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Show J ' A Daily Summer brings leaves of absence and inlet brings absences of leaves. FOUNDED THE DESERET NEWS Ihought Is Delivered Dally to Your Homo , For Only 1850 CITY LAKE SALT UTAH SATURDAY new Ubrary building by Fred TV. Hodgson, of Logan, who Ins .UrciWIUiJ UI been employed as architect for the' building project. Contract for the structure was awarded Friday by the building commission to George A. Whilmeyer A Sons Dmitrlnn flf Ule ' of Ogden. DECEMBER 21 mini 1 Development Engineer Points Out Necessity Of Leaders to Visual ize Growth of Future. - Vs VC ? r Mi; :rt i Ml j rua -g SULJ n-P-g-gm- iUif - -- c tfi$f f.yw - U 4fbs.44 V. Ja - A. Work On College LESS m with-wWic- h strlm-minim- ,J" flx-vr- at I),. Hospital at Post President Sends Wires to Disabled Santa Claus Announcing -- ii over itstioa B00KS bringing BOOKS for the ' whole familyl" DESEE8E1 President Will Address Peoples Forum The People's Open Forum twill meet In the council chamber, City and County dnilldlng. Sunday, Dec, 32, at I p wL President Franklin 8. Harris of' the Brigham Young university, recently returned from a trip ot investigation through Russia, will speak on the findings of his delegation In regard to this great experiment The following Sunday, Deo. 2. Dr. A. L Beeley. will of tho University of Utah, SOUTH EAST ON TEMPLE speak on some phase of sociology. AJ IAK CITY UTAH This will bo Dr. Beeley' second i time befor the Foruiij. oBUHIio 44 B. Y. Ui KtaEM b fUlvooU Church Defers Closing Of Other Institution For One Year to Aid State in Adjusting. Gorgeous Diamond Rings $75, $100 Md $150 Blue-whi- te gems of f iery brilliancy set in 18k solid white gold, beautifully engraved and filigreed ' mounting. IprrrrqprrrTrri -- f- two-thir- s. Sheriff Hustles L. Temeparture Drops to New Mark mln-mu- m house-to-hou- w Police Run Down The Sunday school ot the ward will present a Christmas pageant, "The Gift Divine. In the ward chapel, Sunday morning at IS oclock- - Tbe prepared by Prof. E. A. Eastmond of tbs Brigham Young university. It depicts tho birth of Christ and takea more than an hour for rendition. Mora than 40 persona are required to represent the different part The publis Is . invited. Twenty-sev- enth page-antw- f. Dtams ed 12 spending far more for Christmas gifts than they have ever spent before, according E. S. Hills president of the Deseret National bank. Mr." Hill says that the best indication of the amount of money spent is the bank debits accounted for in the Salt Lak clearing house. Already the debits of Salt Lake banks are between twenty and tbtrty million dollars amount of last Over the tbe jear. Mr. Hills attributes conditions to an excess ot sat togs In the banks arising from regular employment conditions and to a general confidence in business. The recent panic in the New York slock markets will not affect Salt Lake business. Much money may have been lost In tha eastern part of the country but the fait in the stock market did not Salt affect over twenty-fiv- e N LOA ASSOtUTION 242 South Main Street Wasatch ' n, Inkers. Weather prophet look to your laurels! Below is a reproduction of an Item in The Deseret Newa under date of Sept. $. bearing a prediction by Joseph A. White, florist: "A balmy fall almost to Christmas. "Such Is the prediction of JoImperial seph A. White florist 2 street who declares that every indication of nature points to a long fall and a mild winter. "Mr. White who specializes to forecasting weather by reading the unfall'ng signs nature places for all good weather men says the bluebirds and swallows returned south several weeks ago. probably showing that they intend t re' turn again soon. 41 Dr. Pack to Speak At Eleventh Ward Dr. Frederick J. Pack wilt be th speaker and n special musical program haa been prepared for th Sunday evening cervices in the Eleventh ward. r.xci unseat hate for holiday CHRISTMAS AND hKW X BARS Electric between Tie Baabeecer OaSea u4 Is-Salt Inke City rate late palate, ale la Cache S alley pel eta. TleheCa an aale IS aeaa Dee. 9 4a aal . J. an Dee, SI. It isxa, Retara Hall Jn. nl Mb y Not guilty pleas ted bv pleas of guilty, by counsel," in tbs esses of 1$ Chinese arrested earlier In tbe week for playing fan , tan, to pollco court Friday afternoon. Then Judge James A. Stump proceeded to deal out Justice.8am In the esses of Ah Sam, Le. Ia Tow and Charley Cook, h alleged keepers of the games, On imposed a fine of 510 each. the othei defendants, charged with gambling, he Imposed a fins of $5 each. Stomach Dicers and Chronic 1. em-ateaet- an trM( I Program for tbe opening serve in the new Nineteenth ward chapel for Snuday evening. Dee, 22. was announced Saturday. Th program follows: "Praise to the Man," choir and Y O Come, All congregation; Faithful, Bateste. Prof Georg Minns; "The seer." John Taylor, Beesley: arranged by Ebeneser 'Holy Night," August Gllssmeyer and choir; "Come Unto Him. Master Lecter O. Carlson. Ltrxi instrumental Edward; Thomas music Etud: (a) Pobhm, (b) Minuet, by Hayden. L D. 8. colleg quartet, June Glade, Amelia (CPen-soDavid Brinkon. Winnefred Rue C, Ruiwenacht: reading. 1 Longden; "I Came Upon the MidA. Mr E. Mr. Carr, night Clear, 1 Rue C. Longden. John Bull,. choir: Bishop John Longden and short addreae. President Wllford A. Beesley; "And the Glory ot tbo Lord," choir. Musical director, Lizzie Thomas Edward; organist. Prof. Gorg Minns; and pianist, Gladys Bullock. ice Jim Jim Jones, indicted with Kakunaa on conspiracy charge Jones the of violation alleging liquor law. was arrested Firday a short time after be arrived here from California and waa lodged tn the county Jail awaiting bond. Kakunaa wss recently sentenced to IS months in a federal prison. BUILDING Fta - I TIME NATIONAL Mr Llska Evan 50, 55$ the ley street, was treated tn emergency hospital Friday night for n fractured bone tn the left hand and a bruised knee, suffered when the car in which aha was machine riding collided with a driven by Frank Latino, of 752 Main neat Pacific avenue, on , Ninth South street. -- ' In S. L. Passes That of Last Year 'Nineteenth Ward Will Open Chapel Bait Lakers this ear are Alleged Liquor Law Violator Jailed W, womajTiicrt bt car. Oak- Holiday Trade NOW THE Ward to Present Pageant Sunday 1X20-02- Chinese Gamblers -Band to Present Weather Prophet Court in Yuletide Program Hits Things Right Fined City wer substitu- se 2 Liquor Suspects Discontinuance of the L. D. 8. Junior College at tbe end of the present school year and the postponement of tbe closing dates of other Church high schools and Junior colleges for one gear, was the action taken by the Church Board of Education at a meeting Friday in .lie Church offices it wss announced Friday by Dr Joseph F. Merrill. Church comn.lH-Isionof education. The board met Friday to tak final action tn tbe previously announced closing of all 'hurch school The senior high school ot the L. D. S. will be continued for in tl-the yeer lSJO-J- t of a shortage ot housing facilities for senior high school students In Salt Lake, Dr. Merrill stated. He reported thst the board realised that the Salt Lake City schools would be temporarily emharraatcj ty closing next June of the senior L. D. B. co.lege. ot school the high Dr. Merrill's statement continued as twllows: And because the legislatures last winter mads re provision lor the maintenance by tha public of Junior colleges, the board decided to continue fur one more year the other Junior co'ieges of the Church. These colleges are Rick, ft eber. (Brow; Dtxie and Gils. "If any one of these eo'.ieget were closed next June tber would be taken out o2 the community concerned tlie opportunity pf ret. ting college work at home. ile"" hoard believes thst snnlner opportunity of se.unng junior college legislation mould be given before the colleges are tiosed The reeotu cut adopted by th board follow. 1. That the L. D. 8. Junior College be closed in June, 12) and that during not year the srhuct be continued as a senior high school only. 1 2. That during th other Junior colleges be cun'm-ue- d, pending the making of proper .ansfers to tee state or comir.uni er Three Daughters ot Utah Educator Enrolled at State University ltepre-sentallve- Gifts For Poor YEAR Edgar Young of the Uni-- I versity of Utah, proud of his can a keep daughters, fatherly eye on them. They are Jane (left), Harriet and Elinor, students at the university where he is a prominent member of the faculty. Sunrveys of the vast deposits of mineral wealth contained in tbe 200.000,000 acres of public land still unappropriated in Utah, and the drafting ot topographlo maps, that will be sought by all classes of people from engineers to vacs tion tourists, feature the geological activities of the past year In Utah. In a brief annual repert of tbe work of the local bran oh ..United vg.c. States geological survey Saturday f by Ralph R. Woolley, hydraulic engineer tn charge, a summary of is set down as follows. tbe work A report on he geologv and ore deposits of the Gold Hill region, and one on the geology and ore deposits of the Stockton and Fairfield districts. A section on tbe general geology of the Cottonwood-Ameri-ca- n Fork district Is in preparation. A paper entitled ''Possible Desert Basin Integration In Utah" was prepared for and published In the Journal of Geologv. Geological Investigations have been made In the Tlntic mining district, and the Tax Committee Votes to stratigraphy structure In and San Juan county were Withdraw Action of southern made in connection with a map of the Monument Valley region. A Legislature. paper on correlation of the Permian of southern Utah, northern Arizona, northwestern New Mexl-cand southwestern Colorado, was A majority of (he legislative - to t he HrPfeLof.T.the publicationadvisory committee os ta- - revl- - Bulletin American Associaion Friday favored substituting tion of Petroleum Geologists. Dethe plsn of the associated mines tailed Investigations of the stratifor using the entire school fund structure of southeastand graphy of $25 for equalization purposes. ern Utah between the Colorado and This .action was taken on moField n Dolores rivers, was begun. tion of Representative S M. who moved that the coin studies wereIn made of the quarries and drifts oil the shale deposits the to mtttte recommend legtsla W atson, Utah. A report was lure (hat it amend the constitution near to provide for the amendment and made on the coals along tho bion the and also now plateau, two recall the amendments before the people which would tuminous sandstone near teri.al Utah varves of Tbe climate and provide for a $5 per capita fund the Green River epoch is tho subto be used for equalization. Senators Knox Patterson. W. D ject of a report published as proCandland and George H Ryan and fessional paper 158E The aiunlte near Maryavale were ex- Head o Western HUtory Representative Jorgensen voted in deposits and & report prepared amined, favor of the motion while While the topographic mapping Department Proud Austin P Miller, A. R Crcer and David lllrschi were op. work was not extensive in Utah Of Family. the past year, it Is of interposed to U Absent were Benator during Wilson McCarthy and Represen- est to note that a survey of the tatives Georgs A. Crltchlow, L J. Zion National park was begun, and It has been suggested that this surHclihcr and J. B. Wilson. What professor wouldn't smite To accomplish a withdrawal of vey will be extended to include the with three good looking daughteis amend- Bryce canon area. This will make the two constitutional to make his office their headquaravailable detailed maps for use in ments proposed by tbo last legisconnection wrtth the scenic beauties ters while they are attending collature may require a lege? vote --of the legislature and the of these parks. Few. says Prof Lett Edgar Of no mean Importance to the acceptance ot the plan of using the $25 fund entirely for equalize state, is the work of the water re- Young, head of the western histion would be conditioned on the sources branch, which gathers and tory department at the Unitersity withdrawal of the amendments complies the data on the flow of of Utah, author of a number ot books oil tbe subject he teaches, the streams. passed by the last legislature. Land classification studies were and father of three charming The committee authorized Senin ator Ran and the Colorado River basin, university Representative begun Since Elinor and Jane, the two Miller to complete preparation of hut little work was accomplished the committee's report to the leg- In the Utah section of that basin youngsters of the familj. regisThe islature. 7 he results of the studies of the tered for freshmen work during plans lo submit the report to committeeme- Geological Survey are made avall- - the fall registration period, the n-Jan, 20, and with this busi- able for public use to professions (I Young family la represented 9 per ness decided the committee ad papers, bulletin, and water suppl cent strong on the unlterslty roster. Mrs. Young contemplates Journed subject to call ot papers. An office for the use is maintained at Salt Lakepublic chairman. City registering in the extension diviwhere a complete library of the sion, which would make the ep. Survey publications la available rollment complete All three daughters are in the school of arts and sciences HarS. student an-riet, a third-yea- r prominent member of the Chi Omega sorority, finds her father's The office of Sheriff Clifford Patchoice of scholastic subjects Is in ten is beginning to take on the apwith her own ambitions so she in Salt Lake line Temperatures pearance of n big grocery store. is majoring in history. Elinor and The sheriff announced to hie dropped to a naw low mark for Jane fail back .on their freshmen deputies some time ago that he did this winter early Saturday morn, rights and aay they haven t denot want them to give him any- lng when the mercury in the cided. what they will make their thing for Christmas, but that he weather bureau thermometer on. speclalt). did expect them to help him In the Boston building. slumped to. 17. huetitiig - a- - aupply ot food - and degreed, three degrees lower than clothing for distribution to needy the preceding minimum reached famines that are already on the Nov. 22. sheriff's list. In the outlying districts It was Some of these families are In considerably colder than In the need because bread winners are In boslnesa section. At Airport a A Christmas cantata "Three prison. No matter, the sheriff of I Young was reached Gifts supported by the said relief of suffering and not in- while on the degrees east aids of the city, Peoples band, will be presented vestigation of the reason, for pov- the recording devise at the resi- Sunday evening. This feature will erty is hit idea of Christmas giv dence of J. Cecil Alter, mateorolog form the major portion of the tog. 1st. recorded a minimum of 14 beautiful Christmas program There remains from a recent which the Saltation Army will degrees. collection of goods made by with connection their In render a At 12 52 m. Sunday, the winter burglar, a variety annual Christmas tree festivities of articles and some canned food. solstice will occur, meaning that for nearly two hundred children Sol will reach tbe most southTba sheriffs force haa contributed old The applications for Christinas to n fund to purchase articles end ern point of the year. For this baskets are pouring Into the Sunday Dee. 22, theoretical- headquarters dally. These are bemany ot tho deputies are receiving reason gifts of food from stores and farm- ly will be the shortest day In tbe ing cleared through tbe confidenyear. ers tial exchange of tbo Community The fores of the sheriff will be Chest employed In odd bourn from now Sarah Daft Home Vfill until Christmas In carrying the Have Program Sunday gifts to those known to need them. Sendees at the Sarah Daft Home at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon will bo conducted hr the Seventeenth ward. The speaker will ho Alfred M. Durham, and the musical program, vocal and Instrumental, appropriate IS After n merry little chase Fri- to the Christmas season, will be day evening .with "Sandy Fowler. furnished by tho Alvin Beesley 24. and Jack Herrington 27, the family. pursued, and members of the poTo Start lice anti-vlc- a squad, the pursuers NEXT TEAR'S the pair wee captured end booked 27 Families Cared For FUND CHRISTMAS at police headquarters on chargee In 1929 by V. F. Claim of possession and transportation of convenour Call at Groceries, fuel and transportaIntoxicating liquors. ient office, wera provided 27 needy famiBoth were released on bonds of tion lies during 112$ by the Lieutenant $30 each. C. E. Allen post No, 40$ Veterans of Foreign wars, it was annoonep ed in an nnnnal report made Friday by Charles A. Remy, chairman of the relief committee. The post fiscal year ended December 15- Ha-cat- Week. ...- i- Annual Report of Engineer Shows Vast Resources of Minerals, Water and Forests. , a EIGHTIETH 1929 Library To Begin on HUB In-da- i M s V.. "lu tbs Inauguration ot a pro gram lor Industrial development of blab. It should be borne in mind I 11 that it is valuable only to the extent in which It makes possible the exinstitutions. pansion of existing means by I AidtS an effective - PHf which capital may bo secured for the development of natural sources and furnishes a practical ? method by which a selected lino of is V 644 v industries may be induoed to trans-te- r at least a portion of their J v Uvlties to titan. I A44M4 4a 4444 644 'l. '4 I1 to Any program which fails include a logical plan for accomplishing these equally important undertakings, is not only incomplete, E but most unfair to the people of a great and glorious state," says Tberan h. Tracey, industrial engineer. with a Situated as. Utah f on wealth ot natural resources is within the power every hand, it of its people to assist the forces that are working toward the indusBuilding Expected to be trial development of the state by obstructions superficial removing Director Ready For Occupancy Report Show from the paths of progress and by rather tboso with forces, moving New Law Economical By Late Fall. than in opposition to them. 'The tremendous development For County. With the award of the contract that has taken plaice in the Pacific coast states during 'the past decade by the building commission and especially in Southern Califorconstruction will be started Old age pension payments nia should serve as an inceuiive in immediately on the new library to the people ot Utah in accepting Salt Lake county are but slightly buUding-tbaLis-t- o grace the camthey- - now have in ereexs ot the bill which was an- pus of the Utah Agricultural colIs for th development ot the state nually paid out in charily, it lege. industrially, in the performance ot shown In records compiled by Dr The contract went to George A such a task the work involved may J. H. Paul, director of the pension Whltmeyer 4 Sons. Ogden contracseem tremendous, but the result bureau. tors. who have built some of the will make than Justify I ho means Results of the compilahon were largest buildings In the Ogden busCapital heeded. e iness announced lteprescn-tativdistrict. The contrsct calls by Saturday , "To develop even a small portion Chris Greenhagen, author for expenditure of $1X4,507 exot the natural resources of I'tih of the old age pension bill, who is clusive of some features for dewill require capital and lota of bending every effort to see that corations and furnishings which it. but that should not discourage it in every county will be provided for later and it is those interested in development of in istheinaugurated state. expected the building will be ready manufacturing enterprises for hunIn a majority ot cases where $19 for occupancy bv late next fall. dreds of millions of dollara are lywas Plans for the building were prein month a the given charity, ing idle in the east and in Europe pension payment has been fixed oared bv Fred W. Hodgson, archiand once a sound and logical plan at $12 50 per month. In a number tect of Logan who will also superof development haa been adopted and placed in operation, tlie ra- of Instances, however, there ts an vise the construction. 44They call feet for decrease in payments made for a hulldlnar 1$S bv actual flow will capital pidity the main building with an annex of to Utah will astonish theme whose to certain Indivlduala 01 ob40 feet The maximum old age payment by extending on the vision of the future has been scured bv a lack of understanding thus far allowed la in the neigh- rear for uke as slack rooms for of borhood of $20, the maximum pro- library volumes of the underlying principles i uatrial development. The building is to be In Italian vided by law being $2$ a month. it is just as practical to forecast As an evldencs of the popularity Penat's"ce svle of architecture ot any of the old age pension system. of a light buff colored brick con industrial development state as it la to forecast the move- Representative Greenhagen Is In at ruction with cast stone Tt is Jo bo of threo storv ment of crops or of stocks and receipt of a number of articles bonds. Given a healthy seed, a published throughout the country, construction and will be located fertile soil and a favorable cli- lauding the inauguration of the on the eat side and ner the mate and the flavor of Its fruit may system !n Sait Lake and other center of the campus quadrangle be foretold and its commercial counties of the state and west praising value measured, and in a like man- Utah for her progressiv eneaa When comn.ted the college will ner the industrial development ot one ve of the most up to date Is one from the articles a state may be measured by the ap- theAmong Mhrarv hulld'ngs tn the west. On South Bend Tlmcs-Ncw- s telling which economic of laws plication It wPI ncovlde or of the tribute recently paid Frank eotnnletton govern civilisation, for soonerlaws fo $0 000 volumes, E, Hering, head of the national later the mandates of those hue for sn enansloo sl'owtnc fraternal order of Eagles, by the must be obeyed fcom the 50 000 volumes the relWar Mothers of America. leaden Must Arrive. ooseesaes now ieve It Is sn (t. "It Utah is lo proceed In a man- - Mr. Hering la credited with be- signed that the apmltv of the ing- the founder of Mothers day bulldioe aw couimenaursle with the oppormay he readily doubled tunities nature has placed within and the fraternal order of Eagles hut little evpenee her keeping, a new method of pro- has for a number of yea's spon- it . Peat1" pd thle secommoda-ocedure must be adopted, and out of sored the old age pension system. wJM be provided for 000 stn I he rank and file of the Industrial at one time or ehout $0 and commercial life of the state look into the future and visualize dents oer cent shove wat the a ns 'Irish leaders must be selected, the things that are inevitable. of the colleen are. Ppectal needs of leaders imbued with the instinct Population Coming. the mini will be Included for class the Industrial trail blazer and can must see an ever increasThey spirit of progress, leaders who ing population surging irom the look Into the future and visualise Atlantic seaboard to the Pacific .When the building commission the buPdlng over to the col- inevitable." the things that are coast the end of the trail the last urne tnieteev t Is t be completely In a recent report Mr. Tracy, stand of the white man. They must wtlh cabinets and furnished who 4 managing director of the see the vast multitude milling ns with chairs nod we'l as assoUtah Industrial Development around the shores of int Pacific n that the college need only ciation. says with respect to Utah: like a great heXd of restless cattle SMm wove mantoto the hnltdlng. If Utah is to progress In a on the plains at midnight, until fin- ner commensurate with the oppor- ally, the stampede starts and vs a tunities nature has placed within seething mgs ot. prop I sra carried 'fv A-- V FsIVOfS lNCW new method back-las- n unot that Inland the by must be Inaugurated, and man tide. out ot the rank and file of the In"Over the Sierras and Into the dustrial and commercial life of the valleys ot the Intermountain states must state, unselfish leaders United of tbs Construction they come by thousands, and hare, selected, to point out the way, leadlike sands that aettle In the crystal States Veterans bureau hospital ers Imbued with the instinct of the waters of a pool when the flood baa on the military reservation at passed, they also settle. There is Fort Douglas was favored In a nothing visionary In such a picture. vole taken Friday evening by the chapter Disabled Amer(Continued from page 1. Bee. J.) Argonne ican veterans of tho World war The reservation was chosen lb preferer.ro to a Sight within the rii limits Jesse R. Jensen, who Is In charge of Christmas hospital calls, aid Friday that final arrangehas ments have been made for the dis-- President Herbert Hoover vetertribution of Christmas packages to eat telegrams to disabled ans to which he expresses appre- veterans confined to their beds on ciation lor service and assures the Christmas day. disabled that the country haa not forgotten. The telegram received by George of the commander Ecenroad, Utah department. United Spanish war veterans, follows: men "To all disabled and, women 1 send you cordial Christmas greetings and my best wishes for your happiness In the new year sod I do pray for your restoration to health. Vour counyou and wtll try has not forgotten not forgeL The nations pride tn your valor and devotion and its gratitude foi the service you have rendered are manifest in Its continued concern for your welfare and Its warm sympathy and regard for you. "Bello, Everybody Tm HERBERT HOOVER. 4 ,,- ui i!) lir i'.ijHi 15c Acidosis Hundreds Quickly disappear of people have beea completely relieved. Why suffer with this extreme stomach trouble when tbe Paramount Blomacb Remedy will give you perm-enerelief. A trial will prove our remedy. If yen are sot we relieved, permanently guarantee to return your money. For sale only by tbe nt Paramount Laboratories McIntyre MUM bait Lake City, Utah. Our uew and larger location, Wasatch 2X41. ' Mall order promptly filled- 41S-1S- -9 r |