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Show T'.y it ' 1 IIWE VOI ITMP OIV "In"'11 luW" Pattiromflse Utah State Road Report On Condition ; INJURED IN City-Lon- Logan-Garde- rJpmiam-v.ci3uei'i- do, were seriously injured Monday, about noon, two miles West of on the main highway. The accident happened when a tire blew out on the .Chevrolet Sedan in which they were riding throwing the car out of control which plurged into a deep bar Mr. Kramer is the most critical- ' pit. ly injured, his condition being ser iou3 as reported from the Valley Hospital n, v, where the family was taken following the accident. Mr. Kramer received a severe scalp wound, a mashed nose a and severe cuts about the head and face, and crushed chest which is the most serious, complications having already set in. Mrs. Kramer received bruises and a ' eye. Orie son, Mike, receiv-Jipjickened 1 broken arm and a bad cut under C left eye. Thomas and Anna, the other son and daughter, received but minor bruises and cuts.. The Kramers were on their way from Rupert, Idaho, to their home in Colorado when the accident happened. Outside of the father all are recovering favorably from their injuries. The family is at the Valley Hospital. ? 4 Senior Class to Play "Take My Advise" 30th 3, I -- Gate-Duches- U-3- 3, a x. ' The cast is as follows: Ar'ton. Hansrn Ann Weaver Bill Linford Bud Weaver Idonna Porter Mrs. Weaver Mr. Weaver Harry Hansen Kerry Van Kind .... Elias Landvatter Earl Gleason Jimmy Thayer Jack Austin Bradley Clement Ttfarella Scotte LaVera Manning "Dairy Pay" Near at Hand, Sat., May 2nd. .On .Saturday May 2, at 9 a. m., in City, the fifth annual Box IHder County "Dairy Day' vrill begin. The finance, committee reported that the county commissioners, the Brigham City council, and the Brig-haCity merchants' committee had each made an appropriation toward defraying the expenses of the day. All dairymen who have transportation expenses, to get their dairy animals in will be liberally assisted by the finance committee. It is hoped that everyone will get the spirit of the day, and help to make . it a success. . Everv forward dairv steo helns to build up a dairy payroll; and so every in the county 19 assisted, v : day Remember the date, and plan your 10 De present. "Brigham m - Guernsey Breeders to Meet Sat, April 25th Nert Saturday, April p5, the Guernsey dairy cattle breeders of Box Elder County will visit the Guernsey herds at the office of County Agricul tural Agent Stewart, at which point the tour will begin. In the early afternoon refreshments will be served by J. P. Barnard on his farm, and a short interesting meeting will be held there to discuss some of the Guernsey dairy cattle problems. Jack Robinson, field man of the Am erican Guernsey Cattle Breeders association, arid President Van Dike, of the Utah State Guernsey Breeders association have planned to be with us on the tour, and will each talk at the meeting. All dairymen of the county are invited to attend. Due to the power and off for about light hours, being caused by high winds, much of the local news had to be left out in order to get our paper out on time Editor, 16 J - ne , en. . . ,- - The probable starting lineup for the A. C. game Is Harris C, McDowell IB., N. Waldron 2B., Randall S.S., Con ger 3B., S. Cropley L. F., V. Cropley C. F., R, Waldron or Heaton R, F. Either Hunsaker or Sutherland will do the chucking. Others who may see action in this game are Evans, Richardson, Haight, Watkins, Morgan, Green, Shuman, Bessinger, Bowcutt, and Gephart. ., , . . F. C. Gephart Pleased With Big Month Sale Saturday, April 25 will bring the great trade expansion of the Gephart Stores company has been conducted the past close to a sale that four weeks. L. M. WINSOR Early Irrigation Soaks Sub-so- il That Cannot Be Reached Later . Utah Farmers should Logan. make every use of whatever opportunities they have for early irrigation according to L. M. Winsor, irrigation engineer with the U. S. Department of Agriculture and for many years a member of the faculty at the Utah State Agricultural College . Mr. Winsor advocates irrigation in March if possible and if not as early in April as it can be accomplished.' Mr. Winsor points out the numerous experiments that have been conducted in Utah, all of which point unqualifiedly to the great value of early irrigation where the annual percipi-tatio- n is low. With Utah irrigators racing a severe water shortage this year the rule will apply generally oyer the state. According to Mr. Win sor the prospects for late season water in Utah have never been so poor. The great value of early irrigation, is that it soaks up the dry l. Later in the season it is almost imil to absorb possible to get this water, but it is comparatively easily to do so when the frost has just left the ground. Mr. Winsor declares that even in a normal year there are many il sections where the dry can be found within thirty inches of the surface. He advocates early irrigation whenever the is found to be dry within reach of a long handled shovel or a six foot soil augur. Mr. Winsor" quotas from numerous experiments that have been made in Utah since 1911 on this problem and he is emphatic in advocating that in thj present year every drop of early water should be used for irrigation sub-soi- sub-so- sub-so- the wind raged, carrying, it of the winter and spring moisture. ' The sale has been of such magniseemed, a warning of impending dan- Without rain much of the seed plant- - tude that it deserves special mention. ger and an indcation of its power and d would lay in the fields until lr- - Too many times people are led away to the large cities for these big sales destructiveness. Great sighs of relief igated from the canals. and often return to find they could have been served iust as well or better Will at the home merchant and would have the dollar at home. kept Be The Gephart sale has come at a time when ereat sales were beinur run ; . in the large cities and thousands of dollars were spent in advertis- purposes.., The Tremonton M. I. A. Dramatic ' Mrs. P. S. Jensen, of Bear River ing to bring being to for this people Club will present "New Brooms", a City, is at the Valley Hospital suffer- reason this local sale hasthem, served a two 3 of Sunthe American home, in comedy fold purpose, first to furnish a good ing from a broken hip, received acts, Tuesday evening in the L. D. S. day evening. Mrs. Jensen was walk- opportunity for those who had a little Recreation Hall. A matinee will be ing around her home on the pavement money to spend to make a saving on held for rhildrpn lindpr mutual now when she tripped on something on the the articles purchased, the second it Monday, at 5 o'clock. This is one of walk, fell heavily to the pavement and has served to keep the money at home Those who have passed by Fish-buthe M. T. A. activities sponsored received the above injury. She is re- and has furnished a number of addi this last week have noticed one der the ward recreational bucLret nlan sorted to' be festintr easily and all in- - tional for our own people, a welj window full of new base ball uniforms jobs free will be snd ta holders of watd as ft 'is hoped "give demonstration which will fill 'a' long wanted need for covery. of how goods can be bought at home the club. ... , De made to others. at the same or greater savings than These uniforms were made possible ine piay win ionow tne regular away. by a number of the business firms of mutual meeting. It takes courage to spend a lot of Tremonton. The names of these firms cast: Chan Cornwall, Reed Har The on as a sale such money in putting by on the back of the suit they appear ns, Bertha Robbms, Fawson Cook, the Gephart Stores Co of this city has, The club only regrets that Garfield, Carl Cook, Eithel Kerr, in times as they are today, but accord- purchased. The home of Joseph Hansen, of many places were not solicited, and Fae Adams, Alton Beck, LaMont Mr. to hundreds of ing Gephart many some had to be turned down was completely destroyed by new Vance, Floe Luke and Bobbie Eldridge customers have been added, some due torequests seventeen the that fact fire Sunday between 11 and 12 o'clock, from in Idaho, Ogden, We- uniforms were needed. only far .. while the - family was away.. It is ber Countyparts and Cache County. ..Good Those who subscribed are:". thought that the fire originated in the will has been fostered which has amkitchen from defective wiring. Shaw & Iverson, Tremonton for the sacrifice made in the ply The fire was discovered by a pass- cost paid Bakery, Gepharts, Scott Drug, Ameriof merchandise. can Foof Store, Vico, Farmers Cash The Ugladians, consisting of Edna er by and the alarm was given but Union, Utah Power & Light, Wooda few articles were saved in spite orthington, Irene Pack, Thelma Har only Home ward who Brs., Heitz & Winzeler, Ford the number of of people large ris, DeEsta Holmgren, Lela Jensen Garage, Fronk Chevrolet, ."Liberty and Pearl Bergstrom, accompanied by gathered to render assistance. The was well equipped with electricTheatre, Marbles Associated Service, Harry Woodward, violinist, Phyllis home e. J. C. Penney Co., and McDowell appliances and the loss was heavy Wilson, reader; and Ruby Bergstrom al The of Alvin home of Hunsaker, inas was it only partly covered by pianist, received a hearty reception surance. Honeyville, was destroyed by fire of uniforms were ordered thru , Friday when they performed in the an unknown origin late Friday after- theThese Fishburns & Son Company. L. S. Mann proffered a vacant home noon. The home was a two Yale Ward in Salt Lake City and over story KSL during the midnight hour. Many a short distance from the one burned frame building of several thousand who to are Hansen the on the family making dollars value. congratulations were received Local their home in the same. performance of these young people. friends who came and Neighbors To lose a fine little home and its succeeded in Roll . They 11 appear in the Orpheum in saving part of the furniOgden, Wednesday, April 29th in the furnishings such as the Hansen home ture but the home was burned to the finals of the contest in which they evokes the the sympathy of the com- ground. According to reports it was Melvin A. Cook of Tremonton and placed first on the night they per- munity. partly covered by insurance. Loretta Jensen and Vemell Petersen formed.' ,The sympathy of the community of Bear River City were sent congratgoes out to one who sees a life's ef- ulatory cards by the scholarship ceir.- forts, perhaps, go up in smoke in a Lmittee of the University of Utah in Club few hours. By recognition of their high scholastic !: record for the winter quarter. Mr. The Rough Riders Ball Club staged Cook was an honor student for the aut I umn quarter also. Following is the official record of an enjoyable dance Wednesday eventhe! dual track meet, Malad vs. Bear ing, the beginning of a series of dancThere were 491 honor students for River High Schools, held April 17, es by which they hope to finance their the winter quarter as compared with Father Catholic of the enclub. Many of the dance lovers Hallington, , 1931: 369 for the autumn quarter. These Wedcame up from Ogden, Races j joyed the dance in spite of the fact Church, i Mr. and Mrs. all had an average better than a B. to visit nesday morning of the to had dance that part they 100 yard dash Time: 10 5 sees. Andrew Kramer and family, who were The honor students for the winter candle and flash lights. included fifteen per cent of Hawkins, Bear River; Talbot, Malad; time bysecond dance of their series will seriously injured in an auto accident quarter The Points: B. R. total the Cropley, Bear River registration for the quarter. be given Wednesday, April 29th, in Monday. H. S. 6; M. H. S. 3. ST Recreation Hall. LTD. the Mile Run Time: 5 min. 11 5 sees. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Calderwood Green, Bear River; Williams, Malad; and baby, and Mrs. George Schoffield Bear H. B. R. River; Palmer, Malad; went to Points: Weidman, Stockings, Malad Wednesday. Mrs. Points: B. R. CalderwoodLayton, Cropley, Bear River S., 5; M. H. S., 4. and her little son and Mrs H 3. M. H. 5 sees 57 Mile Time Run 6; S., Quarter Scoffield will pose with relatives to Javelin Distance: 128 ft. 2 ins. Talbot, Malad; Kirkham. Bear River; The Ford Truck Caravan, a part of make up a picture of five generations. R. Points: B. Jensen, Malad; Rhodes, Bear. River; The youngest show to be shown at the local Rogers, Bear River the two is the months and Points: B. R. H. S., oldest is 90 H. S., 4; M. H. S., 5. Evans, Malad Ford Dealers, the Utah Auta & Imof years age. 3; M. H. S., 6. Medley Relay Time: 3 min. 16 Company, Friday and Saturplement Total Points: B. R. H. S., 15; M. sees. Bear River Garfield, Don Mr. and Mrs. Joe through Tremonton, Wedday, passed are doing Burgess Gunnel, Wayne Gunnell, Thompson; H. S., 12. extensive improvements on their home nesday in its way to Malad. Malad Jumps Hall, Smith, Budge, Wayne. and yard, which they recently purchas The trucks halted on Tremont Street Points: B. R. H. S., 3; M. H. S., 1. Pole Vault Height: 9 ft. 11V4 ins. ed from Mr. J. W. Crawforth and for a brief pause and presented quite 220 Yard Dash Time 24 5 sees. Bowcutt, Bear River; Harris, Bear along with his neighbors on that block an array. The following trucks made Hawkins, Bear River; Hawkins, Ma- River; Perry, Bear River Points: are adding a much needed improve- up the caravan: one half ton panel Points: B. R. H. S., 9; M. H. S., 0. lad j Morgan, Bear River ment, that of a cement sidewalk. delivery truck, a half ton DeLuxe deB. R. H. S., 6; M. H. S., 3. 5 ft 6 ins. High truck, the balance were one and Height Jump livery Half Mile Run Time 2 min. 19 5 Gibbs, Bear River; Williams, Malad; C. A. Walton returned to Tremon- one half ton trucks with the followsees. Jensen, Malad; Green, Bear Perry, Bear River Points: B. R. ton Sunday after a three month's vis- ing bodies: a stake, ice, dump, coal, Points: B. R. H. S., 6; M. H. S., 3. River; Talbot, Malad it in Coalville and Salt Lake with his garbage, panel Police Patrol and exH. S., 3; M. H. .S., 6. 17 ft. Vk daughters, Mrs. Sam Wilde and Mrs. cess body. , Broad Mile Relay Time: 4 min. 15 5 ins. Talbot, Malad; Hawkins, Malad; J. H. Rhead. seca. Malad; Bear River Thompson, Points: B. R. Morgan, Bear River D. Gunnell, Capener, Garfield Points: H. S., V, M. H. S., 8. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Call and J. R. B. R. H. S., 3; M. H. S 1. Total B. R. H. S., 1 ; M. Call spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Points: Son New Half Mile Relay Time: 1 min. 42' H. S., 11. Frank Taylor. Mrs. Aaron Call is recers. Bear River Cropley, Don GunB. R. H. S., 64; M. turning to her home in Burley Idaho, Totals: Grand nell, Morgan, Hawkins; Malad H. S., 47. Mrs. J. D. Harris left for Chicago after being in a Salt Lake hospital for Points: B. R. H. S 3; M. H. S., 1. New ..York where she will ..meet team not men six and the months.' figured High point past B. R. H. S., 33; M. H, S., members of mile and Total e her son Lloyd who is returning from relays 24. not recorded. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Calderwood had France where he has been laboring as Field Events Bear River, 10 firsts; Malad 4 as their Sunday dinner guests Mr. and a missionary ..for the past two ..and a Shot Put Distance: 39 ft 6V4 ins. firsts. Bear River took first in all Mrs. Clarenre Weaver, Mrs. Victor half years . Mrs. Harris will also visit Deloris Stuart, Miss Libbie Calderwood, Mr. Cropley, Bear River; Evanc, Malad; three relays. Some of the boys who showed the and Mrs. Dan Hunter and son, Byron, who is in the Eastern States on a Points: Durfey and Rhodes, B. R. best will go to the B. Y. U. Invitation and Mrs. -- Harold Merrill, all of Salt mission and her son LaMar who 3. B. R. H. S., 6; M. H. Lake City. ... Discuss Distance:. 90 ft. 7'i ins. meet next Saturday. .. . dentestry in Chicago. . Base bIu Team Gets Needed New Uniforms U-1- 8, ms un-Tnfi-nn 1 i " . El-w- in Home of Joseph Hansen Fire Sun. Destroyed d, Ugladians Performed In Salt Lake Friday Pro-ducv- Students Are On Honor at U. of U. . 4 - . 1-- Reverand A. R. Dickson is Rporting a new Willys .Six, purchased from the ' Heitz & Winzeler Auto Co. 1-- A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Garfield at the Valley Hos pital. Monday, April 20th. Mother Ford Truck Caravan Makes Stop Here 2-- and bebe are doing nicely. At last reports received from the 2-- Dee Hospital Mrs. E. A. Stenquist, who is seriously ill, shows little or no ... Mrs. Levi Dunn is able to be around after several weeks confinement to 5 3-- her home and two minor operations performed at Salt Lake City. Mrs. Dunn's many friends are happy in her 1-- recovery- - Mrs. Rose H. Grant, Mrs. Jes. Grant and Mr .and Mrs. Clnrence Grant, of American Fork, and Mrs. Victor Welb of Salt Lake, visited with Mr. and Mrs Geo. W. Koford of East Tremonton, Sunday. Mrs. Rose Grant is the mother of Mrs. Koford. A card received from Windsor, Ontario, Canada, from Owen Keller, How ard Getz, Bert Miller and Sam Schrenk, carried the information that the boys are having a great time. They remained in Detroit for the Na- tional Aircraft show. While in De troit the boys visited the famous Ford Plant and left on the 15th for Peoria, Series of Dances to be Ball Given Tremonton Locals 1 .- Mr. and Mrs. Phil Chamberlain, of Salt Lake, spent the week end at the home ofjilr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor. - " Bear River High Wins In Interschool Meet , Tremonton Locals Alvin Hunsaker's Destroyed by Fire ,. Girls ChorSunlight Waltz, song us, Organ, Piano and Three Violins. Gibb Youth Triumphant Overture Ensemble Organ and Piano. Violin Largo, Negro Spiritual Harrw Woodward. Solo and Organ, Moonlight Meadows - Czebulka Double Mixed Quartette. ' Flo March Big Ben (Descriptive) ,S. Allen Ensemble Organ and Pi ano. .. Fish-burn- s, . - len. 111. The Rough Riders open the 1931 base ball season next Sunday afternoon at four o'clock on the local grounds. Their opponents will be an all star team from the Aggie School at Logan. The team is being handled by the Epsilon Fraternity, and from all advance dope the collegians will present a classy squad,.. For the past two weeks the local diamond has taken on the appearance of a Notre Dame training camp. There has been over thirty men out to regular practices, and each with a single thought that of making the squad. The new uniforms have arrived, but will not be issued for two weeks. It is the plan of the management to give every one a fair chance, to show their wares before the regular team is chos- Mrs. P. J. Jensen "New Brooms" Given Following Breaks Hip in Mutual Tuesday Fall on Walk The following program, which 13 sponsored by the .Stake Presidency and under the direction of Joseph H. Kirkham, will be rendered at the Stake Tabernacle, Sunday, April 26th, at 3 P. M. Everyone is invited, admission free. Program Scotson Marche Aux Flambeaux Clark Ensemble Organ and Piano. M Adams Bells of St. Mary's Men Chorus. Hildreth Folk Songs of America Ensemble Organ and Piano. Selected Jack Wah Tenor solo improvement. O sub-so- il Free Musical Treat Will Given April 26 f THIRTY-TW- Tremonton Meets EARLY WATERING U. S. A. C. Base ADVOCATED BY Bailers April 26th Avhile U-2- 1, a; -- ' su-ew- 7, Delta-Nevad- 0ne of the worst winds and dust and free, expressions of thankfulness storms in the history of Tremonton were heard as night dawned and the raged all night Tuesday" and" until late "wind subsided. evemrg Wednesday, April 21st; and : To people who have lived in the 22nd. The wind was an Easterner and shelter of the sturdy bulwarks, unlaid havoc and ruin in its path, woop4 accustomed .to destructive winds and ing down off the East range of moun- cyclones, it. was a terrifying experitains, carrying with it immense clouds ence. From reports coming from difof dust and put the valley in partial ferent parts of the state and other darkness as it completely covered the states it is evident that many sections sun. Beets and peas and other young were much harder hit than the Bear land tender crops in several parts of River Valley and when all is summed the valley were blown completely out up the damages ti crops and buildings will be slight compared with those of of the ground. In a field visited in East Tremonton Davis, Weber, and Salt Lake Counties. the dirt was entirely blown from a ;, During the night a light rain fell field of peas, that had just sprouted and cleared the air of the terrible dust .a taKen root sufficiently to hold The foothills were covered with snow. hem unl they look like they had During Thursday afternoon a calm and beautiful rain descended upon the on top oi me ground, uei of the as if-- in Trees were uprooted, barns and valley done andcompensation will be in damage reality sheds were turned over, electric and worth a hundred fold more to the teiepnone poles were blown down. Due farmers than all the damage wrought to the damage done to electric lines of the wind of the previous day as the Utah Power & Lieht Co. the val by never in the history of the perhaps was without and from ley light power would a rain do more good than 10 o'clock Wednesday evening until 2 valley at the present time. o'clock the following afternoon. For the past two weeks cold North People were in constant fear and and Easterly winds blowing over the high tension for more than 24 hours valley has sapped from the soil much a-- Price-Salin- a, U-1- 0, U-2- 7, cil-.i- i S Beaver-Nevad- ... , . U-- - 1, ( ton-Ida- Thursday night, Aprilj30, at 8:15 M. in the high school auditorium, the senior class oi Bear liver High School will present ''Take My Advice,'.' a comedy in three acts by Elliott Les- ter. ... It is an amusing play full of laughs and chuckles from' beginning to end. Ma Weaver is a mineralogist fanatic "who endeavors to forecast the lives of all the characters. Pa Weaver portrays an acute weakness for succumb-in- g to the gutter of fake oil stock. To add to the woes of the family, Bud, .. the son, quits school and comes home to marry the town vamp, Marella w "Scotte.Meanwhile his sister, Ann, ' Dids ffc hmHvVlMg- dlntremr """""becoming stage 6tenck and yearning rood condition. t to become an actress. Out of the ensuing complications with Bud Weaver and his infatuation for the vamp, the entertaining and be plot arises to an unusual T. con- - via Laterals Randolph, construction with no detour Iremon in Laketown Canyon; via Garland, construction Plymouth to Idaho line, slow. U. S. 40. Generally good condition. Construction in Daniels Canyon east of Heber, slow at signs. Oiled road over Park City summit soft in some sections for 15 miles account recent storms and frost leaving ground, condition improving. Regraveling Nevada line to Knolls 41 miles, slow at construction, loose gravel. U. S. 530, Echo on U. S. 30-to Kimballs on U. S. 40, good, except soft sections and slow north of Kim balls on U. S. 40, good, except soft Sections and slow north of Kimballs. Laterals 34 and 35, Wanship to Kam as and Keetley, good. U. .S. 50. Good condition. Construe tion between Thompson and Colorado line, chiefly off travelled road: one de tour, via Cato's Ranch in good condition. Lateral Castle Lateral good condition. U. S. 450. Good condition, except short detour at bridge 2lA miles south of Moab . U. S. 89. Good, except construction Panguitch to Bryce Canyon Jet. 7 miles, short detours, fair, and construction between Mt. Camel Jet. and Kanab, good detours. U. S. 31. Good condition to Anderson's Ranch north of St. George, thence construction or regraveling general to Arizona line, detours, fair. Day and night shifts Arizona line north 9 miles, slow at signs. Provo to Heber, good Lateral condition. Laterals a St. George- and Nevada via Modena in good condition. U. S. 189. Nephi to Pigeon Hollow orinH nnditinn vr Tf trrfTifi f T"" to Gunnison u-4- Gentle Rain Follows on Path of High Winds to Crops That Doing Immense-Benefi- t Were Badly in Need of Moisture 1 i- Tre-mo- " J e, ona. U. S. 30S. Good condition, no Andrew Kramer, 67, his wife, two " sons and a daughter of Delta, Colora- structjon. Idaho-WyomiU-- . CROPS BLOWN OUT AND BURIED Widstoe-Escalant- Graveled Highway ' NUMBER LEAVING DESTRUCTION IN ITS PATH Of April 17, 1931 Summary: All main roads open and in generally good condition. On j connections or secondary roads, sum mits reported muddy: Cove Fort-iSe- 7 e and LaSal-Co- l vier Wheil! orado. Summits closed account snow: n City, Cedar rauvtc- valley, Huntington, Vernal and Kamas-Tab- Hurt Car Overturns On ' ttMo IPapsff LLEY LEAMR DESTRUCTIVE WIND VISITS VALLEY AUTO ACCIDENT " flea: TREMONTON, UTAH, THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1931 FIVE PERSONS JVamily All ' Advefftticsiro ittfine 4 . BEAR , to WiM Pay Yobj .. .... Jump-Distanc- e: : Mrs. J. Harris Meets in York City half-mil- , , |