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Show f am dlslklt.news salt lake city Saturday December Saints Have Constructed Nine Temples 21 1929 XV. 4-- TEMPLES BUILT IN THE LAST CENTURY -- i . .. .. ...I for vtrarloiui baptisms. On May J cseven. Are l,,s ,h ud.mpie u publicly- dei- -Still Buildings iualcd. . ordlbonsliJ,ral)l n . lk performed In It. Being Used; ltirtlftndl,u Aa 3S.J Have Been Abandoned.1 1,':'. "'.I that the stones Here scattered Assistant Chun h historians In tracing the destruction of this A bunding declare that some of the inseiMrahle. stones from the temple Here carOne of ttie t nets of Mormon ried down the Mississippe river as far as New Orleans- - Manv of th hni Is all U1 hate the unbroken stones were used for to hh cpt salvation eieeiion of buildings In Illinois through the guspet. and hence Lat The NauMfo temple wan one of i Saint build Hinples the most bkautiful buildings in li in the belief of the Saint the middle west befoie its desthat nriTinume woik. nuh an truction and it was the object of ot all visitor to that admiration baptism miv be pm formed by Cit. the living for tHe dead, but that bait lakr Temple. thia .work must be performed u. -: 34iouttdsiicm nf the Oth r ordinances for temple at Salt Jaike Citv the greaT temples. most 4h living and the dead are given costly 0fed most beautiful of all Of the temples of the Church Has In LatteHence only the tempe id April tf. 1853. but long before r-day Saints re a temple build-i- its rompfrtiorpa temple Has built In St George. I tab and dedicat- people 4-Put inf iii , h ii ti H?Ttms f t, t tab Has dedicated. Mav 2t JSS-fand another at Logan Has dedicatpies, aeen of which are t till stand ed Mjv IT. 1881 inf and being used for the pn The Sat Lak temple Has forty poe for whn1 they were budl vara under construction Its site Has selected bv Prea Brigham Four are tn I t ih, on m Hawai TTtvgr 5nT ou in Arizona of the first Pioneers in Halt Uk" Veiv shortly after the oiganua-Hos Ur and it sas dedicated to of tne .buicti a revelation Pret Wilford Woodruff April I was given to th Sibil avurnhled 183 The cornerstones Here laid Apr.l 6 1853 and the capstone in Kirtland o. Instructing thn, plated in position April tf. a temple should be built at that The esiimated ot Is $4,0On The Salt Lake temple Is built plate of granite quarried from Little Work Bozin. Cottonwood anon and brought Work Has immediately begun to the budding site on ox carts, on the strut lure, the first load of a distan'-- Of JO miles Thi tem1 feet ple is 18 tf feet long and stone being hauled on June it has three lowers on ei j gghle 181, bv George A Smith GnJITnd the main cower being on the the MW" dav end au? mounted bv a statue) Hruni Suitk Angel Moroni 0 brother of Joseph ferniUi and florae temple uoMs Ctlumo of fh budding om- of Biighim mitiee ho?an digging the fn st tingonngto ins hdeclaration sermon there oocPirg lu mh for the found dmn at the time of dedication i th The Iviittand temple Has tom first t mph in Hhch endoHment were given The pleted ip the spring of 1$6 and for the dead of thi temple, was ded on March 27 of tht vear, it his lower part .Ian 1877 and work for! dedicated amid much spiritual living Mid dead smarted there 1m! manf station. The cost of thn mediatidv Th whoI budding w.is dedl temple Has between $fifi oft and tf A pul 18 77 with nearlv raised b the numbers of calfd $7, nil he general aufhorities of the Hie Chun h themsels Church present This temple j. Oidinanie work commncd In 141 feet lo e M feet wide and this temple Bt once, and it Ha the wills of red sandstone aie HI measure with the high so until it hr abandoned b pent fjom the ground to the top he i hurch when persecution of th tower being 13" feet This d ro the 8aint to other quar- - tmph cost a half million dolt m lars T ne Manil Temple. eoml fempie rearc lv A site for the Marti the t'hurah Ha at 7auoo, 111 temple w i rbesen by President Noting in,t ami like the KirUand tempi , corner stone was1 anl the IS7j, wa built m obedience to divine laid Apdl C 1877 The temidc command. was deducted Mv 21. l$stf unof PreaL Wilford ettld der the direftiou The p opb bid hardlv t he dedkatorv prayer in Nauvoo unt I th construction Woodruff offere! brAposfle Lorenzo on til- - toiiiplc ths torn.-- r bing s,lOW Tliroo tai Crvirp. atone being laid April 6 1841. This tempi wit not computed dedication wdh unusuil spirltua' af rivaling tho in the life time of Joseph Hudth, mnpffestaiona Kirtland temple but the baptismal font Has t in Seven Aear were requltsd In and following its dedication on tin building of the Txgan temidc Nov t. 1841, the font wa used h hi h was dedicated undi r thf tht n arranrr n . acf-or- ,rid I 1 fi ud i -' 1 jianl Through Merchandise Car Service From Chicago ia A.T.&S.F. D.&R. -- S.L.&U. Ocean ahd Rail From Atlantic Seaboard ua N. & W. Desp. Mo. Pac. D. & R. G. W. -S. L. & U. R. R. GAS FURNACE FREEDRAYAGE Sotd by On L. C. L. eastern freight, westbound or eastbound. under all rail or ocean and rail rates routed D. & R. G. W. S. L. & U. R. R. drayed free to or from our depot in Salt Lake City within designated zone. ROUTE YOUR CARLOAD Ride The Big Red Cars! Passenger Trains Daily LOW PASSENGER FARES . Sugar House Lumber & Hdw. Co. If it goes in the building PHONE HY. 555 we sell it. M. O. Ashton, MGK SHIP- MENTS VIA THE SALT LAKE AND UTAH R. R. FOR EXPEDITED MOVEMENT ' 500 mile mileage books. 2 cents per mile. Commutation Books, 2 cents per mile. Week-en- d cents per mil? Excursion fares, School books It cents per mile.- - l'i Brest. 19J. It I built in thf Bhape of a (irerim cros Th g,pound beautifully ornamented w.th all kind of tropical rgetaton President bmith hso rt!frted the alte for the temple at Carduton Alberta, Canada and he riediatdi that ite July 27, m3 Thr corner one h a laid unPr the direction of Elder David O MeKay of the Count i! of the Twelve Thts temple is buiU in Hie thurve of a Mallei cross Like the' HHnan temple It hvs no mtmmm m although the huildlrg is f t high The )tffce wat aympti 11 dedicated bv Freer Heber J Gran Aug 26 lrjj 3 Th. building con 'iT,ViTaT7WglTA hlfjvWrffrYfdrgfeVdi I j $782.00 I HOLYCROSS HOSPITAL Salt Lake City, Utah. ' ' Ariznna neHeU of the temple of the Churrh is that at Meso Arl-- J zonawhUh rfiemble the Hanad-- 1 ian and Hawai.an temples in tvnej of ronstrurMon The ate for thij building was dedUated In 1QJ! x year and later, Preaident (rant dedkated the temple during three day erhe attended by thousand from all parte of wet-- . ern I Tilled SHatAR, Including meet of the gejierat authorities from Salt The Sisters of Holy Cross lake j 13 and In SALT LAKE & UTAH RAILROAD i f'lt.' Conn ruction of temple ha been omr forward as the Church It e'f ha grovv.n, and a the work of the genenlofiiat of th Church ha progren d. A mean of obtaining and rontplling genealoglcul data for ue In ihe performance of temple ordinance work, the Genealogienl fcncteH of I tab Has organised j Nov. With a staff of competent nurses eminentphysicians and surgeons Every Modern Facility. Deseret Book Company Shows Substantial Growth yH La ihat rame ear a 1S& in lt gene- - library wa started tindeTj the direction of the Pocietv. i Since the organization .of the genealogical acctetj. worker., trained fn the rompHatlon and ob-- t fairing of dats work in all pan of the Church Rsit,ne th Suint to write up their own geeilorv t performaiico of prepaiatory tempre work. logical Ik Turret Th ompa Kook now 1 aled at 44 East on botith Tem- e Ul,. is an outgrowth of th Geo. Q Cannon Itook Store, later the Deret New Book More, and Deaeret Sun day th S hool t nlon Book Mare. Thee utorea were in 1&19 ard in Iii 151$ 1 be Deaeret Book More and New ho l 192 Book 8tore cotnb'ned with T. Albert Hooper mm general manager. For a period of onp year bu si nes was conducted as before, under two roof In 1920 the two stocks were brought together in an enlarged store at 4 East So. Temple at. and the Deseret Book Company has grown to be one of the outstand- , ing book store of thewtst tnder the able management of T Albert Hooper this con pany is being recognised as a publisher and distributor throughout the world. M;wtouanf r.f the Churh of Jrsus T'hfief of Littr Da aant arje butng Iitera--tjthroughout the world and thus the pub-l- i at ana of the Church are becoming well -- began doing bum-n- e under one rK(. George Q. Cannon Deseret bn ton or- ganized a Ktore in for the purpose of publishing and distr'bu-inhurrh literature A few later Th based )ars the Caucan Book Store and irb-ani- e known as Tni heeFet News Book Store. nder this nam and under the v management, of Matter J Iw is this dd business for many years. 5on after the organtz'ition of Sundav FL hool in the I. Ii s church, there wan Keen the need of a supply room for distribution r ( tundav hahctil supplies. The Sunhaol then opened a supply room day which ion became known ks Sunday Shol 1 nmn Book btore Thia book store doing bftmne In the wet part of the building Book Com pan whi'h j row the lese-e- t ' T ibert Hopper being manager. g rf 1 com-pan- -r sit v - dir r know n. ether steps for the betterment of thts organization are now being contemplated and it is th aim to make Th leeret Book ompanv the outstanding book store in western Inired States. t 4 A VV1. V v N V ; |