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Show r TCUZSDAY, AHUL 23, ! PArsox ESAU RIVE3 VALLEY UARIIS YOUTH ' ' LCAI, Li -- Rircrdde I . f ,L . -j- -; Mrs. Nelson of Brigham City, Mrs. Hattie Marble, ' of Deweyville, Mrs. Ault of Tremonton and Mrs. Hadfield of Riverside, leaders of the Farm Bureau project work of this division, met at the home of Mrs. Sarah Bowen, Tuesday, where they gave a very interesting talk and instructions to about twenty ladies, who greatly enjoyed the afternoon. Dainty refreshments were served. Mrs. Thomas Simmons delightfully entertained the young ladies progres, 1 sive club Saturday afternoon. Fifteen members were there to listen to the splendid talk given on horticulture, by Myron Hanson, of the U. A. C. Refreshments were greatly enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gordon and children, of Salt Lake, Mr. and Mrs. WalNEW YORK. More than bait ot the lace Bowen and children and Mr. and apent annually for Mrs. Will Heward, of Grace, Idaho, beauty treatment and coemeuci to were the Sunday guests of Mr. and the United States goea to beautify Mrs. Clark Bowen. to lime. Helena Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bateman, of Rubinstein, authority Clifton, Idaho, enjoyed a few days on beauty culture. with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. "Women past 50 are by far the oest Johnson, last week. patrons of the beauty salons ana are Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kidman, daughresponsible for fully 73 percent ot ter, Nola and Mrs. Vern Knudsen, of the massage treatments being given these days." time Rubinstein assertDeweyville, greatly enjoyed a dancing ed. party at Mendon Saturday night. "It is these women whose youth Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Kidman mo d Mauve tored to Pocatello, Idaho, to spend the was spent in the who Decade looked and upon cultivaend. week Mr. and Mrs. James Perkins and Mr. tion of their natural charms as something 'not quite nice' who are now and Mrs. Clark Bowen enjoyed a good our best customers rhey are pnying show Saturday night m Logan. the price of neglect in their youth en Mrs. Etta Kidman delightfully a neglect which very lew mocern tertained her friend, Miss Emma young women are permitting ExerSchoblers, of Pocatello, Idaho, for sev cise, outdoor sports, and anemic n to eral davs last week. all the rules of oesuty culture are Mr. and Mrs. D. Y. Goddard and the young wonnn oi son Russell and Mrs. G. W. Kidman this age against heavy oeaiuj ollls were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. for the erandmorhers ol tomorrow A, Bigler Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Ollie Bowen and children enjoyed several days with her mother, i Mrs. Mantlo, of Tremonton. last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Potter and Curlew Reservoir Irrigation Company Mrs. Jennie Fryer and children spent Place of Business Principle busiin combining Brigham Thursday Snowville, Utah ness and pleasure. Notice is hereby given that at a Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Bigler, Mrs. Gertrude Simmons and children and Mrs. meeting of the directors held on the Olga Wheatley were transacting busi- 4th day of April, 1931, an assessment ness in Brigham Thursday. of ten cents (10c) share was levied Mrs. Julia Covert, Mrs. Marie Jone3 on the stock in theper and an East Mrs. Estella Gark and Mrs. Vance assessment of twelve canal, cents (12c) deof a all Idaho, Malad, spent Bigler, per share on the stock in the west lightful day with Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum canal, payable on the 4th day of April Jensen, in compliment to Mrs. Jen- 1931, to Jesse Arbon, Treasurer, at sen's birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jensen entertained at a his residence at Snowville, Utah. Any splendidly prepared birthday supper stock upon which these assessments in her honor, the same evening. may remain unpaid on the 4th day of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bigler entertain-e- n May, 1931, will be delinquent and ad at Sunday dinner, Mrs. Gertrude vertised for sale at public auction, and Simmons and children, Lavelle, Ralph unless payment is made before, will and Nedra; Clarence V. Bigler of the be sold on the 23rd day of May, 1931, U. A. C. and Mrs. Olga Wheatley of to the delinquent assessment topay Honeyville. Mr. and Mrs. M. Y. Simmons and gether with the cost of advertising children spent the week end with their and expense of sale. ; J parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Simmons Wm. HURD, Secretary. in Brigham City. it grandma,-accordin- world-famo- us strait-lace- J. H. Ward was in Ogdea on busi- ff de in a radio ia iTou rae)jr hear of a person wko afc aftet In' aa just its protest against the jau that in killed one didn't up go Ving I .' airplaneIs inflicted on it. -r- -U Penrcss j ItM Jay. re The return of long skirts means ness Friday of last week. turned home after spending ten days that once again it wul be possible for Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Udy and Mrs. E. in Holbrook, Idaho, with her mother, knock-kneto be heard and not seen. es W. Ward were shopping in Brigham who has been very ilL W. M. Miller spent Sunday in SyraFriday. Mrs. Phoebe Ward and son Ira, and cuse with relatives. Melvin came over from Logan- - and A number of men from here are spent a day at their home nere last working on a road at Promontory staweek. tion. Mrs. J. H. Ward was shopping in Mrs. William Bosley and children, Logan and Brigham Saturday. Wayne Mason, of Plymouth, was the speaker at the Sunday evening meeting. J. A. Capener, of Salt Lake, was here during the week at the home of his son Leland. Mrs. E. H, Ward will entertain Thursday for the ladies of the Farm Bureau. August Forsberg and George Hales went to Salt Lake Friday and returned home Saturday. Joe Forsberg was in Salt Lake several days last week. He returned home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Walker returned home from Idaho Monday evening T7 Mrs. George Marsh and son. of Tremonton, were the guests of her parents on Friday. Miss Hellen Granger spent Saturday and Sunday in Ogden with friends Bishop Peterson and W. M. Miller were attending to business matters in Brigham on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Nielsen were Tre monton visitors on Monday. Mrs. Claretta Blain was married to Mr. Frank Muir on Wednesday in Salt Lake City. They are going to make their home here. Congratulations to the newlyweds. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Woodward, of Promontory Station were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Starlin on ears for We've had a long time, but what the average self-starte- rs that's Sometimes after reading a daily newspaper we cant help but feel that there isn't anything straight in Chicago but the shooting. Don't Neglect your Eyes They mean too much to The world owes every man a living and there are a lot of folks who are getting it a dollar down and a dollar a week. you. The Tremonton boy who broke off with his best girl before Christmas is using the telephone now to relations. the Best in Optometric We have the Experience and Equipment to give you A When You Think HARDWARE Mr. Walker left early Tuesday for Twin Falls and Mrs. Walker will reA republic is a country in which the main here for a few days. people make their own laws but can't Senator and Mrs. T. Welling spent make their own liquor. Monday at Salt Lake. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Many a Tremonton husband is ready to admit that it's surprising what a Welling were Brigham visitors woman can get out of a tin can. THINK WILSON "Everything To Build Anything" Phone 11 sale-guardi- What Are Your r tsvwrc 5) if Bleeds? CONVENIENCE ot n price, E Our second car of lumber within a month has put our yard in a position to safely figure your estimates and supply every builder's demand. iYOUR greatest opportunity We have a large assortment and a complete stock of field and garden seeds. to enjoy complete Electric Service in your home is at hand, at a very low cost to you. It A tool for every requirement can be found in our complete line of J. I. Case farm machinery. is so easy, under our liberal WE ARE THE LARGEST HARDWARE STORE IN NORTHERN UTAH monthly payment plan, to purchase a Hotpoint or TOU MUST SEE OUR " SPEED QUEEN Electric " Range, a General Electric Refrigerator and an Electric Water Heater, Moncl Metal Washer With An Amazing Guarantee West-inghou- se or any of these appliances that add to your enjoyment. Make the decision NOW to have what you have really, wanted Easy Terms "YOUR GOOD WILL OUR BEST ASSET" CO NO MY Aft NEVER before has it been possible for you to receive as much value for the Electric Scrv:c2 Dollar in your household as you receive new. Under our Step-Dow- n servants will perform the heretofore burdensome tasks in your home at a cost no greater than methods and what a difference they make in added cleanliness and comfort and convenience! old-fashion- ed The more you use your Electric Range, your Electric Refrigerator, your Electric Water Heater, and in fact all of your electrical equipment, the lower your rate per kilowatt hour, and th A Completely, s greater your home enjoyment. This 13 a service th&t brings die ultimate in horns comfort, ct a cotf thst mcss red economy. V your inquiries Fhoaa m or visk our store where yoa complete Electric Service for your hens. We fcsow you'll ba interested. will reeeive courteous attention. You for yean . n Combination Rate electric Farmers' Cash Union ". Tremonton, Utah Phone 35 7e fcivh Your Baby Chicks Cost You a Lot of Money KEEP THEM ALIVE HEALTHY era hx no wcy obligated by doing so. VIGOROUS AND STRONG FEED THEM PAX THE QUALITY UTAH FEED Your Mortality Will Be Lower - Ask Any Hatchery, or User Start With PAX Today INTER-OCEA- N Tremonton fev ek- - PO WER ft l-O- EFFICIENT PUBLIC SERVICE o ELEVATORS :: Utah t 31: .'1 1 C |