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Show ... This Week BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER. THURSDAY, APRIL 23. 1931 PAGE TWO j. . Deweyvflle I :!- -- - Jeanne, one vear old son of Martin J. and Ida M. Hartman, of 254 West Second North Street, Salt Lake City died at a local hospital Monday The Late Speaker Surviving are hi3 parents, nnrl errandnarentR. Mr and Mrs. El Honor to Michigan mer Chidester, of Salt Lake. Burial Important to Parents took place in the Deweyville cemetery And a Petrified Elephant Wednesday afternoon. Jos. I. Dewey Relatives and HoHipntinir tha oravf The death of Speaker Longworth friends sympathize with the young will be deeply regretted in Washington couple. and throughout the country. He was Tuesday Miss Mary Ault of Logan, able, witty, good natured, tactful. His visited here with her Aunt, Mrs. T. colleague liked him. the Nation re- R. Ault. .SnnHav Miss Jennie Marble enter spected him for his ability and character. tained a number of guests at dinner. The country feels deep sympathy Saturday. Mrs. Duett Loveland was for his widow, daughter of President in Ogden. Theodore RoosavelL Saturday and Sundav Miss Ruth Jen- ' by ARTHUR BRISBANE Citiieaa of Michigan honor their State by refusing, In overwhelming majority ,to restore the death penalty in their State. That penalty, abolished in Michigan eight-foyears ago, is an Imitation by the State of the murderer's tactics. The installation of an electric chair In the State Prison at Jackson would have been a blot upon the State, a backward step for a great commonwealth that has not known capital punishment for 100 years. con viciol KrntVior lio T!arl at. tJie hospital and sister, Mrs. O. G. Har-- j wood of Ogden. Saturday night the following met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Dewey, at Tremonton: Mr. and Mrs. N. Peter Marble, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Norr, Mrs. C. Hansen and Mrs. T. R. Ault, where they planned the dinner for the Dewev family reunion which will be held May 19th. Mrs. Victor Burbank entertained a number of her friends at her home hero Thursday. A spanish dinner was served. T. R, Ault of this place accompanied " It Is Important for parents to kno'.v his J. C. Ault, to Ogden, Tuesthat the dreaded pollomyletis, or in- day.father, fantile paralysis, attacks children Mrs. Paul Gardner and children are mainly through the nose. The germ visiting relatives in Ogden. Mrs. Letter Burbank and daughters Infects water, and can be taken through the nose passages by children were dinner guests of Mrs. A. R. Burswimming in unclean water. So says bank Monday. Mrs. Gene Leavitt and son, of .Doctor Weyer of the Willard Parker visited relatives here SatThatcher, Laboratories. Sunday. The germ is probably introduced urday and Mr. and Mrs. Duett Love-lanSunday nose the most often by into the and children were dinner guests Children should be taught of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Burbank. fingers. from Infancy to keep their hands Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Burbank, of Brig away from mouths and noses. In- ham City, were calling on relatives fluenza, "colds," a dozen infections here Sunday. start after being planted on the mucous membrane. Eureka Four feet fissure containA Chinese proverb forbids you to ing vein matter and iron struck near touch your nose or mouth, "except Big Bullion sideline in with your elbow." Children and adults Eureka Bullion property. Moab Moab Garage Co. granted alike should remember that. permit to operate automobile passenservise betwwen this city and A huge petrified elephant with tusks ger via Green River to Price. lx feet long, a foot and a half thick, Thompson is found in the bed of a dry lake on an almost Inaccessible mountain In the Mexican State of Nayarit. Much bigger than any we know, this Mexican monster lived and died But unless far from Washington. Washington's Republican elephant manage to do something between now and 19SI about unemployed. Nationwide crime, racketeering, etc., it may find itself much like its petrified Mexican brother. ur d Hill-Eure- Pm1U Carter, of the U. S. A- C. spent s few hours Sunday at her Mis'. Garland Personals home here. a -I- - Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Petterson, Pres. and Mrs. J. J. Shumway and Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Sweeten motored to Salt a Un r. c n TTnihrnnlr w w en they spent the mends. Sweeten East Tremonton j motor- - . George Abbott and were Ogden guests In7 MrZ Mr Idaho. f Sundav" where Rae daughter, and relatives with day Lake City last Thursday. Mr Harold Castleton left Monday A number of the members of the for Washington. He expects to be Ladies Self Culture Club attended the gone for some time. annual convention of the Utah State Mrs. R. J. Stavner was a Brigham Federation of Women's clubs held in City visitor Monday. Mm n T. Winter will be hostess Ogden last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lillywhite, Mr. tn fVi memhera of the Ladies Self and Mrs. Millan Peck and small daugh Culture club Friday, April 24th. ter, Sherry Jean were Ogden visitors Malcomb Gaddie and M. ftiuinner leu Saturday. last week for California to be gone Mr. and Mrs. Alma King spent Sat- for some time. Mi Mnllip Ault of Loean. who has urday and Sunday with relatives and friends in Provo. at the home of Mr. and been Mrs. Oneita Shurtz, of high school Mrs. visiting T. A. Carter, returned to her faculty, was a Salt Lake visitor Sat- home last week. . urday. G. G. Sweeten was a Bngham city Miss Francis Knott, student of the visitor Monday. U. S. A. C. spent the week end with ai me Miss Francis Knott, a her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry U. S. A. C., was initiated junior last week as Knott. tYta Omicrrm.' wiomKor ... TTnsilnn i in . nt v..v. Vhi Mrs. Jesse Lillywhite and small aa mi women's home ecnational college daughter, Joyce, of New York are onomic fraternity. visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Rich were Logan Lewis Lillywhite. visitors Sunday. facJ. T. Arbor, of the high school Dr. T. W. Innes was called to OgProvo. in week end the ulty, spent den Tuesday on account of the illness Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Chambers had of his sister. Mr. as their gurts Sunday, afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Barnard, of and Mrs. Harvard E. Goddard and Ogden, spent Saturday night and Sundaughter, E'Ip" Mr. and Mrs. Jesse dav at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lew Moore and daughter, Dorothy, alt of is Lillywhite. Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Kogers, oi &ais Mrs. R. L. Bush of Salt Lake City, IjikA Citv. visited at the home of Mr. a former resident of Garland, called and Mrs. A. S. Huish last week. on a number of friends here Sunday. R. J. Stavner SDent the week end Mr. and Mrs. George Nye and daugh with his family here. ters, Fay and Cleo, spent Sunday in Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Winters and Brigham City. Pncolla nf Rait T.fllre Citv. JanrAitav J uaufiiii'vif Lake Dr. H. Y. Richards, of Salt here visited .Sunday with relatives. City, was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lillywhite, Sunday. Highway between Panguitch and Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Moore and fambeing improved ily and Miss Jessie Bishop were Og- -' Bryce canyon junction Cedar City New telephone equip den visitors Sundav. The Misses Margaret and Helen ment installed at cost of approximaet Harvey, of the U. S. A. C. spent the ly $56,500, placed in service . week end with their parents, Mr. ana Mrs. J. L. Harvey. Mrs. W. G. Carter was pleasantly surprised at her home Sunday evening in honor of her birthday anniversary. Many friends of Mr. and Mrs Carter from Tremonton and Garland enjoyed the party. Mrs. A. D. Rich Mrs. Virgil Mrs. Lawrence Carter, Carter and Miss Virginia Carter as sisted in serving dainty refreshments Mrs. Carter returned to Logan Mrs. Charles Peterson, Mrs. Joseph to Scothern and Mrs. Hansen motored on Monday. Logan Mr and Mrs. josepn of Rexburg, Draper and Mr. Bowen fam- Idaho, visited J. O. Garfield and y"". llyBeraldNewton of Portland, Oregon rvarents. Mr. and , . nas LBeen vioiws vi" Mrs. Ted Newton, the past two weeks. Mrs. Lorenzo Kay and daughters, SunElva and Mrs. Ora Ehmann were Ted Newton. Mrs. of guests day Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Segard of Bng ham City were guests of Mr And Mrs O. A. Seager Saturday. Mrs. Sam Kay was a guest of Mrs. Walter Ehman of Tremonton, Tuesday Mrs Ira Fridal was hostess to the Ladies Farm Bureau on Friday afterfurnoon. The making of floor wax, demwas cleaners and niture polishes onstrated. Mrs. C. W. Merrill of BrighamCity visited her daughter, Mrs. Ira Fridal Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brough and even baby, of Ogden, spent Saturday vm. Wilkinson & Son that they are home and ...... ready to do your Painting Papering Tinting Etc. at - Phone gotlatlons for a "customs pact," to neip eaon otner in ousiness. England dislikes the Idea, ' theoretically in favor of free although trade. France frankly hates it, for today's t "customs pact" may become tomor-row- 's "war pact." And the pact might spread to the Balkan countries, even to Russia, creating a "bloc" for the under-doAmerican entered the war fourteen years ago. Let's hope It will be at least a hundred and forty years before we go into another, especially . into ono that we didn't start. r The way to keep out of war is to keep our of foreign entaglementa. George Washington may be ioned, and possibly not as wise as Woodrow Wilson. But he knew that, it you keep away from a man, you - are not apt to fight with him. . old-fas- h- - The Rev. Dr. Relsner objects to San- day loudspeaker advertising from the sky by airplane, and his objection is ; i ' sound.,?; ; The sky belongs to everybody. No , one should be permitted to write advertising on the clouds, or bellow advertising copy into unwilling ears, on Sunday especially. "The Heavens declare the glory of Ood; and the firmament she wet h His Handiwork," It shouldn't be made, f a dress goods concern, or anything else. " .What should be the first and last loudspeaker Announcement from the Heavens will come in due time, when Gabriel summons us to rise, and ex- .sjfela ourselves. ' ." ; 1 Yaqui Indians, in tholr villages, celebrate Easter In a way that whiter 'Christians criticise as barbarous. The whites contrast the rock sepul-chin each village, representing the tomb of Christ; three little girls in J white, representng angels, with the 'nearly asked Indian braves, their bodies streaked with paint, faces hideously masked, dancing and chanting before the altar candles. Those whites should know that a mixture is religions la the rule. Each new religion, in its turn, perpetuates the beliefs and customs of rsUgions preceding It. Scores of religions before Christianity had their trinities, miraculous births, resurrections, Christianity, today, borrows bostamee, insignia and titles from feafaa religions and governments of er . Careful Investigation shows that, because of unemployment, the wages earned by American workers in 1930 wtre nine thousand million dollars below the earnings of 1929. Nine billions ars a great many dollars, several times the value of the country's wheat and automobile out- put combined. JV (Ul A.T- TREMONTON- p-- ' m'mmm' (A tie, UTAH - UTAH AUTO & IMP. CO. TUB FORD SHOW R(KMS April 24th and 25th 2P.M.tolOP.M. long9 hard use shows the value of good materials and simplicity of design ADMISSION FREE and HEAR. THE TALKING PICTURE SEE hear reports of the good performance and reliability of the Ford. One owner writes "The Ford Tudor Sedan I am driving has covered 59,300 miles through all kinds of weather. It is still giving perfect satisfaction. Another owner describes a trip of 3217 miles in 95 hours over bad roads and through heavy rain and sleet in the mountains. "Throughout the en, tire trip, he writes, the Ford performed ex ccllently and no mechanical trouble of any kind EVERYWHERE you go you "A Tour Through The. Ford Factory" Thousands of people from all over the world visit the Ford plant every year Now this vast industrial organization is brought direct to you by an intensely interesting Talking Motion Picture . Come and see where and how America's most popular motor car is built. Only when you see and hear how efficiency, economy and craftsmanship have been put into volume production can you realize how so much extra value can be given in the Ford car without increase in price. was experienced. The shatter-proo- f glass undoubtedly saved us from serious injury when a prairie chicken struck the windshield while we were traveling at 65 miles an hour." See the nearest dealer and have him give you a Special Showing of Latest Ford Cars and Many Trucks demonstration ride in the Ford. Then, from your own personal experience, you will know that it brings you everything you want or need in a motor car at an unusually low price. LOW FORD 9435ID it Don't miss the new Ford De Luxe Body Types. Distinctive in line and color. Smart in their new appointments. Rich and luxurious in their, interior trim and upholstery. You will be interested, too, in the reasons why so many manufacturers and stores have chosen the rugged Ford PRICES truck and the swift Ford delivery cars. 0B3fl (F. o. b, Detroit, pint freight and delivery. Bumpert and pore tire extra at tote cott. You may purehate a Ford ear or truck for m email down payment, on eontenUnt, economical term through your Ford dealer,) There are many other features on display that in themselves make this Special Ford Exhibit well worth a visit. You will learn about the safety of the Triplex shatter-proo- f glass windshield, the strength of the sturdy Ford steel-spok- e wheels, the comfort of the Houdaille double-actin- g hydraulic shock adsorbers, and the brilliance of the Rustless Steel. Utah Auto & Imp. Co. Tremonton, . Tha American Federation of Labor flfnres the 1930 drop even higher, at tn Mlltons. f ky Kiat Pmfn, regard to breeding, feeding, culling, diseases, etc. of poultry, gained thru years of ..experience and scientific tests. This service is given to promote ..the poultry industry. Do not fail to ask the representative when he calls upon you for any information you may require in regard to your flock. This information does not place you under and obligation. Utah State Representative, iniu 0) ' , 4 to receive vicinity, valuable information in located 735 Washington Ave., Ogden. 3a-- 3 (7 g. ' r, ii i s The Standard Chemical Products Co. P. O. Box 1764, Den-veColo., takes pleasure in announcing a free advisory service, making it possible for poultry raisers of this See The Special MIEILIIAIBniLJnrY . NOTICE TO POULTRY RAISERS C. R. PORTER, AUTO CAMP iFdDnaip . . ! ing Sunday with Mr. Brough's parents Mr. and Mrs. R. G.' Brought Mr. and Mrs. Zelf Erickson,&f Mon tua, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Brough. Max Beal was a Malad visitor on Sunday. Vernal Johns spent Sunday in Salt Lake City.. Mr. and Mrs. George Beal motored to Richfield on Wednesday where they will visit relatives for a few days. SfdUtu, lac.) v Utah |