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Show BSABEIVEaT ALLEY LEJUKSt, TCPRSBAT; APRIL' 2S Tt3I' ? . V TALLBT This Week Mat- - Utah, as Sacottd Class Walton, Editor and Publisher Published at Treraonton, Utah, on -- The Pacific and Peace Shorter Days and Weeks A Stalin Story An Eel, Our Relative V ! Welcoming the Japanese Prince, brother of the Mikado, Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler spoke tactfully and In Rates Snfaarrintian happy vein of Japan's achievements, $2.Q6 and the name of good augur given to One Year, in advance $1.00 the great ocean that . separates and Six Months, in advance 50 unites America and . Japan. The Dim months, in advnce Pacific will be to the world In future what the Mediterranean was once, and the Atlantic Is now, the earth's most Important body of water. Its name should be typical of rela tions between the Japanes and Am All competition be erican nations. well as to your Country tween them should be competition in science, in more efficient methods of increasing human happiness and prosperity. PATRONIZE YOUR Within a generation the flying ma chine will have made the Pacific as LOCAL MERCHANTS narrow as the English channel of 100 years ago, and Japan will be more accessible from America than England was from France when Napoleon sat waiting for a chance to attack. ( St Aav Chmrsday of each week. AUTO PLANT Sound Co-Fo- II I TARIFF TINK- , 9 : Ifjtf E. Bucahasj Onset) Oeoqce til? BoV9, BANPP ffuOlANAN AM ERING GOES ON if fi ? - . Haw-lty-Smo- ot manu-r.,-factu- &Crt$. VANCOUV&Z the boy's leisure, so that other boys Buchanan goes with them on every may go to Alaska later. Buchanan, trip and gives them his personal care. When asked what he did if they got who gets letters from all over the United States and Canada addressed sick, he declared that they did not "Alaska, Buchanan, Detroit," and get sick, or if they had a bit of in BUCHANAN'S Oeorge E. Buchanan, sponsor and backer of and rooter for the movement of boys to Alaska, is planning to take tity or more to the great United States possession in July. Buchanan, who Is prominent in the Detroit Coal Exchange, president of five coal companies and a bachelor, kelleves that a trip to Alaska, provided a boy partly earns his way. will be a wonderful formative Incident In his life. He has already taken 400 boys to Alaska and this will be his ninth annual personally conducted tour. The boys, ages 0 to 17, must earn one-thiof the cost of the trip ($125.00): the parents advance a third d. and Buchanan loans the boy which Is to be repaid later at o- one-ha- rd one-ttilr- "Buchanan, Boy's Friend, Detroit," tells the boy who writes to him direct from anywhere bow he can earn bis third by selling pencils, kitchen tongs, coal, steel ash baskets, etc. Boys who qualify go westward through Canada and the Canadian Rockies, seeing Banff and Lake Louise, then North to Alaska on the "Princess Louise"." They see the wonders of Alaska and return by the "Princess Alice" to Vancouver and homeward through the .United States, thus viewing the finest scenery In Canada. Alaska and the States. , - . disposition the wonderful climate pepped them up and put them back on their feet immediately. "One boy gained 19 pounds during the month's tour," said Buchanan, "and every boy has gone home a better boy physically, mentally and as a young business man. He has seen Alaska's wonders and has earned part of the money to finance the trip, which covers about 8,000 miles and lasts a whole month. Any boy, aaywhere, can go, provided he geta his parents' consent and earn his third.'' pro-ressi- , , . , Review !. 00; AGRICULTURAL SIDESHOWS ' ; i . ! you." What medium is better qualified to speak on poultry raising than a hen even a mechanical hen ? That is the way the Department of Agriculture felt about it, and that is why persons attending the agricultural fairs held recently in southern Florida were treated to such a discourse. The "speaker" was seven feet high, and she spoke words instead of cackling. Other- -' wise, she was just an ordinary hen. This is only one of the original exhibits used by the Department to popularize its presentations. Another shows the relative per capita consumption of dairy products at a banquet of world powers. Uncle Sam is pictured as having less appetite for butter, cheese, and milk than characters representing the principal countries of Europe. Although the Department finds these devices more effectively con- vey information than, the old methods, it hopes, through study and practice, con- stantjy to improve the technique of its dramatizations. Action, light, soun, scenic beauty, and brevity seem; to be the principal elements in winning attention and interest. chart-and-statisti- cs 1 ' oo I ECHOES FROM OTHER LANDS With Congress out of session, a quiet Washington turns to contem plation of cherry blossoms and foreign royalty in the Capital. The . dainty Japanese Princess Kikuko, with her husband, Prince Takam-- ; atsu stepped into the flowery set-- . ting on the Potomac as appropriately as the leading characters in a musical comedy of Oriental life. The blossoms seemed to have timed their arrival to coincide with that of the Prince and Princess, who expressed their pleasure over the belated blooming. In one breath. Washington wel comes foreigners and in the next was them farewell. The reverberations of a royal catastrophe were felt in the Capital with the resignation of Senor Don Alejandro Pal- way uell, Spanish Ambassador to the United States. The abdication of King Alfonso XIII has thus deprived Washington of one of its pleasing personalities in the dip-uMimwi; neu appointee 01 the iormer Kiii and a monarchist as wen, tne Ambassador could hardly aave Deen expected to survive the new revolutionary regime. The Cap . ital fa sorry to see him go. jn The following record of industrial activity lists items showing investment of capital, employment of labox and business activities and opportune ties. Information from which the par agraphs are prepared is from local Daners. usually of towns mentioned, and may be considered generally cor-- J " rect. -'" Cedar City First - Ward to,- buija here to cost $60,000..h, , Parowan Repairs made to public ' library. Richfield Mr-- , and Mrs. J. V. was- ascha and Merrill Sabin purchased be Blue Ribbon confectionary and cafe an from Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Peterson. too an . First.a little Jewish boy would intelligent to make such answer. Second, Stalin would be intelligent to expel anybody for amusing yarn. The lady's husband, a capable engineer, says, what is more important, that Russia has a gigantic surplus of anthracite coal, acres upon acres, covered with piles of it, and the plan is to dump all that coal on the United .States. The Russians will find it hard dumping, what with cheap oil, powdered soft coal, that makes no smoke, we have quite an anthracite surplus of our own. too You perhaps never heard of a rare sea eel, which lives in the ocean mud and has for a scientific title a name as long as the eel. Nevertheless science says you are to him. You do know that you got your five fingers from the foot of a salamander that lived In the carboniferous era, millions of years ago. " If that salamander had had six toes, you would have six fingers, Including the thumb, also .the Instead of the decimal system, much better for mathematics. And the violin would have six strings. You owe even more to the little mud eel than you do to the salamander. The brain of that little eel was the beginning of yours. It has five lobes, like yours, and a little cortex like the thick cortex on toup of your brain. Tne five divisions of an eel brain are found only In the full devel oped human brain, and they function as in man. Dr. Conel, at the Boston University, is studying brains In 100 of these eels. To be related to the mud eel Is interesting. closely-relate- d duo-decim- n - . Free to Public iritis' I 13.4 Hich-fiel- only 32-ac- re - -- h $45,-143.- -. - M : pkea in dia U. S. AMERICAN IIDISTBIAL LIBIART Ea(lieriaBandiaS, Ckioaso, IlUaerl MA$E GOOD OR WE Fronk Chevrolet Tremonton, Utah ..WANT COLUMN.. d, - whore caleloct and adrattiainc matter covering any line ok buaineM or product oan be obtained Free and Without Obliaatteaj ia ike American rnduttrial Ubrarf. Write for B ineee Advertiting Matter you are inter sated m; earn will be promptly torwafdte. Tk Ur Outstanding Values DO Men's and Young Men's Co. Phone 21 M B Brown riding pony, hobbled when lost. Anyone knowing of its whereabouts notify John Selman Reward Tremonton, Phone 73.a-V - ' ; LOST M M 3. house cleaning 'or Mrs, other kinds of house work Arthur 'Janson. WANTED-Wor- k. IL975247S PIANO FOR BALANCE Good buy in beautiful bungalow piano, and ' bench for balance of contract, Bold 'for $450.00. Substantial amount has been- paid Will transfer contract for small monthly payments. Write Credit Department, Carne Music ' Co.. Osrden. Utah. - House for FOR RENT OR SALE rent or sale. See Z. V. White. tf. FOR SALE Russet seed potatoes. Call Ed Holmgren, Garland. FOR SALE Gcod Milch Cow. Just fresh. Phone 28, Tremonton. 27tf. FOR RENT Furnished G. V. Allen. rooms. See 27tf . Gandhi, of India, "despairs of last CASH PAID For Dead and Useless lng peace." Reverse can Cows and horses. He says: tf41 Brigham 493J2 "I have tried my utmost for perma nent peace but I find nature against FOR SALE OR" TRADE. 1200 capacl me." ty Buckeye oil Brooder, new last Big and little men, leaders and folyear. Will take wheat or heifer. 25tf. Phone 7.y.4. lowers, have despaired of practically everything, since the beginning ol Good building lime FOR SALE time. ' Utah-Idah- o ton. Sajrar $12.00 per Those that tried to cure slavery 18tfd Utah Co., Garland, but is gone. despaired often, slavery And those that, ages ago, fought WE PAY Hfghest Cash Prices for against cannibalism, probably d Hide. Pelts, and Furs. Garland Hide houe. J. W. Garrett, mgr. Bell paired, but cannibalism is gone. phone, 14t and 26; Valley phone 31. &, 1M, fcr JCJ Fmmtw Sraditttt, Ik) ptj Lehi Wasatch Natural Gas Co. will eppend $400,000 for extension of its miles of highway between Venice and mains from Midvale, southward into balina. Utah Valley, running through this Logan; New Cache County Library city to American Forv and Pleasant Grove. building ready for occupancy. . Monticello Devil Canyon road beSalt Lake City Work completed on ing improved. beautifying Airport and Redwood road " Spanish Fork. Seventh Annual and Bonneville golf course. Gunniamr-youn- g Utah County Livestock Show held, .& Ogdaa,. received contract for grading here.' Salt Lake City tract of and graveling State Highway between land; to be used as zoological and bo- end of oiled road above this city to Nine Mile reservoir. tanical garden donated Salt Lake comOgden Preliminary, survey Society;: by Mr. and Mrs: Jas A. Hogie. r pleted on proposed Ogden R;yer pro.City Contract for con- ject. Zion National Park M orrison struction of first unit of local system let to Wheelwright Construction Co. Knudson Co. of Boise, Idaho received of Ogden. $113,903 contract fgor grading and Think what old Solomon escaped by .Storm sewer of Twenty-fourt- surfacing road in Zion National Park. Ogden Street and Wall Avenue comBingham City Mines of Bingham living in an age whn a wife couldn't mining district shipped 168 carloads open a charge account at the neighbor pleted at cost of approximately of ore during recent week. hood store. Nephi New park under construc tion here on four-acr- e North Square Utah Weekly Industeid,totIJidIDJlBS fife-da- ' New milk cooler installed ..property. Helper i 9tt re - tariff-tinkerin- " ' Local Dealer A sound motion picture graphically portraying the story of the Ford Motor Company and its widespread activities ..will ..be ..exhibited - free ..of charge in a special Ford exhibit to be rd held at the Utah Auto & Imp. Dealers, Tremonton, Utah, begin ning Friday, April 24 and continuing through Saturday, April 25. The ehow will be open to the public from 2 P. M. to 10 P. M. The picture, entitled "A Tour Thru the Ford factory" will show the gathering of raw materials, their arrival at the Rouge Plant in Dearborn, Mich, and the numerous Interesting stages through which they pass in the pro- cess of making Ford cars and trucks. It is, in short, an education in the ex tent and meaning of modern volume production. While an unseen voice explains each scene, the audience i taken on a tour? of the plant, through the great furnace building where, ore is converted into iron; into the open hearth building where the iron becomes steel and, is poured, a white, hot liquid, into moulds; into the blooming where the steel ingots are made into bars; aftd into the rolling mill in which the Pong bars of white steel are reduced to definite sizes. Forty kinds of steel, each; of a composition to serve a definite purpose, are used in the Ford car and truck. The picture shows also the of glass in an endless unbroken strip, a process developed by Ford engineers; the machine shops in which parts for the car are manufactured; the pressed steel building with its gigantic presses; and the coke ovens and are other units in which recovered to the extent of millions of dollars annually. Throughout the picture one sees literally miles and miles of conveyors which take much of the manual labor off the backs of men. There are conveyors carrying newly arrived materials into the plant, others taking parts from one building to another, and, of course, the final assembly line, that fa mous conveyor on which the parts are put together to form the completed car. In addition to the picture, there will be a representative line of Ford cars and trucks and display boards containing car and truck parts. The cars alone are well worth a visit for they include body types to suit any taste and to meet any occision. Particularly attractive are the de luxe cars in which upholstery appointments are of a kind and quality usually-founonly in more expensive automoi biles. 't" "7 All the body types are featured by the Ford's new beauty of line and color. The deep radiator, the wide generous fenders, and the graceful sweeping lines of the bodies pontribute to a pleasing whole. The cars may be ob- - f tained m a variety of color combina- tions. , To Your Town tariff-makin- of Motion Picture Feature Exhibit Arranged By . -- s. ; SHOWS OF FORD , William Green, head of the Federa tion of Labor, says the working weeks should be reduced to five days, thus Let no one forget that "scientific ending unemployment. tariff tinkering" still goes on with There is no doubt that machinery the cooperation of Tariff Commisfaster than consumers can produces sion and the President. The use its products under our social Tariff Act was signed almost a year ago by an Executive system. There is no doubt that in ordinary who promised that "inequalities" in the Act would be remedied under times machinery, with men working the flexibility shoved at various six days, produces too much, making ' duties, moving that on wire an inch men idle. And there is no doubt that men upward, that on gelative a half- incr down, and taking similar ac-- 1 have got to live. No nation could tion on a few other unimportant exist, half starved and half fed. commodities. If all the human beings on earth, Recently, when the Commission from Peking to Paris and from Paris wanted to shove the duty on cher- ' ries down, the President refused to to Rome," had all they need, food, automobiles, radios, washing play. Cherries sulphured or in clothes, there would be no over-prbrine are dutiable at 9 cents a machines, pound. The Commission investigat-- , ducjtlon, in fact not nearly enough. ed the differences in costs of pro- But, while consumption slowly induction here and in competing coun creases, some plan must be found to tries and recommended a decrease keep workers fed and contented in lf to that amount. Mr. Hoo- this nation which has "too much of ver returned the findings with a everything" except, perhaps, intelli brief note explaining that they gence. were based on conditions prevailing The shorter day, shorter week, and before the drought and that more as Mr. Ford suggests, a perhaps, information was needed. of ten working months, shorter year The cherry duty itself is not as in many lines, will be necessary. Certhis incident as the important light human beings would be none g throws on by com- - tainly worse for a little leisure to study the mission and Executive. In the first on which they live. earth the reto agricultural place, accordiny And business which has survived the ports, the drought has had little effect on cherry production. For eight hour day, although some said the President to have nullified it could not be done, could also surwith a word the Commission's work vive the y week. indicates a dictatorship on the part of the Executive which amounts to A lady Bays she was expelled from usurpation of legislative peroga-tive- Russia because she wrote - about ,a What, people ask, is the use man from g of a "scientific" body Jewish boy, who saved a if its labors are to be ignored in drowning in the Black Sea. The man, the end? Incidentally, the process according to the story, which is, preofrtearing down the Chinese "wall sumably untrue, said: "My name is Stalin. I am powerful. pl Import duties seems to be at the rate of one' brick Ask what you like), and I will grant ..down-- and two in its place every It." : few weeks. The Jittle Jewish boy is supposed " i'f to have answered: "If your name is Stalin, all , I ask is that you don't tell anybody I saved EurekWCxteoirloKnc;at FREE MOVIE fi?i ' - VLB'- - V palgn preparatory to starting develop ii' ment, will soon be underway on tract of mineral land, southeast of Tintic . '. district, "On to Alaska With Buchanan," Slogan of Fifty Boys by ARTHUR BRISBANE Jfr.-w- i they harass you by DOlaw awi cum jl a o j awake at night? jfvM Dont neglect them. They'll ruin your charm and beauty, lienate your friends, interfere with your success. When you're nervous, take Dr. Miles' Nervine, It's the prescription of a successful Nerve Specialist, put up In convenient form. Dr. Miles' Nervine is now made in two forms Liquid and Effervescent Tablet. Both have the same soothing effect on the nerves. $1.00 at your drug store rSaRJ zzz JthcUtliL M 1 I M 1 1 If H I If r . Beautiful Woolens Expert Tailoring , For Suits of this quality you paid last year from five to ten dollars more than these . new low prices. This offering is worthy of your inspection. Call in, look them over. M You'll Be Welcome aX H Weather Looking or M Buying M M i a. j n in ff" n;n Pf lmev in iiji am sQai MiliKN viii iiiiii iiifif ix i7 : 1 J 1TTITTTTTIITTT TTTTTTTTTTf il X |