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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY All &:-.S- n ... STONE HOLIES AT LOW COST ft lEADIg, ' TOCTSDAYr APRIU2S, 1931 VHiaJrish If is Nma Sattb pest (be week-ento SpringviUc where she attended the Nr. - T d art ethibit. - S- - -- " v ' ;vA Delevop-tne- S.ivV;.-'-- " nt club Thursday afternoon.. Following community einirinr led by Mrs H. L. Richards, Miss- Jordan, of the Bear River High School reviewed the book '"Man and Superman. Luncheon was served to nineteen members and nine special guests. Mr. and Mrs. Vendell McDermaid, of Salt Lake City, and Mrs, George W. Laub, of Brigham City, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Laub Mr. and Mrs. Jan is Johnson spent Wednesday in Ogden. Sunday of last week Mr. and Mrs. Cooper Hadfield and Miss Tressa Garn of Salt Lake City and Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Garn, of Ogden, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Garn. The Clio Circle club was entertained Thursday afternoon bv Mrs. Cecil! v Haskel. 'Eighteen members were presi ent "500 was played with Mrs. Dean Coombs winning first prize and Miss Maggie Capener, consolation. Luncheon was served. Mrs. Haskel was as-sisted by Mrs. J. D. Welling and Mrs. Pean Coombs. Thursday evening the school present ed the operetta "Sunbonnet Sue.' Preceding the opera the primary grades frave thres little acts. All was so well given and interesting that it certainly filled the audience with appreciation for the splendid work and ability of the children and their teachers in charge of the affair. ; Mrs. E, H. Packer spent last week in Ogden. Mrs. Dean Coombs. Mrs. Cecil Has kel annd Mrs. Wynn Hansen motored to Ogden, Sunday, guests of Mrs. Glenn Mason,' who with her son born April 7 is at the Dee hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Haluday and son Max of Ogden were Sunday guests of Bishop and Mrs. M. A. Garn. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Lewis and Fran ces Weiland, of Brigham Citv spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wei- i Item Girt". Mrs. PhilHp Wood spent last week play, With relatives in Farmington. ; The mutuals will present the Mrs. Gertrude Hansen was hostess to thejnembers of the Social 11 " - 11 I . P - H OKI to.. lifcT I B Stone houses are no longer oyond the realm ol the small horns cuiUer. In other days, only the palctiai residence was built of stone. Today, quantity production msthods developed by the Indiana Limestone company, have made Ilco Ripistone facings available at moderate cost This cozy limestone home, Dutch Colonial type of architecture, has charm, comfort, compactness and is 'X. " I 11 ??'' ' economical to build. On the first floor is a pleasant arrangement of living room, dining room, kitchen breakfast room and garage. Three large bedrooms, with dressing room off the master chamber, and bathroom comprise the second floor. As an indication of how inexpensively a 6tone house of distinction and permanence may be obtained, enough stone to build the house Illustrated was shipped from the limestone quarries at Bedford, Ind, to Its destination, There's nothing a man enjoys more H. D. Thorns I'iUllUUJ nor a woman either when somebody else gets it. AU V " about 375 miles, at ft land. Dr. H. Y. Richards, of Salt Lake City, spent the week end and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Richards. popular throughout the country, according to the Home Builders' Service Bureau, Bedford, Ind., where many designs may be obtained free of charge. spent Sunday and Mr. and Mrs. Dan m;, on,io i We heard a Tremonton man say yesterday that, personally, he favors and the new long skirts if they're short Briggs Toio NOTICE The hardest job a Tremonton girl who runs after a man has is holding him after she gets him. J. W. Lewis will be back to the old stand in Garland on and after May 10th, to take care of SownoolDy ' 1T9 I y i smut AM JDDiiall If you could seo the new Chevrolet Si being built, you would under- - '' J. W. L. -- stand why It performs so well, lasts . so long and brings so much satisfac- -. tion. and pleasure to its owners. The quality of raw materials is held to Standards unsurpassed anywhere in the automotive industry. In the manufacture of the engine alone there are hundreds of separate inspections. Pistons are matched in lf ounce. Piston sets to within pins mu6t be within W tenths of one of their specified size. Connecting rods are matched ounce and are to within individually fitted by hand. The crankshaft is the special alloy-stesubject of truly amazing care and precision in manufacture and cannot vary from perfection in balance I more than I j; Q APEWAY STOREQ DISTRIBUTION WITHOUT ' WASTE " Prices for Saturday, April 25, 1931 Rice 3 19c ibs. Fancy Blue Rose Head Rice at a Saving " Corn - " ' t one-ha- - 2 one-thousan- 35c cans" Del Monte Fancy Crosby Corn, No. 2 Cans (1 Can Free) Peas 2 5 25c ibs. Idaho Recleaned Red Chili Beans Salmon 2 inch-oun- 25c ' cans 45 c Each Finp Siyaw, Well Sewed, 5 Tie Brooms' Peaches 2ans!t 33c Lemons Dozen r Fancy California Yellow Clings, No. 1 ' .Large 360 Size Sunkist Lemons Carrots i 22 JNeae IPrleWB- BWur (wlU. rnmbk Mat). 4N BtmwUrti SiS Cooiw, Ocli, Mat), W$ IWPaaMow Conpo, 5M Convartlblo Caarfobt, m$ Standard SmUo. U5 Spomal SUa, 650 CotwtttU taadaa ,KM. BpaaUI qoipmaBt axtn. Chmolot track ehmmmU, 93U tm tSM. Urn diM rid prie aad aaay taraa. All ptkaa I. a. fc. fllait, Mlchlaam. JLMV ISM, Standard SM5 Sport Coop (vith rWgn, a- Wrt Sport SSS ce These few examples of Chevrolet standards indicate the care used in the manufacture of every part of the car. Soundly built to serve you long and well I No compromise with Fancy Alaska Pink Salmon, Pound Can Brooms er el Del Monte Early Garden Peas, No. 2 Cans Beans dth one-quart- 27c cans 9. weM friendship and harmony prevail as it did in the years gone by. Statistics show there are more autos than bath tube in this country. But on a you can't net- - a good trade-i- n lBatn tub. FW-made- w mtti i quality means no compromise with satisfaction la ownership. Cans 20c - 5c Bunch NEW CMIEmDILIETr & IS The Great American Value California Bunch Carrots, Fresh and Crisp Pineapple 2 i built to searve yoini Ilong All old friends and patrons as well as new ones are cordially invited to come in and get together again. Let the spirit of They're called "common" colds but we notice some of the best people around Tremonton have them. : , enough. your watches and your jewelry troubles. If the world is getting better why does the preacher always take the mon ey out of the collection box and have it locked up in a bank ? Let new furniture brighten your home and add to your comfort. An elegant line to j choose from. Prices were never lower inn high grade furniture than now. 'ft I It is your opportunity to turn your house into a home. ATA(AAfcVU The world was better back in the days when we had more happier marriages and fewer rich divorce lawyers. " 7 of only $253. This modest investment, together with a minimum upkeep cost, makes a house of this character attractive from an economical as well as beauty standpoint. This and similar types of small homes are becoming more and mora total cost ' than sitting down to a good meal t 311 f" " cans 35c See yonr dealer below Libby Rose Dale. Fancy Whole Slices, No.22 Cans I Asparagus 2 ibs. I Local Grown Utah Fancy Asparagus 19c Froiik Chevrolet Compainy. , f 1 IK |