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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1931 - presses it, it, "I have helped you and I enjoyed doing it. I hope yoiiiiked Miss Snow ond Miss Woods have i1. made the trip from Cher-- j Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Gailey and chil bourg to Periyueux twice. On their tiren, of Layton, were gruests of Mr. ins expmiuon, iney leit the ltordogne . and Mrs. R. G. Watt, of Thatcher, Sun The Farm Bureau board held a meet Valley to investigate the vividly colday afternoon. spectacular Lot Valley. From Saturday evening at the Midland ored, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wood and chil ing there they went to Carcassonne and Parlors. dren, of Layton, were week end guests Pres. Brough reported he had help- - into the Pyreness. ' Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Watt. The women are enthusiastic about Prl in reentrant Tn fhvoA Vinnslrasl aroe Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Anderson, of the possibilities of automobile travel for this year, and had to and baby, of Brigham, were visiting turnpotatoes in r ranee, not oniy ior the experience away. many : ; Bishop and Mrs. Wight, of Thatcher. Fortv Karks of noisnnpH oats tn ho it angoras out lor its economical as- Sunday. used to exterminate mice has been dis pects. The cost of shipping a car Mrs. D. E. Adams and Mr. and Mrs. irom America to t ranee and back, inposed of. j JL Q. JVatt and daughter, Lois, are Mr. Brough made a trip to Brig-ha- cluding licensing and other, arrangesiting in Ogden and Layton this! Citv on Friday, for a mnfpronna ments, is relatively slight,' according "Steele" to Miss Woods. ' Mra Anton Anderson had a3 her witn kou i siewart, county Agent. nat win soon be available poison NOTICE OF REDEMPTION bunday, Mr. and Mrs. for those who wish it. - .unner.jruests Mr hs3)h.: Anderson of Salt- T.nlr TREMONTON CITY; UTAH Mr. Tommy Adams, manager of the ' and Mrs. C. S. Reeves and children of base BONDS ' ientemlle, Mr. and Mrs. John C. teamsball league reports there are six now and expects practicing ' 'Crasier of Corinne, and Mr. and Mrs. there will be a few more soon, and NOTICE IS HEREBY. GIVEN that .Earl of Tremonton Garland. Anderson, final City, Box Elder County, the for arrangements - "?Mr.1ahd Mrs. league State of Wm. C. Nelson of Tre games will soon be Utah, has called for redempLet ev arranged. Monton called on friends here Sunday. one get Denind these boys and tion on June 1. A. TV 19!! tha fnl. The Misses Pearl, Ruby and Vaudes ery j lowing bonds of said boost their games. city: Bergstrom of Tremonton visited here ?xv,vvv.vv iremoncon tity, box ' iwith their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. GYPSY County, State of Utah,' Water ExMOTORISTS TRY BYWAYS tension Bonds, dated June 1, 1921, du Bergstrom, Sunday. V'Mr.'iwd Mrs. Ervin Peterson, Mr. The sight and sounds that people June 1, 1911, redeemable on or after and Mrs. Joseph Nelson and Mrs. T. miss by clinging 1, 1931, beoring interest at the only to the main June E. Adams and their families spent Sun highways cent per annum, payable of travel ar nllnrinirlv rate of 6 on June and December day afternoon at Blue Creek. presented by Kate Fentress Shaffer 1 Mrs, John C. Cranier of Corinne is wno retails in a recent in each year, in denominations of of the issue . ; visiting with her mother, Mrs. Anton New York Times some each numhprod , V ' 'V interesting fea $1,000 .Anderson. tures of a motor trip through South- ten (10). both inclusive. ; H'Miss Francessa Wight, who is atern France made by two American $15,000.00 Tremonton City, Box El- tending the U. A. C. spent Surday women, Katherine Woods and Edith ner county, state of L'tah, Sewer With Barents. Rn an,) Mro A V Bonds, dated June 1, 1921, due June 1, now. . The expedition, which started at 1941, redeemablei on or after June 1,. fMrandareMrs.uusH. J. Christenson, of Cherbourg and ended at Perigueux, oinn Deanng interest at the rate of iruesis OI ffir. ana was an adventurously unplanned afper ceni per annum, payable semiuiun, fair. Miss Woods vpyrs. 4t k. innstenson. Miss Snow sim- annually on Juno and IWomKn. t in vMr. and" Mrs. R fi. Wntt nA Mn ply avoided the and usual roads and each year, in denominations of $1,000 D K are Layton visitors this sought the byways that wind and eacn, numDered irom one (1) to fifweave about, sometimes ending by teen (15). both inclusive. Mrs. Melvin J. Wood and stream or precipice, and sometimes Funds for the payment of said dis jftjildreo of Layton visited over the appearing aitogetner. Tneir first stop uonas ana tne interest due thereon ajffek'ehd with Mrs. Wood's parents, was for luncheon at Volognes, a place will be on hand at the places where and Mrs. R. G. Watt. ; little known to tourists, which delight- Bain Donas are payable by their terms Jx iOn Tuesday the. Relief Society mem ed tbem with its , June 1,1931. surroundings onInterest , wra at me warn nau in a work and excellent meals.pretty on said bonds shall cease They progressed W& business meeting. on and after June 1, 1931. Mrs. Leland in rambline- fashion thrnncrh tha j Crystal and Mrs..Robert Allen of Tre- - try to Dated at Tremonton City, Utah, this Bayeux and thence through numerous country towns to Brive, where 6th day of April, A. D. 1931 paper flowers, the members were thev SDent two Weeks. After eirnlnr. By order of the City Council of Trery much interested and a great deal ing the territory around Brive, they monton City, Box Elder County, State " was drove to Perigueux. This was in the of Utah. accomplished. Anderson and Mrs. Vesta summertime, when the fiwMreJAMES WALTON, countryside in bloom and th Vnllo. J TfV "vuiwni wa.ru were was J fdso in attendance. Mrs. Anderson uogne wouia nave charmed beauty- - Aiiesi: a taiK on nome Deautification seeKers less LEWIS BRENKMAN. susceptible than Mis? ' kvp and urged the sisters to try for the Doods and Miss Snow. City Recorder. offered. Following the The motorists were warmed k? ihn or,lwv refreshments were served by cordiality of the people of rural ing Laura Ray, Reta Compton and France. One of the traveler's hardest la Anderson. There were 21 ladies teasks. according to Miss Woods is to present be 9 persuade anyone to accept a tip. The 10 .Genealogical meeting was held at amiuae or these as ex she people, the home of Mrs. Anton Anderson, Announcement was made Monday evening, with 12 members present. The lesson was given by A. meeting delicious refreshments were by Pres. C. E. Smith that Quar-W. Bergstrom. At the close of the serveu. veny conterance for the Bear River Stake will be held May the 9th and 10 MM SNOWVILLE LAND AND WATER COMPANY .t - - -!- - if FARM BUREAU NEWS inaicner Bread 3 for 10c 500-mi- le j i m I bread 3 for 10c and ask that you cut and compare its fine eating qualities' with any other bread you can buy regardless, , of price. We will "have a good supply of either white, raisin or brown. You may have them assorted or all of one kind. - - fca-d- er r ... -- : - . ,r kl) 4-- Quarterly Conference Will Why. We Can Do Your Gleaning 1 f I Notice is hereby given that at a rnnapu) Place of Bosines t meeting of the directors held on the 23rd day of March, 1931, an assessment of twenty-eigper cent (28) was levied on the capital stock of the corporation, payable on the 23rd day of March 1931, to Moroni Arbon, the treasurer of the company at his resio dence at Snowville, Utah. , Any stock upon which this assessment remain unpaid on the 27th daymay of April, 1931 will be delinquent and' advertised for sale at public auction, and unless payment is made before, will be sold on Saturday the 16th day of May, 1931, to pay the delinquent assessment, together with the cost of advertising and expenses of the sale. Wm. Hurd, Secretary. Snowville, Utak We have the most and modern Dry Cleaning machinery that can be bought and as modern as any west "of Chicago.. ? We invite the public to inspect our plant and see what up-to-da- te YOU WILL BE SURPRISED We Guarantee Our Work U. S. CLEANERS TREMONTON UTAH colorful cotton prints . . . regular and Buy your, summer's sup- extra sizes. ply now. s '; Exceptional Value in Girls9 CRYSTAL WHITE S0AP 10 BARS ... : 29a Patent leather slippers with fancy underlay", unusual to find such pretty ones so low priced Sturdy, too; because mcy nave aouDie oax soles! 1 BUCKEYE oats Sizes 12 to 2 29c 9 LB. BAG PURE DIXIE MOLASSES FULL 10 LBS GOLDEN RIPE QQri QU BANANAS "Peni-Arch- " SMALL CAN, COVE OYSTERS CAN Health Shoes Q ZJK, . CHOICE CUTS Pork Roasts ht nave. we and May P. is important. Reduccosts are always promptly passed on to O. P. J Skaggs-- ? System customers. If. you are not now. ohe of "our customers be sure to visit our store and become acquainted with the price saving. : a Smarter styles and better quality than' we have ever offered at this price . . . short sleeved and sleeveless . . .j ed wholesale -- - O. System-Store- priced at extra low cost. Price s lit 6 Every item of food found in Skaggs is , . :lMwid Tnbfast Bargains f , Absolatcljr ly f hr WaoEa D3)i?eoceb . - semi-annual- Save wonderful this . p-- mat help you Everybody in Bear River Valley looks forward to an O. P. Skaggs System bread sale, Saturday we will again sell : VaUnnes SttL?llI!iflegj J3 A SUGAR CURED Picnic Hams Mad wt toe, feafhet Jgg PURE PORK s?,rgc i5c Hamburger LB. J5J . CLRSttACCS WOO 0 'A Surety of purfty 6 for wofnon mHW7 XOatt wanT TTW I7cy Vtxct Ctc$3 vrfco IMS 1 1 ISbalt.1. $4 .98 We have signed up as 4 si Ton havt undoubtedly beard or read LufldMc-- ib lumber of oon mUeifuaiity. The lumber comet in packages ib the pedes and grade plainly marked ob ue taoei 01 eacn package so that the Who bay can see for bimtelf that be gets' cnetly what be orders and pars fee. Jboot : here. 1 DUEAILEQ ' la Ene with oar policy of handling only tbo finest materials and of taking ovary opportunity of proving to our customers the quality and money'i worth of our goods, wt webomea the assurance offered. " Our first shipment is now in stock. You will always find the best and hirh During our 28 years of business in Tremonton, "Quality First" has v ana we nave endeavored to always furnish you with line material best suited to vour nwrfc. Maka "v J uunuiug tmeiesi our mterest. We can help you. ' . We welcome 4 sauare hmnco it ia a "w j because industry, it will help you to build better buUdings and because it is right in line with our policy of supplying you with the best in building matonal thit ia mA..r....uj v4u r, ' - " I 'Be sure to take the first onoortunitv v ui ;aiu atiu I liquet I wis lumber and learn for Its self your - marvelous . ""'""MISVO, .. 1 Ul sure mat tne next time you need lumber you will demand this Nt . Iprodact. ... 4JS0303AQE ff IS TlCTCl Ploy Cacdals A fTHtsndns; value! Black . Wthcr with nfcber soUl AUSbet ' C9o RPP TWO ni1AX AXTTRVn - QUALITY LUMBER This ia an bvitation to stop in at the Tarda and sea the Lumber vhich has just arrived. shipment of We ant you to look at the finest lumber, grade for grade ve have ever carried. We want you to see how finely dressed it is. How it has been cut to exact lengths and both ends trimmed exactly square g. saving needless How It is packaged to protect The Ncr nich Colcrs in IPaiia mm hand-trimmin- it gainst dirt end injury. And we particularly want you to see bow every package has the specie and grade plainly printed on the label giving you certainty of lumber quality and confidence in lumber buying such as was ' Just about the smartest, most comfortable sleeping garment for modern men. Extra-qualit- y broadcloth in virile solid colors . . . with contrasting trim. See them . . i yotiH agree the price is astonishingly low I never before possible. -- , WflllsdDini ILuuffimlbcsir (CdDmmipaimiy Everything to Build Anything MONE II mEMONTON, UTAH uttrAUTHENT East Main St tec 0TORB Tremoqnton, Utah |