. S. Chapels Seen In Many Nations as Mission Work Grows from the extensive plantation and business Interest, the Church ha numerous properties devoted ex cluweljr to religious purposes. Most outstanding of ail these is the temple at late, island of Oahu. Hre also is located a chapl and residence f or the authoruiaa. On the same island at Honolulu ta situated the mission head from Uah. quarters of the Hawaiian area anafound at HaieaSa.nts or! America. Europe, Island Of Sea and Australia Represented; Activity Like That at Home. TRALLLflS riol, aie always-- they darner s Monnon whn Kl,han; Kam"ar; on ro'and the itnd of Hawaii mehouse. for there they are eer- -l are tarn to encounter some one from , Latter-da- y fcaint chap I. one earh Hokumaboa. Aleamia. Honomu. the home state an eent ever Honomakau. Niuln. Keel Kohdiki, weieome to thore who wander. Pohoehoe Fuukapu, Waiohmu. buiidinek The hte become aipio. Honokaa Paauito. home of tho virtual reunion centers tor these are tmpos.ng edifices for the westerners who find themselves size and nature of; I h e I r localities, in distant points. They are found others are small name chapels, but m practically every part of the all sustain Ihe spirit of welcome V uvilued world. Wherever the need ha arisen the Church has provided the facilities called for-- IX. only a few converts ara made a mission branch t opened uPh congregations in a private residence or rented halt As the membership Increases Church owned edifices are erected or purchased leand w hen the growth nt regularly has been ruf-lcwards are formed. These are expanded into stake as soon as conditions warrant. Such 'foreign stakes' outside of Utah. Idaho! Colorado. Arizona. Wyoming and Nevada the home tem- - for which the "Mormon"' meetinghouses have become famous throughout the sor'd Seven buildings are located Hanapepe. Kapaa, Kelt aha, Koloa Wsime and Wa.mha Fifteen wre on Maui Island as follow. f Haiku. Hana Honokahau, Kmnail akolrii hihet; h u.rr- wa. Waikapu. .Ncfuhu. Olowalu' Tlus chapel was recently bought by the Northern States Ml, Paiau Peaki, Waianae. Waiehu and sion to bouse the t branch. Waihee The mission home is also on this me. it This state also has meeting aaul.ee has Church-o- s ! Island at Wa.luku toge'her with a houses at CaXiney and Greenville for tb Sain ongregate. tj lenneaksee has a chapel f Peter's chapel. In Pacific Noriliwe&t. Land.rg Texas bsiduS the Mex-ca- n On the noitli Pacuic --jl&uii in ,miiWJn quartore adtlttloii to the headquarters at dav Saints buildings at balls. Port Portland, there are fve building Worth, Joyce. Townbluff Kelsey owned and b the Latfer-daand Enoch. The latter city also has Saints. Theyused located are at Bellingan amusement hall. West Virginia g ham Seattle, Eicrrtt, Taconla and four houses of worship are located W'enatachee. i at Charleston, Fairmont, Verdun-- I The on home t Australian miss, ville and Z g!ar. at Enmore h.dnev and Among the most attractive Mor- - in the southern continent arechapel found mon ' establishments m the east at Ne Adelaide. nr J out. tie the mission headquarter South Wale. Bankston Bwbane. Queensin Brooklvn are those at Buck Val-- j land Gien Huon and Hobart Taslev ahd Frankl.n Pennsylvania 1 V Melbourne . 1r ctor.a.; Perth I Th nation's capital has a chap mania WeM Australia and New if Sdne, e are there two and buildings je South Wales headquarters in 111 no.s New Zealand miion i cenThe Indiana ha thrre at Ind.anapoh. tered at Auckland n thse tbindv I Robinson There , Q I the (hurch a so opera s an apn jKrnY!le and l the historic meeting house cultural coHege town of Council Bluffs. Jowa and si Other jniHscns au another'at Detroit, South folon Samoa I'polu hr Paul anj Dalho are the fari Cp nred cities in Minnesota Kansas Africa, Tonga iard9 and Aleppo a 3v s Cits Springfield and .t Jovph Sjria. These are onb a few of the manv mavo un the three places in M s The Wiapel of (tie .Norwich saint-- , Norfolk, England MormonC worship properties acquired bv the Church souri nhere nd Omaha. for ue of the Saint thrnughou' ior-ar now operating in Cali For the purpose rf chj.ih ad- - m thfir os n house del.srhtfui mfetmg the world hut the are reprenen-tath- e a n forna Canada ard Mexico. tD I ntd Mate is! Veh has of the desiie of the author' There are also iK into eghi rp he uti d.sfVt house com are (so chapel In North ities to make things a w h Tfv Eastern !hte qtiarrers. home smr.dns, farm headquarter as possible for the con fortable and DaKofa one at Grand Foks schools and othr property In the n Pro hi n Nw Noiis. 1 ,u he jt Van Hook and M1 verts. islands of the p,tofi ard variou ral, cP'ratm. o..t of Nto . tJs Nlu 1x fl of the I nurd JSlatUL- h agu. U North- Amor? lb foreign nuvlotx h off, of sh'ch work firnt nrgarixeif ts the Bntih vim "r rro teidr from Orf, the Norh-- , its htadquartej n,r3' w.th M neipohs a it n o t Here th i m.reh nr. 'Eierpocl uthe-- n (,T P t J, ilnmiic Utn r home otfic and rth fu r i er. t siv 1 her- - I jsisn a ho ire io- - N'lfittt for ! Her an for er whrh ser,s the lo- .ate. 1 at ilirdser h. Psrrdn- I ar.d tf Cal forr.nn con-- 1 at him rtNtre and T. died tr from V. rK Jvjcbh rm.nstr r The farad tn mhi'on his ?ts Nt Mjntfaejjdf North t offite it Torob'o ini ihe n rh, Odha!, Km dt Kh tn is work1' froi i El Ij-! and II d', Jijr In al! .f the-- e g.e founI in Lnnmark the Church --b i chapej and in many im-- j Oi- - I addition tu us head iirrT aT I sl"n homeland wpeejal inMtu?lons. lenhagen It ineet.nehmi ijl and aCAtrhus the r?atOTi nfn the greatest Others In Lsrofr. number o those worthy of mention Additional bu'M'nrn onned hr tn the outh the Eater-da- y Eaihts in Europe Arkmas has build.ngs of. qua-t-er- I 4 -- -- y f 2 2 Y be-th- 1) 1 Ik&t-- k mmi-trano- nii-l- J hr EXTEND Seasons to You 1 Po-tia- l e.rn Wi 1 r - in generous measure .rgn,,c!,,M is i and may the New Year their cborcb tn Brooklyn. properous and liberally patronised Lat of Nw York hav Lattrr-day-bain- t, Women Assist Church Growth r a' department of the luxurious Saints Hospital. Mormon women gave thousand of their sons to our countrys cause the conquest of Mexico, in the (Continued from page Fourteen) Spanish- American war and in the They gave as web Inniint. aft.rwar'ls ramei I. r?jiate World war.dollars to the ,1VZ R4 h.r, larrv.ng aa annual fund for thousands of ontri but ingOIg. oufd b.Lhhe,Atr f the I 10n of LUb The frr1' M omen moih. ail give to the world their poems,in he War 5lothers of Ctah. Tne Wa tragedies pictures, and marbles 1915 was organized in the living, pulsing bodies which Mothers Mrs Annie Wells Cannon thew build and bear under their with Star Gold The the first president. hearts Who shall deny them a I Mothers are also part of this place in the pantheon of fame! combine ail and movement Women, as men, recognize the loyal cixic enterprise and necessitv of strict hygienic laws to crystallise athk WunfuJMemory entrance to City at Grove the opened tn the Old Fort .! canyon. ,Crek I Mormon the of , The TheVe vra a number of brilliant BattalionDaughter were at the head of the vot.ng women physicians, eastern movement under Mrs Marv J. The Sclboogcn branch In Gcrmny b ,tii. grad, ates at thi period riawsnn and Mr Maybell Thur-Dr- hoaMk Romania B iVrrrow was the,man Davi. which erected the Ph' "0!Pan cht.t and beautiful Mormon Bat- -include fh headquarters of the note one at Baraev and ,h' other Direetlv .fn",r ame Dr folio. mg her in Cap.Morument the German-Austria- n !aion El Dorado. Thre mission at Frei-ia- t a couple C PobrU with Dr tol Grounds and overlooking MemFlorida at San Mateo and ifargarot gmjOres-- e. a chapel at Dresden and .n EMlll R- - Fh.pp 1r Elvira Grove. small mMnghous m sanouiu Jacksonville' Th latter ciy Dr Martha Hughes oryThe Daughters of the Utah Pio home Kmuckysj,nsBsrner Places wh-fmskvn branches ,hms Cannon and Dr, Jane W. have established a Hail of peers Latter-day established principal Sant ed. fir is f1Pja Reiics in the State Capitol whi h In addition the Church hrtb!s ab Rihardville. I'j.stana has onei attracts thousands of tourists and institution opened usitors to see the visible evidence , Then came the .of our culture and civilita- May 12, 1852 Hoiland. and ranous o her centers Tao Church owned place are Srnerging of private nurse classes t.cn pioneer elders are ca! ed upon 1oocaeJ in Mi.ssppi a large chap- - mio the Relief society nurse school f Woman's best contribution to the labor. at Bar of SL Ltfu.s and a smal m 1899. Ths emmentlv auccessfuEOne Hundred Tears of Progress In th islands of the Pacific' jeler one at Quitman. At the Catawba movement finally merged, or war are their sons and daughters, their Morrnonmn has found a reservation In ftmith Caro-- t amalgamated together with the, homes and themeelves. Thev are Woman s Hospital, into a, the real mothers of real men! cnlarif fertile Rfld anl aardtmiTM found a Church, gabltsh-- 1 dorm. ter-da- v bring you greater - comfort, pleasure j Z-rZ- XZ Sr Trtu. Hi May Christmas cheer be yours j and profit. .... L. 14' ! 1 1872-12- ). i v fckol-ha- bn re it n h par-Indi- r4 m -- W f i 41 f f. Gets ft Cube Co Utah 45 Serving Sait oke City Ogden Gas Comnqny SOUTH MAIN PHONE WASATCH 1300 45 Serving SOUTH MAIN SALT LAKE phone wasatch tOOElE-SARrau.uv- ljoo CENTERVILLE' MAGNA ajj geMA,! Serving Ogden ii ' -- S IV . brautiful HoBywood labdlwif with a- - eg M A gracrfuL A aha a arrhn ao d-- aa m aa a a a drllcatrly 11 u, d A N batlrranrir A V ir i..t any ITY .vra- .- NGTONBOUirrtFUL w4MTWEVTYf0tRTH aa f v V Vi |