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Show THE DESERET NEWS SILT LAKE CITY SATURDAY DECEMBER V.1 Zlr, ' n xvn 1922 " ''' a. ' r J E t i w H :! ; j I 21 Hr Sji " 9 jt , - n - t C5tV , r - ''' .jiW - ' - ' . fa J ' n.;.t s -- U- i: ! ' b ' r Kt ?KnS' , fiS-i- ' ,. ... ; If ' v ?V' ' '& . , A? ' fj yr , ' ' ;- V,hp'J:'-'"-7r- ; X J' A , - . M ,;!:;::S:;f i , , ' . ,f tit ' ' . v: 'VvMW A fru f " t ' - - i h c ft tgtr J"V " . - jw- 3 . ttfa .. .' i1'- . f y, v 5 . Air,- V, r'As,f .pvTS1 vm .Js' - V - j y. ....' J '- 1 Tf,; AP'f-- ... m ;; ;.-- , . v TLtwwf ZS "'- - mm'' " ' -- - C-;. I Sunshine and Fresh Air BY E. W. CAMERON. medicine in the It can onlv be ours ..when, the soot and grimeJxom imoke- - -stacks and chimneys is entirely erased from the blue of Salt Lake skies. Young Salt Lake points the way to the City Beautiful. City of Natural Gas Fuel that boasts an untarnished skyline. The most wonderful r-r- Industries and Louie, skyscrapers and stores are learning the lesson of cleanliness. They have found that Natural Gas is the supreme fuel and are adopting it unanimously. Gas is handled with an ease that delights Office building owners now find that their entire heating system can be controlled by one engineer in place of the large force necessary before gas proved its suprom-ayT y. Fuel storage-bin- s arepownnneeessaryiid lhiV valuable space is used to better advantage. The lower picture shows the City of Gloom the sunshine and soot saturated. metropolis of smoke-filtere- d Where childhood must thrive as best it can amid -- the unhealthy grime from countless ehimnpys and smokestacks.- -- We- want nothing like this in our fair city. The law protects us from thugs and footpads our morals are guarded and our health is watched carefully. M e have pure food to eat and pure milk to drink, but it remains for the Gas Company, with the of home' and industry, io. give ris pure air and sunshine,1 v ' ... The Gas Company is part of your everyday life. Without it and its associates civilization would perhaps more than fifty years. Modern .civilization represents mans efforts through the centuries to break away from human slavery. To an ever increasing extent gas has lightened thgdeff of housekeeping jmAlias conlriliultd liberally to modern industry. Atari" time of the day or night-yo- n may turn the valve and get gas service. It works for you silentlyand efficiently atyour unspoken command. In terms of convenience and human happiness the value of gas service cannot he calculated. It can only hr appreciated when you thjnk of Avliat life would be without it. tum-haekwar- ds - |